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The Associations of Parent-Child Nature Visits and Family Physical Activity with Parental Happiness : A Cross-Sectional Study in Southern Finland
Published 2024“…The research material used in the master thesis is from the cross-sectional SUNRISE Helsinki study. …”
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Heart rate variability-based recovery in hormonal contraceptive users and naturally menstruating females during an endurance training intervention
Published 2024“…Kubios software (Kubios Oy, Kuopio, Finland) was used for the analysis of the 4-hour interval of HR data. …”
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Nuorten kondomin käytön edistäminen : Kesäkumikampanjan ja festivaalien Seksikiskojen tulosarviointi
Published 2018“…Furthermore, up to 40% of those participants not using condom during their previous time were planning on using it during next time. 83% of the participants evaluated Sex Kiosks either very or quite beneficial and 27% of respondents stated learning something new at Sex Kiosk. …”
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Sekaryhmät vai erillisryhmät? : yläkoululaisten toiveita koululiikunnan ryhmäjaoista
Published 2020“…The quantitative data was analyzed by using cross-tabulation, the Khi square test (χ2) and Mann-Whitney U test, the qualitative data was analyzed by using thematising. 66 % of the students who had studied both in single-sex and coeducational classes in the past, preferred single-sex PE. …”
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9. -luokkalaisten turvallisuuden kokemus seka- ja erillisryhmien liikunnanopetuksessa
Published 2022“…Five-point Likert scale was used as the answer option. Means, medians, and 95% confidence intervals were used to describe the results. …”
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Nuoren sairastuminen skitsofreeniseen häiriöön : perheterapeuttinen tarkastelutapa
Published 1994“…The patients were located through the project concerning New Schizophrenic Patients undertaken by the Mental Health Organisation of Central Finland. Individuation and separation was studied using dynamic psychotherapy and the wholeness of the family by systemic family therapy. …”
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Fenomenologinen tutkimus seksuaalisuudesta ja HIVistä
Published 2019“…There is no cure for HIV infection, but if it is found at time and treated properly, it is not lethal. In Finland, mode of transmission in majority of cases is condomless sex. …”
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Suomalaisten ammattivalmentajien valmennusarvoissa ilmenevät erot
Published 2013“…The examinees were members of Professional Coaches of Finland(SAVAL). Altogether 143 coaches participated in the study; 104 of those were representing male sex and 39 female sex. …”
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Barriers evolving : reproductive isolation and the early stages of biological speciation
Published 2012“…Thus, cuticular hydrocarbons may be involved in sexual selection within and sexual isolation between populations, although more direct tests using manipulation of CHCs are still needed. …”
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Seka- ja erillisryhmät – psykologiset perustarpeet, motivaation laatu ja viihtyminen 7.–9.-luokkalaisten liikuntatunneilla
Published 2023“…The reliability of different scales was analyzed by using Cronbach’s alpha coefficients. The PANAS scale’s validity was examined by using explorative factor analyses. …”
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Suomalaisten viidennen luokan oppilaiden fyysinen aktiivisuus liikuntatunneilla ja vapaa-ajalla
Published 2020“…The difference in moderate to vigorous physical activity during leisure time between sexes was not significant. Examining MET-minutes shows a statistically significant (p=.024) difference in physical activity levels during leisure time activity between sexes. …”
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Liikunta-aktiivisuus ikääntyneiden henkilöiden kaatumispelkoa selittävänä tekijänä
Published 2016“…Risks for falls and measures taken to reduce the risk for falling were enquired χ2-test, Mann-Whitney U-test, Spearman’s correlation test and ordinal and gamma regression with covariates such as sex, age, marital sta-tus, the number of past falls, usage of mobility aids and the self-assessment of one’s health and mobility were used to analyze factors that explain fear of falling. …”
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Fyysisen aktiivisuuden, paikallaanolon ja kestävyyskunnon yhteydet valtimojäykkyyteen ja valtimoiden laajenemiskykyyn : 2 vuoden seurantatutkimus esimurrosikäisillä lapsilla
Published 2019“…Statistical analyses were conducted by using linear regression models. The results indicated that during 2-year follow-up, a change in vigorous physical activity (∆VPA) was positively associated with arterial dilation capacity (∆RI) after adjustment for age and sex (p=0,031). …”
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Relationships between speed, power, and endurance in youth soccer players
Published 2021“…However, caution should be used when comparing the results with different populations as the test results may vary between players regarding sex and age group. …”
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Kestävyyskunnon ja kehon rasvapitoisuuden yhteydet metaboliseen oireyhtymään ja insuliiniresistenssiin 6–8-vuotiailla lapsilla
Published 2018“…This thesis is based on the data of the baseline examinations of the Physical Activity and Nutrition in Children (PANIC) study conducted by the University of Eastern Finland in 2007-2009. Cardiorespiratory fitness was measured using the maximal cycle ergometer test. …”
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Juveniilihormonin vaikutus munantuotantoon ja seksuaaliseen antagonismiin koloradonkuoriaisilla
Published 2012“…As a study species, I used Colorado potato beetles (Leptinotarsa decemlineata), an invasive species that is slowly expanding its range to Finland. …”
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Nuorten urheilijoiden kipulääkkeiden käyttö : 13-17 -vuotiaiden suomalaisten urheiluseuraharrastajien kipulääkkeiden käyttö
Published 2019“…There are only few research studies concentrating on young athlete’s pain medication use. This Master thesis aims to clarify 13-17-year-old Finnish sports club participants’ pain medication use and the effects of sport competition level, competitive goals in sport, type of sport played and sex. …”
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Liikunnan merkitykset urheiluseura-aktiivisuuden mukaan LIITU-tutkimukseen osallistuneilla nuorilla
Published 2018“…Binary logistic regression analysis was used for factors in association with the amount of meanings. …”
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Hormonikierto ja säännöllistä kestävyysliikuntaa harrastavien fyysinen aktiivisuus ja harjoittelu
Published 2023“…Participants’ physical activity was monitored using Bodyguard 2 (BG2; Firstbeat Technologies Ltd., Jyväskylä, Finland) and training was recorded by self-report exercise diaries. …”
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