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Socially phobic clients' self-descriptions, treatment progress and reflexivity in short-term cognitive-constructivist group psychotherapy
Published 2017Subjects: JYX-julkaisuarkisto / JYX Digital Archive
Linkki verkkoaineistoon
JYX-julkaisuarkisto / JYX Digital Archive
Linkki verkkoaineistoon
Doctoral dissertation -
Socially phobic clients' self-descriptions, treatment progress and reflexivity in short-term cognitive-constructivist group psychotherapy
Published 2017Subjects: Linkki verkkoaineistoon
Linkki verkkoaineistoon
Doctoral dissertation -
A psychotherapeutically oriented approach to vibroacoustic therapy : therapy process with a client diagnosed with functional neurological disorder experiencing dissociative symptom...
Published 2018“…It includes an interdisciplinary referral process, as well as the utilization of therapeutic approaches from music therapy, vibroacoustic therapy, psychotherapy, and trauma theory. …”
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Perheterapiassa tapahtunut muutos ja sen moniulotteisuus : perheterapian vaikutukset uhmakkuushäiriö- ja Aspergerin oireyhtymän diagnoosin saaneen lapsen ja hänen perheensä hyvinvo...
Published 2019“…The outcomes of this study demonstrated the multidimensional nature of the change processes occurred within the framework of psychotherapy and the factors that may affect to it. …”
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Riidan ja erimielisyyden aiheet ja niihin liittyvien tunnesisältöjen laadullinen muutos paripsykoterapiassa
Published 2019“…The research material consisted of two entire couple psychotherapy processes, altogether ten 90-minute sessions. …”
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Terapeuttinen muutos sisäisen moninaisuuden näkökulmasta : ongelmallisten kokemusten assimilaatio ja eri kokemuksia edustavien sisäisten äänten väliset suhteet
Published 2013“…The aim of this study was to examine a psychotherapeutic change process in light of internal multiplicity. In this study I examined how the client´s problematic experiences changed during her therapy process. …”
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The extended therapy room coming from an authentic place... : a phenomenological-hermeneutic study of my experiences as a psychotherapist in the Extended Therapy Room
Published 2014“…I've also experienced how those of us involved in the process; the client's family, family home, therapist and supervisor have been affected by it. …”
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Itsestä kerrotut kertomukset suhteessa psykoterapeuttisesta muutoksesta laadittuun metamalliin Vaihtoehto väkivallalle -ryhmäinterventiossa : kahden miehen kehityskertomukset
Published 2020“…Based on our study, the transformation process in the treatment of violence is individual and the participation of other members is significant to the process of change. …”
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Merkityksenannon muutokset perheterapiassa : uhmakkuus- ja käytöshäiriödiagnoosin saaneiden lasten oireille annetut merkitykset ja niiden yhteys perheen vuorovaikutussysteemiin
Published 2022“…The results of this study indicate that a change in the process of giving meanings was taking place during the therapy. …”
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Maksusitoumukset lohkoketjussa
Published 2020“…The challenge that paper commitment face are delivering the commitment for the customer, slow purchase transaction and the manual process of reporting. With digitalization, we can improve customers’ purchase experience. …”
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Positions constructed for a female therapist in male batterers' treatment groups
Published 2010“…The female therapist can make the men see their spouses’ point of view and alleviate the process of feeling compassion towards them. She can also modify the men’s constructions of women by taking up positions that challenge their production in the discourses. …”
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Hoitoon tyytyväisyys ja terapeuttinen muutos perheterapiassa : diskurssianalyyttinen tutkimus uhmakkuus- ja käytöshäiriödiagnoosin saaneiden lasten perheiden kokemuksista perhet...
Published 2021“…Our results also provide significant information about the connections between these processes. …”
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Vallankäytön käsittelyä haastavat puolisoiden puhetavat ja terapeuttinen työskentely parisuhdeväkivallan hoitoon tarkoitetussa pariterapiassa
Published 2020“…This can become a challenge in therapeutic processing of power abuse and eventually even a contraindication of couple’s therapy. …”
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Väkivallan tekijöiden mieskuvat sekä terapeuttien vastaustavat niihin Vaihtoehto väkivallalle -ryhmäinterventiossa
Published 2024“…Through their responses, therapists can contribute to the construction of representations of men and support the process of liberating from harmful perceptions. The data of our study consists of 18 group sessions of the Alternative to Violence intervention, which was carried out in cooperation between the Crisis Centre Mobile and the University of Jyväskylä Psychotherapy Training and Research Centre. …”
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Masennuksen pariterapian vaikuttavuuden erot tutkimusyksiköiden välillä ja niitä välittävät tekijät
Published 2013“…This study is part of Dialogical and Narrative Processes in Couple Therapy for Depression (DINADEP) project that was conducted in 2005-2011 in mental health outpatient clinics in three hospital districts. …”
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