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The influence of rhythmic and spectro-timbral musical features on gait-related movement
Published 2017“…Rhythmic auditory stimulation has shown promising results in gait rehabilitation in various clinical populations. …”
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Trust inside a political organization : a case study of the Finnish Centre Party parliamentary group
Published 2011“…It was found that trust formation inside a political organization includes six different aspects: promise keeping; interaction and influencing; actions of the party executives; values, ideology and content of the politics; history and tradition; openness and sincerity. …”
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The green profiles : using social media for communicating corporate environmental issues to external stakeholders
Published 2018“…Facebook and Twitter are evidently the most promising options, while video turns out to be a very effective tool for attracting more audience engagement. …”
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Vapaasti sijoiteltavien ohjelmistojen koostaminen IoT-ympäristössä
Published 2024“…Edge computing and Internet of Things (IoT) promise many innovations and improvements into the technological environment of ordinary life and industry. …”
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Discouraging factors in knowledge sharing in software development teams
Published 2020“…The qualitative data were collected during semi-structured interviews with ten participants holding different professional roles in three different teams within one Nordic software development organization. The premise of the study was confirmed as the data show that there truly is a gap between how important practitioners see knowledge sharing, and how much it is reflected in their regular work. …”
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Design principles for blockchain and smart contract systems in the energy sector : the case of Finland
Published 2021“…Many of these pilot projects have presented different kinds of peer-to-peer trading systems utilizing blockchain and smart contract systems. Despite of promising results, the possibilities of the technologies in question have not been largely researched in the context of Finnish energy sector. …”
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Tietojärjestelmäprojektin käynnistysvaiheen epävarmuustekijät
Published 2020“…However, project management methodologies rely on the premise that project phases and tasks can be well determined during the initiation phase, leaving little need (or room) for changes during project. …”
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Introduction to Wearable Healthcare Technology
Published 2017“…Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is to explain why wearable technologies are important in layman’s terms, in hopes of cultivating interest towards this promising technology. The research was executed as a literature review with some personal conclusions using the most topical academic sources. …”
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mHealth-interventioiden hyödyntäminen diabeteksen hoidossa
Published 2022“…Over 10 percent of the world population suffers from diabetes and the incidence of new cases has increased significantly in recent years, so there is a great need for the development and prevention of diabetes treatment methods. mHealth interventions offer promising solutions to these challenges. This study examines the benefits of using mHealth interventions in the treatment and prevention of diabetes. …”
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Feasibility study on the biogas production from organic wastes generated at the University of Jyväskylä
Published 2013“…In second Scenario, the garden waste from the University premises is added. Third Scenario utilizes all biodegradable waste streams generated at the University of Jyväskylä and biowaste from Kortepohja Student Village. …”
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Itsesäätelytaidot elämäntapamuutoksessa
Published 2017“…Internet based interventions are also a promising method alongside with the traditional group interventions. …”
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Kuka on äänessä? : erityisopiskelijoiden osallistuminen keskusteluun ja musiikilliseen yhteistoimintaan
Published 2017“…The pedagogic premise is co-operative learning as a participatory method. …”
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Adapting ITIL with lean, agile and DevOps : case : SaaS customer support provider
Published 2021“…However, the new ITIL version 4 has promised to be more adaptive, agile, and flexible than ITIL has been ever before. …”
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Habitual physical activity and heart rate variability in 12-year old children
Published 2012“…The recommended minimum level of PA in children is 60 minutes of moderate- to vigorous intensity activity per day. There have been promising results that a high level of daily PA has beneficial effects on resting HRV but also many controversial findings exist. …”
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Efficacy of Finnish berry extracts against human bacterial pathogens
Published 2024“…This study concludes that Finnish berry extracts, especially at higher concentrations, show promise as natural antibacterial agents against E. coli and S. mutans, supporting their further exploration as complementary treatments for resistant pathogens. …”
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KAiKU Music Glove transforms music education : exploring new and novel music technologies in the music classroom
Published 2019“…KAiKU Music Glove's promising performance indicate it is achieving the balance in learning and innovation many educational technologies strive for. …”
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In vitro glycoengineering of a monoclonal antibody produced in insect cells
Published 2024“…Recombinant enzyme production was tested in HighFive™ host, for which a functional expression protocol was developed, and a promising purification approach incorporating solubilizers was proposed. …”
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Pilvipalveluiden tietoturvallisuus
Published 2015“…Most of the security issues are caused because data is controlled outside of organiza- tion’s premises. Another key result was the importance of trust between service provider and customer. …”
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The role of calpains in enterovirus infection
Published 2019“…These cleavages are performed by viral proteases. However, previous studies have shown that the inhibition of the cellular calpains inhibits the enterovirus RNA-replication. …”
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Kahden jyväskyläläisen yläkoulun oppilaiden fyysinen aktiivisuus ja viihtyminen välitunnilla
Published 2011“…Välituntiviihtyvyysmittarin pätevyyttä tarkasteltiin promax-rotatoidun pääakselifaktorianalyysin avulla ja luotettavuutta Cronbachin alfa-kertoimella. …”
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