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- NMR spectroscopy 3
- X-ray crystallography 3
- fluorescence spectroscopy 3
- resorcinarene 3
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- structural chemistry 3
- supramolecular chemistry 3
- Langmuir-Blodgett film 2
- UV-vis spectroscopy 2
- antibacterial silver 2
- host-guest chemistry 2
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- orgaaninen kemia 2
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- solid lipid nanoparticle 2
- toiminnalliset materiaalit 2
- NMR-spektroskopia 1
- UV-Vis spectroscopy 1
- funktionella material 1
- halogen bonding 1
- intermolecular interactions 1
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- kemialliset sidokset 1
- laskennallinen kemia 1
- makrosyklit 1
- molekyler 1
- molekyyliverkostot 1
- organisk kemi 1
Exploring the self-assembly of resorcinarenes : from molecular level interactions to mesoscopic structures
Published 2012Subjects: JYX-julkaisuarkisto / JYX Digital Archive
Doctoral dissertation -
Tetramethoxy resorcinarens as platforms for fluorescent and halogen bonding systems
Published 2015Subjects:Doctoral dissertation -
Exploring the self-assembly of resorcinarenes : from molecular level interactions to mesoscopic structures
Published 2012Subjects: Linkki verkkoaineistoon
Doctoral dissertation