Näytetään 161 - 180 yhteensä 247 tuloksesta haulle 'proemäs~', hakuaika: 2,79s Tarkenna hakua
  1. 161

    Liikuntapedagogiikan aikuiskoulutuksen maisteriohjelman kasvatusteoreettiset perusteet Tekijä Jussinniemi, Jannaliina

    Julkaistu 2023
    “…Additionally, the study aimed to clarify expressions, concepts, and theoretical premises related to the educational theoretical foundations of the program. …”
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    Pro gradu
  2. 162

    Characterization of the photosensory module of a putative DNA binding phytochrome Tekijä Ihalmo, Ville

    Julkaistu 2022
    “…No red shift takes place in the absorption maximum upon illumination, but the biliverdin chromophore was confirmed to undergo Z/E isomerization. Despite our promising findings in this project, further studies with the full length phytochrome are needed to assess the full potential of this phytochrome in optogenetic tool development. …”
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    Pro gradu
  3. 163

    2D phonon thermal transport in thin SiN film Tekijä Loippo, Teemu

    Julkaistu 2019
    “…The first results were promising although the data was aquired by using a non-ideal sample and non-ideal measurement setup. …”
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    Pro gradu
  4. 164

    Puuvillapohjaisen selluloosakarbamaatin elinkaaritase Tekijä Katajainen, Leena

    Julkaistu 2016
    “…As a conclusion most promising ways to decrease the GWP of the CCA process is its integration to a pulp mill and by decreasing the amount of process chemicals through efficient circulation or through electrodialysis. …”
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    Pro gradu
  5. 165

    X-ray fluorescence and laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy for the sorting of WC-Co hardmetal scrap based on their chromium content Tekijä Rantanen, Tuure

    Julkaistu 2022
    “…However, only XRF was able to differentiate reliably between 0.00 and 0.19 % Cr samples. The most promising positions at the spectra for the detection of chromium were the presence or absence of a peak at Cr Ka (about 5.4 keV) in XRF spectra and at 425.44 nm in LIBS spectra. …”
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    Pro gradu
  6. 166

    Ohjelmistorobotiikka liiketoimintaprosessien automatisoinnissa Tekijä Hallikainen, Amanda

    Julkaistu 2019
    “…Software robotics has been promised to provide organizations with a fast and cost-effective solution for automating routine tasks. …”
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    Pro gradu
  7. 167

    Manufacturing of graphene nanodisks for surface plasmon measurements Tekijä Hakkola, Niko-Ville

    Julkaistu 2017
    “…Graphene has emerged as a promising candidate to replace noble metals as a plasmonic material due to its unique properties and tunability. …”
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    Pro gradu
  8. 168

    Acceptance and commitment group therapy for treatment of insomnia Tekijä Pelkonen, Sonja, Puha, Niina

    Julkaistu 2013
    “…Avainsanat: Hyväksymis- ja Omistautumisterapia, unettomuus, ryhmäterapia There are variety of populations and problems, including adults and children with common psychological problems where Acceptance and Commitment Therapy has been used. There are also promising pilot studies focusing principles of ACT for the treatment of insomnia. …”
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    Pro gradu
  9. 169

    Julkisorganisaation toiminnan kuvaamisen haasteet ja mahdollisuudet Tekijä Vanninen, Paavo

    Julkaistu 2018
    “…For this thesis a literature review was made to examine the premises of process modelling, theoretical background of business architecture and business process management. …”
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    Pro gradu
  10. 170

    Maksusitoumukset lohkoketjussa Tekijä Hyytiäinen, Teemu

    Julkaistu 2020
    “…In commitments and service vouchers there are always three parties involved: customer, service provider and sponsor. Sponsor promises to pay for customers’ services or products, but customer can themselves choose which service provider’s service they want to use. …”
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    Pro gradu
  11. 171

    The impact of rural resettlement on livelihoods : a case of Isara resettlement site in Dawuro, Ethiopia Tekijä Dubale, Tekalign Gunjefo

    Julkaistu 2010
    “…This impact was traced back to the poor provision of social and agricultural input services to the relocatees and the inconsistency of the promised infrastructural and social service institutions in the site. …”
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    Pro gradu
  12. 172

    Pystyvät yrittäjät : y-sukupolven yrittäjien koettu yrittäjämäinen minäpystyvyys Keski-Suomessa ja Pohjois-Karjalassa Tekijä Kolehmainen, Iiro

    Julkaistu 2013
    “…Because of this the thesis includes rather broad theoretical literature which aims to approach Generation Y and its research assignment from various premises. Empirical section of the research is quantitative survey which was executed in co-operation with Finnish Enterprise Agencies operating in Central Finland and North Karelia. …”
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    Pro gradu
  13. 173

    Hiljaisen tiedon hallinta yrityskuvassa Tekijä Martiala, Anne

    Julkaistu 2020
    “…In other words, the extent to which organizations incorporate the value promises of knowledge management, and in particular tacit knowledge management, into building and strengthening customer relationships, investment profiling, staff recruitment and access to external expertise resources. …”
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    Pro gradu
  14. 174

    Sharing Security Information Between Resource Constrained Network Nodes Tekijä Markkanen, Veikko

    Julkaistu 2024
    “…The research consists of the examination of major challenges in resource constrained IoT systems and exploration of promising solutions from academic literature. It details various categories of ad hoc networking, key standards, and routing protocols. …”
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    Pro gradu
  15. 175

    Biochemical profiling of temperate zone freshwater green microalgae grown in filtered and unfiltered recirculating aquaculture systems effluent and microalgae medium Tekijä Calderini, Marco

    Julkaistu 2020
    “…Microalgae cultivation in recirculating aquaculture system’s (RAS’s) wastewater (WW) is a promising alternative to conventional WW treatment. …”
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    Pro gradu
  16. 176

    Lisäaineiden vaikutus maissin käsittelyyn biokaasuprosessissa Tekijä Tonteri, Ossi

    Julkaistu 2012
    “…Production of biogas from energy crop is a promising method for production of sustainable energy. …”
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    Pro gradu
  17. 177

    Lohkoketjuteknologiapohjaiset älykkäät sopimukset finanssialalla Tekijä Kauppinen, Satu

    Julkaistu 2023
    “…The prospects for the future are promising, if the problems of blockchain technology can be solved. …”
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  18. 178

    Älysopimusten ja lohkoketjujen soveltaminen Tekijä Kupiainen, Teemu

    Julkaistu 2023
    “…The study found that there were already blockchain applications, especially for supply chain management, and this seems to be one of the most promising uses for the technology. The biggest obstacles were found in the interoperability of different blockchains, the lack of standardization, and the transfer of information. …”
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  19. 179

    Älykästä tuottavuuden nostoa rakennusteollisuuteen Tekijä Laiho, Olli

    Julkaistu 2024
    “…Artificial intelligence has been utilized in each of the studies, and the results appear promising. There is potential for artificial intelligence, particularly in streamlining project planning. …”
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  20. 180

    Electrochemical methods for graphene-based materials for biosensors Tekijä Lampinen, Aku

    Julkaistu 2020
    “…PEIS measurements showed the most promise and equivalent circuit fitting was successfully used to inspect the material’s pH sensitivity. …”
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    Pro gradu
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