Summary: | Chile has been moving towards inclusive education. However, there are still many challenges regarding the implementation of inclusion policies. Teachers’ attitudes and self-efficacy are crucial for implementation to be successful. Thus, the purpose of this study was to explore Chilean teachers’ attitudes towards inclusive education and self-efficacy in implementing inclusive practices.
The data were collected in 2015. A sample of 108 Chilean in-service teach-ers completed a questionnaire containing a Sentiments, Attitudes and Concerns about Inclusive Education (SACIE) scale, a Teacher Self-Efficacy for Inclusive Practices (TEIP) scale, and ratings for the best educational environment for stu-dents with different special educational needs.
The results indicate that teachers’ sentiments towards interacting with people with disabilities were positive, but that they had great concerns for in-cluding students with special educational needs in their own classrooms. Teachers’ overall self-efficacy in implementing inclusive practices was high, and teachers with higher self-efficacy also had more positive attitudes. The quality of teachers’ previous experience (from very negative to very positive) on teaching students with special educational needs was the strongest predic-tor of their attitudes towards inclusive education. The most inclusive educa-tional environments were recommended for students with mild special educa-tional needs.
The findings of this study suggest that positive experience of teaching students with special educational needs can have positive impact on teachers’ attitudes toward inclusion. The findings provide to understand teachers’ atti-tudes toward inclusive education more comprehensively, and give ideas on how to improve pre-service and in-service teacher education.