Summary: | The aim of this investigation was to compare short-term repeated sprint training (RST) and a combination of repeated sprints and plyometric training (COM) in addition to normal soccer training on the effect of repeated sprint ability (RSA) and several other performance measures in male youth soccer players. It was hypothesised that performing repeated sprints and plyometric training would enhance RSA and several other performance measures to a greater extent compared to repeated sprint training alone.
Twenty male subjects (aged 14.6 ± 0.32) participated in the study and were randomly placed into RST (n = 9) and COM (n =11) experiment groups. RSA, countermovement jump (CMJ), reactive strength index (RSI), RSI drop jump height, RSI ground reaction force (GRF), RSI contact time, 10m and 30m sprint times, isometric leg press maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) and peak height velocity (PHV) were assessed. The duration of the intervention was 7 weeks, 2 sessions per week in pre-season.
The current study showed that both RST and COM groups significantly enhanced their RSA (p < 0.05) with a larger effect size in the RST group compared to COM group (d = 1.6 vs. 0.67). Both RST and COM groups also significantly reduced their RSI and RSI contact time (p < 0.05). The COM group experienced further significant differences in RSI jump height and GRF. Neither group significantly changed their 10m and 30m sprint times or leg press MVC values (p > 0.05). There were no significant interaction effects between groups.
Performing either repeated sprint training alone or combining repeated sprints with plyometric training can significantly improve RSA in male youth soccer player.