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"It is a broad, broad concept and extremely interesting." : CLIL teachers and class teachers' beliefs about language awareness
Published 2024“…The study was done by conducting four interviews, two with elementary school English CLIL teachers and two with elementary school class teachers. …”
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Combining Differentiated Instruction with practices from Intercultural Education : an exploratory case study from a Finnish classroom
Published 2024“…Themes emerging from this study highlite a variety of DI teaching practices, CLIL displays, and cooperation between the teacher and the other grade teachers as well as the parents. …”
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Golfin oppiminen ja opettaminen : tehtäväopetuksen ja video-opetuksen vertailu
Published 2020“…A player learns through practice the different strikes, but with help of teacher and for example watching videos of own practicing, it is possible to achive results in shorter time period. …”
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The feasibility and possible benefits of indoor exergames in primary school
Published 2017Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
Seikkailukasvattajan ammatillinen kasvu
Published 2016“…The signifance of the course came up as getting grip of adventure education, development of soft and hard skills and as personal process of growth. …”
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Tunnin miellyttävyyden, koetun fyysisen kuormittavuuden, liikunnan arvosanan ja tunnin opetusvaiheiden yhteys 8-luokkalaisten sykkeisiin liikuntatunneilla
Published 2016“…Liikuntapedagogiikan pro gradu–tutkielma, 56 s., 1 liite. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää tunnin miellyttävyyden, koetun fyysisen kuormittavuuden, liikunnan arvosanan, opetusvaiheiden ja eri lajien yhteyttä 8-luokkalaisten oppilaiden sykkeisiin. …”
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Oppilaiden kokema kehollisuus koulun liikuntatunneilla : liikunta avain oppilaiden itsetunnon vahvistamiseen?
Published 2015“…Liikuntakasvatuksen laitos, Jyväskylän yliopisto, lii-kuntapedagogiikan pro gradu -tutkielma, 65 sivua, 1 liite. …”
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Sukupuolen diskurssit liikuntapedagogiikan opiskelijoiden kouluttajien puheessa
Published 2017“…In this study, I define the educators as users of institutional power whose discourses of gender affect on PE teachers training and on the contents and practices of PE teaching in schools. …”
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Fyysiset ominaisuudet ja motoriset taidot urheilevilla 10-12 -vuotiailla tytöillä
Published 2017Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
Teaching judo efficiently : applied nonlinear pedagogy
Published 2020“…In this study nonlinear pedagogy was found to be a suitable method for teaching judo and its key principles were adapted to a judo-specific form to act as a practical tool for coaches and teachers. This study provides insight into how judo could be taught using nonlinear pedagogy, but further research is needed to study its effects and compare it to a more traditional approach to provide justification for a shift in teaching paradigm. …”
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Liikunnanopettajien ja liikunnanopettajaksi opiskelevien arviointikriteerien painotukset liikunnanopetuksessa, sekä fyysinen suorituskyky arviointikriteerinä.
Published 2020“…The findings were largely in line with the results of a study in which statistically significant differences were found between those who had no work experience or little physical education experience from those who had worked for more than 14 years. Experienced teachers had a statistically significant emphasis on physical performance and they put less emphasis on self-evaluation in their assessment practices. …”
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Yrittäjyyskasvatus ja sen mahdollisuudet lukioissa : case: yrittäjyyslukioverkostohanke Y-love
Published 2013“…Teachers are in key role in education of entrepreneur-ship and they should challenge their own pedagogy and environment where they are acting. …”
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Käänteisen oppimisen sopivuus : käsityksiin pohjautuva tarkastelu ammattikorkeakouluopetuksen näkökulmasta
Published 2019“…The purpose of the study was to investigate the perceptions of teachers and actors close to teaching about flipped learning and to evaluate what kind of flipped learning model fits into the University of Applied Sciences. …”
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Etä-, lähi- vai itsenäinen opiskelu : media-alan näkemyksiä verkko-opetuksen toteutuksesta
Published 2023“…However, the amount of researched information decreases when moving to a practical perspective. The purpose of this case study is to present the perspectives of teachers and students in the media sector of one organization regarding how they would like to teach and be taught different contents and activities: face-to-face, through webinars, or on their own through the Internet. …”
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