Suggested Topics within your search.
- 4012 4
- Akvaattiset tieteet 4
- Aquatic sciences 4
- Itämeri 3
- lohi 3
- isotoopit 2
- 3134 1
- Atlantic salmon 1
- Atlantin lohi 1
- Back-calculation 1
- Baltic Sea 1
- Bayesian networks 1
- Clangula hyemalis 1
- Finland-Swedish students 1
- Finland-Swedishness 1
- Finnish identity 1
- Finns 1
- Intercultural Communication (maisteriohjelma) 1
- Master's Degree Programme in Intercultural Communication 1
- Salmo salar 1
- Suomenlahti 1
- Swedish language 1
- Swedish-speaking Finns 1
- The Gulf of Finland 1
- Uria aalge 1
- alli 1
- bilingualism 1
- etelänkiisla 1
- finlandssvenska studenter 1
- growth 1
Spatio-temporal differences in the growth of wild and reared Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in the Baltic Sea
Published 2013“…Suomut oli kerätty pääsyönnösalueilta (ICES osa-alueet (SDt) 25, 26, 28, 30 ja 32). Villin lohen ensimmäisen merivuoden kasvu oli nopeinta SD25:stä (pääallas) ja hitainta SD30:sta (Selkämeri) pyydetyillä yksilöillä, kun taas viljellyn lohen kasvu oli nopeinta SD32:sta (Suomenlahti) ja hitainta SD26:sta (pääallas) pyydetyillä yksilöillä. …”
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"Are you Swedish?" : the heterogeneous identity of Finland-Swedish students
Published 2024“…According to the Finnish Constitution, the national languages of Finland are Finnish and Swedish. In Finland, there is a Swedish-speaking minority living mainly on the coast of the Baltic Sea. …”
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Assessment of the impacts of an oil spill on the populations of common guillemot (Uria aalge) and long-tailed duck (Clangula hyemalis) - an expert knowledge based Bayesian network...
Published 2012“…The amount of operated oil transports continues to increase in the Gulf of Finland and in the case of an accident hazardous amounts of oil may be spilled into the sea. …”
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Harmaahylkeen (Halichoerus grypus) ravinto eri osissa pohjoista Itämerta
Published 2013“…Lohen osuuteen harmaahylkeen ravinnossa on syytä suhtautua varauksella, sillä myös härkäsimpulla (Myoxocephalus quadricornis) Perämeren alueella on lohen kaltaiset vakaiden isotooppien (δ13C, δ15N) arvot. Kilohailin, kuoreen ja kolmipiikin osuudet ravinnosta vaihtelivat 9–35 % merialueittain. …”
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Suomun vakaat isotoopit Itämeren lohen (Salmo salar L.) syönnösvaellustutkimuksessa
Published 2014“…This study aims were to find out how useful tool is salmon scale stable isotope analysis (SIA) (δ13C and δ15N) in salmon migration studies, could scale replace muscle as a nonlethal research method in stable isotope analysis and what is the impact of widely used 1.2 N HCl pre-treatment in fish scale isotope studies on carbon and nitrogen isotope values. …”
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