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What Drives Bangladeshi Consumers' Use of Online Food Delivery Applications? Investigating the Role of Trust in Repeat Purchase Intention
Published 2024“…Likewise, an emerging country like Bangladesh, with an over 174 million population and 77 million active internet users, along with growing smartphone penetration, presents promising opportunities for OFDAs, yet there is a significantly limited research focus in this area. …”
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A leadership discovery : enhancing Finnish youth football coaches' effectiveness through the Transformer Research Project
Published 2019“…Research reflects the strength that Transformational Leadership (TFL) theory holds great promise when embedded in the youth sport setting. …”
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Fluorescent SMILES nanoparticles
Published 2024“…The main focus of the thesis concerns the attractive fluorescent properties and effective energy transfer processes of SMILES nanoparticles, contributing to their promising bioimaging applications. The aim of the experimental part was to investigate the energy transfer processes from the cyanostar anion complex to dye molecules in SMILES nanoparticles. …”
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The influence of weather conditions on the Helsinki stock exchange
Published 2020“…Although our results show negative correlation between solar radiation and stock returns, we conclude that the reason for this is that stocks tend to go down in summer and thus there is no causal relation between high levels of sunshine and decreased returns. Our most promising findings are the negative correlation of precipitation and cloudiness and the positive correlation of snow depth. …”
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Investigating self-regulation in Finnish junior high school mathematics classes : a learning analytics case study
Published 2021“…For this issue, teachers could use specific interventions or improve the entire learning environment to foster self-regulated learning. The study shows promise in combining questionnaire and trace logs to study self-regulated learning. …”
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Victims, villains or organized community? : discrimination, social exclusion and empowerment in the media representation of urban poverty : case of barrio “El 70” in Venezuelan new...
Published 2012“…The theoretical-methodological basis of this work draws from critical cultural studies and sociological media research, specifically from the theoretical assumptions of critical discourse analysis about media representation. The premise is the constructionist view that the media does not directly reflect the reality of urban poverty, but constructs journalist reproductions of it from a particular perspective and in a certain social context. …”
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Feasibility of markerless motion capture in clinical gait analysis in children with cerebral palsy
Published 2023“…The results of this study highlight the potential use and certain limitations of markerless motion capture systems like Blazepose in clinical settings. While showing promise in certain aspects of joint angle tracking, the study emphasizes the need for more refined datasets and advanced algorithms to enhance the accuracy and reliability of such systems, especially for clinical applications involving CP patients. …”
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Onnistuneen oppimisen hallintajärjestelmähankkeen keskeiset aspektit yritysympäristössä
Published 2024“…Implementation methods were narrowed down to cloud-based and on premises solutions. It was found that the success of a project relies on the ability to identify the true purpose of acquiring the system, balancing training needs, process efficiency, and business objectives. …”
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Faagiresistenssin vaikutus Acinetobacter baumannii -sairaalabakteerin kasvuominaisuuksiin
Published 2021“…As such, the results of this study bring promise towards phage therapy and antibiotic combination treatment development. …”
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Chirality-controlled preparation and single molecule characterisation of carbon nanotubes
Published 2011“…Nanostructures have gained increasing attention not only for their basic scientific richness, but also because they promise novelties and potentials that may lead to technological revolution. …”
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Un-polarizing news in social media platform
Published 2019“…The second approach: the "Statement/Triples-based" solution, by suggesting articles with relating or contradicting facts in the form of semantic-triples using OIE and NER, while fails our evaluation tests due to technical issues, has some convincing evident of a promising solution that can reliably detect contradictions spanning throughout multiple news sources. …”
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Unrooting inequality from development : recognition and justification of inequality in global development
Published 2017“…Global inequality, enacted through social (intersubjective) relational disorders that are now normalized, has become a ‘natural’ situation in which there is apparent agreement to tackle social inequalities (inconsistencies) under a seemingly tolerable promise of proper management (sustainable and humand development) in a future of sustained status quo. …”
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Illuminating political experience : exercises on Hannah Arendt's thought
Published 2017“…On these grounds, the dissertation as a whole defends Arendt’s thinking as a promising attempt to embrace both the subjective and the worldly, temporally durable aspects of political experience in a way that also speaks to our most recent experiences from the Arab Spring to the emergence of ‘post-factual’ politics. …”
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A scoping review on interventions to promote physical activity among adults with disabilities
Published 2016“…PA promotion interventions show promising results for a variety of disability conditions. …”
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Ultra-high doses tests on 28nm CMOS technology for high energy physics application
Published 2024“…Overall, the 28 nm complementary metal oxide semi-conductor is a promising technology to make application specific integrated circuits for new detectors generation for high energy physics applications. …”
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Mikä saa nuoret liikkumaan? : liikuntamotivaation yhteys liikunnan harrastamiseen kuuden Liikkuva koulu -hankkeen koulun 7. ja 8. luokkalaisilla
Published 2012“…Liikuntamotivaatiomittarin rakenteen analysointiin käytettiin Promax-rotatoitua pää-akselifaktorianalyysiä. Näin saatujen motivaatioulottuvuuksien yhteyksiä sukupuoleen, luokkatasoon ja liikunnan harrastamiseen tutkittiin keskiarvoja vertailemalla. 7. ja 8. luokkalaiset liikkuivat keskimäärin 4–6 kertaa viikossa, ja keskimäärin 4.3 päivänä viikossa tunnin ajan. …”
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Discovering Business Processes from Unstructured Text
Published 2020“…The results of the first pipeline were somewhat promising; however, the cross-validation that was supposed to evaluate the ability to retrieve processes with previously unknown words had a poor performance. …”
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Digitaalisten oppimispelien opetuksellisen hyödyn arviointi
Published 2021“…The VaJe model appears to be a promising tool for evaluating games and in the future its scope could be broadened. …”
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Land acquisitions and foreign direct investment - challenges and opportunities for developing countries : case study of Kisarawe District, Tanzania; focusing small scale farmers
Published 2011“…At the same time, very high expectations from local people seem unrealistic in shorter term, while undocumented promises and false hopes by investors in unclear terms and conditions may result in frustration and anger. …”
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Self-compassion in learning : primary school teachers’ perspectives
Published 2023“…However, learning emotional skills was mainly limited to strength-centred exercises. The results are promising in terms of positive attitudes towards self-compassion and its recognised potential in learning. …”
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