Yhteenveto: | Nowadays, quite many different media channels are used popoluarly. For instance, phone call, text message, email, website, and various mobile applications. Web technique plays a significant role in today’s society, no matter where we are, what we are doing, we cannot live without it. The Web is quite functional to us, we surf on-line everyday for education, entertainment, or look for useful information. However the current web still cannot fulfil our demands. Now, consider a customer trying to buy a product first through visiting a website first in order to find out more information. Later this customer calls for a quote by phone, and finally this cus- tomer decides to buy this production by sending an email to the seller. This whole process is called multiple channel communications. Multiple channel communica- tion system is a future vision for E-business. It is based on semantic web technique, autonomic computing and recommendation engine. So far, however, there has been little discussion about multiple channel communication in AI(artificial intelligence) field.
The main targets of this thesis are firstly to seek how semantic technologies could be implemented for constituting a multi-channel communication system. Then specif- ically, this thesis attempts to review and introduce these semantic technologies from a deep and understandable perspective to readers. Literature review is used as the research approach for this thesis.
In conclusion, this thesis provides the solutions to each component of multi- channel communication system, however there are still some certain issues which need to be discussed with more details in the future. The author hopes this thesis could make a small contribution in semantic technologies fields for other research or in the practical world.