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Vanhempien sosioekonomisen aseman ja asuinpaikan yhteys nuorten ruokailutottumuksiin : WHO-Koululaistutkimus
Published 2018“…Frequency distri-butions, cross-tabulations and chi-square test were used to analyze the data. The results indicate that boys ate less frequently fruits and vegetables and drank soft drinks more often than girls. …”
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Frontaalitason polven liikehallinnan yhteys äkillisiin alaraajavammoihin nuorilla urheilijoilla
Published 2019“…The purpose of this study was to investigate the association between frontal plane knee control during drop jumps and non-contact acute lower extremity injuries in floorball and basketball players, 21 years old or younger. This prospective study was part of the larger Predictors of lower extremity injuries in team sports -study (PROFITS-study) carried out in the Tampere Research Center of Sports Medicine (Tampere, Finland). …”
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Päiväkotien liikuntaolosuhteet ja niiden yhteyksiä lasten motorisiin perustaitoihin
Published 2017“…Altogether 37 randomly selected preschools around Finland, and 1136 3-7-year-old children (572 girls, 564 boys) attending these preschools took part in this study. …”
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Vanhempien minäpystyvyyden muutos mentalisaatioperusteisen perheintervention aikana
Published 2023“…Ten of the parents´ children were boys and one was a girl. The parents were 33-52 years old. …”
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Keski- ja korkeatehoisen kestävyystyyppisen intervalliliikunnan vaikutus nuorten inhibitioon pitkäkestoisen istumisen aikana – VERNA-tutkimus
Published 2024“…Participants of the subsample were 12–14-year-old healthy girls (n=10) and boys (n=8) recruited from schools in Jyväskylä. …”
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Lonkkamurtumasta kuntoutuvan ikääntyneen henkilön sosiaalinen toimintakyky : näöntarkkuuden yhteys sosiaaliseen osallistumiseen
Published 2016“…The participants of this study were operated for a hip fracture in 2008-2009 in Central Finland Central hospital. Participants were over 60 years old community-dwelling people. 63 (78%) of participants in this study were women and 18 (22%) men and they were followed-up for one year after hip fracture. …”
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Kestävyyskunnon, fyysisen aktiivisuuden, voimaharjoittelun ja paikallaanolon yhteydet insuliiniresistenssiin 15–17-vuotiailla nuorilla
Published 2024“…This thesis is based on cross-sectional data of 8-year follow-up measurements from Physical Activity and Nutrition in Children (PANIC) study conducted by the University of Eastern Finland. The participants for this thesis were 15–17 years old boys and girls who lived in Kuopio region and had participated in the measurements of the variables included in this thesis (n=191). …”
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Relationships between general and specific physical characteristics and match-related indicators in elite Finnish ice hockey players at different playing positions
Published 2020“…Teoreettinen maksimaalinen hapenottokyky oli yhteydessä edettyyn matkaan Yo IR1-IH:ssa (r = 0.514, p < 0.01). …”
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