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The effect of nutrition on physiological responses of resistance training in muscle and blood in young men
Published 2014“…The diaries were analyzed using the Micro Nutrica nutrient analysis software version 3.11 (The Social Insurance Institution of Finland). …”
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Persoonallisuuden piirteiden yhteys fyysiseen aktiivisuuteen ja koulumenestykseen 8-luokkalaisilla nuorilla
Published 2018“…To measure physical activity, we used three questions of physical activity used in the LIITU study. …”
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Äitien masennusoireiden yhteys viisivuotiaiden lasten ylipainoon, fyysiseen aktiivisuuteen ja paikallaanoloon
Published 2020“…Overweight and obesity in children were evaluated by body mass index based on age, sex, height and weight (ISO-BMI). The data was analysed using Spearman’s rank correlation, Spearman’s partial correlation, crosstabs, Chi-squared test and Mann-Whitney U-test. 255 mother-child dyads were selected for the thesis. 28 % of mothers had elevated symptoms of depression and 72 % of mothers had mild symptoms at most. 52 % of children were boys and 48 % were girls, and the mean age of children was 5,0 (standard deviation = 0,5) years. …”
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Polvenojennusvoiman ja voimantuottotehon yhteys vähän liikkuvien 70-85-vuotiaiden miesten ja naisten kävelynopeuteen
Published 2018“…Dominant isometric knee extension strength was measured with a dynamometry (Good Strength, Metitur Ltd, Palokka, Finland) and knee extension torque was used in analysis. …”
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Koulukiusaamisen yhteys fyysisen aktiivisuuden määrään sekä vapaa-ajan liikuntamotiiveihin 8.- ja 9.luokkalaisilla
Published 2015“…To compare the differences between grades and sex on our variables, we used Independent samples t-test. …”
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Henkilökohtaisten arvojen ja sosiaalisen liikkuvuuden yhteys terveyskäyttäytymiseen keski-iässä
Published 2020“…Health behaviour was measured using a self-assessment form and body mass index (BMI). …”
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Hiihtosuunnistuksen tasatyönnön biomekaniikka .: sukupuolten ja suoritustasojen väliset erot pitkän matkan kilpailun aikana
Published 2024“…Differences between groups were in line with results from cross-country ski studies. Men didn’t use positive pacing strategy, they used negative, parabolic-shaped or variable pacing. …”
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Pyhäjärven siian (Coregonus lavaretus) kasvu ja ikäjakauma rysäpyynnissä kalastuksen säätelyn perustana
Published 2015“…The aim of this study is to represent growth, structure of spawning stock, structure of fyke net catch used in spawning areas and number of gill rakers of whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus) in Lake Pyhäjärvi (South West Finland). …”
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Oppilaiden temperamentin yhteys opettaja-oppilassuhteen lämpimyyteen ja ristiriitoihin
Published 2019“…Furthermore, the closeness and conflicts were also examined together with the temperament traits of girls and boys to investigate potential sex differences. The participants of this study included the seventh-grade students from Central Finland and their physical education teacher. …”
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Sedentaaristen korkeakouluopiskelijoiden fyysinen aktiivisuus : tuloksia vuoden 2016 Korkeakouluopiskelijoiden terveys- ja terveyskäyttäytymistutkimuksesta
Published 2022“…Data was part of The University Student Health Survey 2016 in Finland. Students (n = 2246) sitting minimum 7 hours a day were selected for this study. …”
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Effects of far infrared warm on recovery in power athletes during a 5- day training period
Published 2013“…In contrast to the control period, during the experimental period the subjects used infrared bag (FIR65º, U2i / Oy You Two Import Ltd, Oulu, Finland, 40 min / 50 ºC) every evening from Monday to Thursday. …”
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