Näytetään 41 - 60 yhteensä 247 tuloksesta haulle 'proemäs~', hakuaika: 3,97s Tarkenna hakua
  1. 41

    Automatisoitu GUI-testaus mobiiliapplikaatioissa Tekijä Kasanen, Mari

    Julkaistu 2017
    “…The test tools that seem most promising combine different ways of testing or work on multiple platforms. …”
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  2. 42

    Ajoneuvojen internetin haasteet ja ratkaisut Tekijä Käyhty, Kristian

    Julkaistu 2022
    “…Blockchain and 5G were found to be the most promising technologies for IoV. Edge computing also seems to offer potential opportunities in terms of IoV. …”
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    Pro gradu
  3. 43

    Pilvipohjaisen toiminnanohjausjärjestelmän käytettävyys : tapaustutkimus Tekijä Härkönen, Timo

    Julkaistu 2021
    “…Selvisi, että pilvipohjaisessa ERP-järjestelmässä on vielä samoja käytettävyysongelmia kuin on-premise ERP-järjestelmissä, mutta käytettävyys oli parantunut verrokkitutkimuksien ajoista. …”
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    Pro gradu
  4. 44

    Emulointi digitaalisessa pitkäaikaissäilytyksessä Tekijä Tynnyrinen, Mikko

    Julkaistu 2022
    “…Although emulation as a method has previously been regarded with skepticism, the research conducted on the subject gives promising results. …”
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  5. 45

    Energiatehokkuuden arviointi konesalissa Tekijä Salmi, Jaana

    Julkaistu 2015
    “…In the case, the number of hardware and temperature of the premise was increased. Analysis show that, the increase of hardware resulted increase of IT power. …”
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    Pro gradu
  6. 46

    Determination of tip profile for atomic force microscopy Tekijä Tale, Camtu

    Julkaistu 2010
    “…Indeed, this technique is a promising candidate for imaging the objects at nano-scale under 10 nm due to the sharply apex of AFM’s tips . …”
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    Pro gradu
  7. 47

    The improvement of biowaste management and utilization of a greenhouse tomato production plant : a case study Tekijä Podhradska, Alexandra, Christofi, Theodor

    Julkaistu 2023
    “…For small and mid-size farmers anaerobic digestors for biogas production or aerobic composters for biofertilizer production are available and promising solutions. Not only do the farmers eliminate costs of waste treatment but can potentially attain further profit from products of employed technologies. …”
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    Pro gradu
  8. 48

    THF cleaning for PMMA residue removal from graphene Tekijä Suutari, Sirkka

    Julkaistu 2024
    “…The suitability studied cleaning process for PMMA residue removal could not be conclusively estimated from the obtained results, but the process showed promise for removing ambient surface doping. …”
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    Pro gradu
  9. 49

    Data-driven interactive multiobjective optimization using cluster based surrogate in discrete decision space Tekijä Malmberg, Jose

    Julkaistu 2018
    “…The developed cluster based surrogate and method were also applied for a Boreal Forest management problem with promising results. …”
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    Pro gradu
  10. 50

    Digitaalisten mielenterveysinterventioiden käytön motivointi pelillistämisen avulla Tekijä Höykinpuro, Jussi-Matti

    Julkaistu 2024
    “…Digital mental health interventions have shown promise in treating mental health problems, but adherence to the interventions has been an issue. …”
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  11. 51

    Funktio-ohjelmoinnin hyödyntäminen peliohjelmoinnissa Tekijä Rinne, Simo

    Julkaistu 2015
    “…Functional reactive programming seems to be a promising way to program games. …”
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  12. 52

    Potential applications of nanotechnology in bioenergy Tekijä Kramb, Jason

    Julkaistu 2011
    “…The thesis concludes that while there are many areas which have promising technologies in development, there are no clear nanotechnology solutions which can be implemented cost effectively at the current time. …”
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    Pro gradu
  13. 53

    Metal-nanoparticle-G4-DNA conjugates and their DC conductivity measurements Tekijä Parviainen, Teemu

    Julkaistu 2013
    “…Due to superior self-assembly properties, DNA is a very promising candidate for the basis of future bottom-up solutions for molecular electronics and therefore the conductivity of DNA is a very crucial question. …”
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    Pro gradu
  14. 54

    Autismikirjon häiriön biomarkkereiden tunnistaminen aivosähkökäyrästä neuroverkkojen avulla Tekijä Hänninen, Heidi

    Julkaistu 2024
    “…The results suggest that neural networks are a promising tool for identifying biomarkers of autism spectrum disorder but their use also involves challenges, such as varying sample sizes and a lack of standardization in EEG data. …”
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  15. 55

    Koneoppiminen rahoitusmarkkinoiden ennustamisessa Tekijä Leskinen, Jarre

    Julkaistu 2019
    “…Especially support vector machine and hybrid models with input optimizing show promising results. Machine learning can be utilized for this problem and other problems which include randomness by nature. …”
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  16. 56

    Serverless-arkkitehtuuri ja järjestelmäkustannukset Tekijä Kuivanen, Karri

    Julkaistu 2019
    “…The examined literature suggests that the often repeated promise of serverless reducing costs might in fact be true, but does also bring up challenges related to the relatively young age of the model as well as concerns over vendor lock-in. …”
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  17. 57

    Ludus and civilisation : play as an emancipatory concept from the perspective of critical theory Tekijä Föhr, Eetu

    Julkaistu 2021
    “…Finally, the study takes an extensive look at psychoanalysis, treating Freudian notions first as a challenge for a world formed around the principles of play and then following Herbert Marcuse to demonstrate how psychoanalytic premises support emancipatory struggles that turn work into play. …”
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  18. 58

    Designing a cloud architecture for an application with many users Tekijä Schuchmann, Marcel

    Julkaistu 2018
    “…The microservice architecture and the Serverless architecture are assessed to be the most promising architectures for the case, because of their excellent scalability. …”
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    Pro gradu
  19. 59

    Toiminnanohjausjärjestelmien tietoturvauhat Tekijä Ahti, Oliver

    Julkaistu 2022
    “…Tutkielmassa perehdytään toiminnanohjausjärjestelmien historiaan, nykytilaan, yleisimpiin moduuleihin sekä käyttömalleihin, kuten pilvimalleihin sekä on-premise-malliin. Tutkielmassa on olennaisessa osassa myös tietoturvallisuuden käsite. …”
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  20. 60

    Country of Origin Effect : A multinational study of how benchmarking constructs the Finnish national image Tekijä Hemingway, Ryan

    Julkaistu 2021
    “…This thesis explores the construction of national image within the context of the Country of Origin Effect. The premise of this study is that the relationship between country specific shared social reality and a collectively perceived national image will ultimately influences the Country of Origin Effect itself. …”
    Hae kokoteksti Hae kokoteksti
    Pro gradu
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