Näytetään 221 - 240 yhteensä 247 tuloksesta haulle 'proemäs~', hakuaika: 1,67s Tarkenna hakua
  1. 221

    Computational modelling of boron nitride nanostructures based on density-functional tight-binding Tekijä Nokelainen, Johannes

    Julkaistu 2014
    “…Therefore BN is a highly promising nanomaterial and it is expected to have applications in nanotechnology e.g. as encapsulating nanomaterials and nanofillers in composite materials. …”
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    Pro gradu
  2. 222

    Java sovelluksen migraatio yksityisen pilveen Tekijä Timperi, Petri

    Julkaistu 2020
    “…The private cloud used in the study was deployed at customer’s premises with Red Hat OpenShift technology. Microservices where studied by finding out its fundamental principles, what kind of design patterns there exists and what are the best practices to carry out an architecture migration. …”
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    Pro gradu
  3. 223

    Working alongside Robotic Process Automation and emergence of technostress Tekijä Haapanen, Kimmo

    Julkaistu 2024
    “…One such area of automation is the use of Robotic Process Automation (RPA). RPA is set to promise an increase in efficiency and reduction in repetitive tasks at work. …”
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    Pro gradu
  4. 224

    Tapahtuneesta parisuhdeväkivallasta kertominen ja syyllisyyden jakaminen parisuhdeväkivallan hoitoon tarkoitetussa monipariskuntaryhmässä Tekijä Soininen, Iina, Teräsniska, Saara

    Julkaistu 2023
    “…In our data the perpetrators of violence were men, and the survivors of violence were women. Promising results have been obtained regarding the effectiveness of the multi-couple group therapy, but more detailed information on the factors affecting the therapy process is needed. …”
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    Pro gradu
  5. 225

    Constructing endothelial-specific hypoxia-regulated vectors Tekijä Laitalainen, Jarkko

    Julkaistu 2013
    “…One construct showed statistically significant hypoxia activation and the other constructs gave promising results of hypoxia activation. …”
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    Pro gradu
  6. 226

    Hierarkiat yläkoulun kaveriporukoissa : nuoren kokema sosiaalinen asema ja liikkuminen Tekijä Rajala, Katja

    Julkaistu 2021
    “…High subjective social status was also associated with wider environment for physical activities in school which were related to the interactive relationships between adolescents. There were school premises that not everyone had access to, and one limiting factor may be the low subjective social status in school. …”
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  7. 227

    Effects of exercise mimicking mechanical stimulation on gene expression in human myotubes and endothelial cells Tekijä Niemi, Erik

    Julkaistu 2023
    “…The results of this study suggest that the mechanical stimulation model used could be a promising way to mimic exercise in vitro for future investigations concerning the molecular mechanisms of the benefits of exercise. …”
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    Pro gradu
  8. 228

    Hyväksymis- ja omistautumisterapiaan pohjautuva verkkointerventio unettomuuden hoitoon : lyhyen verkkointervention vaikuttavuus unettomuuteen sekä asiakkaiden kokemuksia interventi... Tekijä Lintunen, Iina, Tokkola, Emma

    Julkaistu 2014
    “…Web-based interventions have been researched a lot and the reports concerning treatment for different mental disorders have been promising. Therefore, one of the available treatments also for insomnia could be web-based interventions. …”
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    Pro gradu
  9. 229

    Ojentamisen ja kurinpitomenettelyn merkitys turvallisen oppimisympäristön luomisessa perusopetuksen yläluokkien liikunnanopetuksessa Tekijä Lehtinen, Jukka

    Julkaistu 2015
    “…According to this study the main factors that affect the safety of PE lessons include the safety and maintenance of premises and equipment, transitions from one learning environment to another and the pupils’ own actions and possible disrupting behavior. …”
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    Pro gradu
  10. 230

    Vuorovaikutus e-urheilujoukkueissa Tekijä Leppä, Perttu, Salomaa, Hermanni

    Julkaistu 2022
    “…Six of the interviews were conducted remotely with TeamSpeak3 – program and one was conducted on the premises of the University of Jyväskylä. We chose qualitative data-driven content analysis as our method of analysis. …”
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    Pro gradu
  11. 231

    Sykevälivaihteluun perustuvan hyvinvointivalmennuksen vaikuttavuus fysiologisesti mitattuun hyvinvointiin sekä koetun stressin määrään Tekijä Vesala, Miro

    Julkaistu 2020
    “…During the last few years heart rate variability-based coaching has been highlighted to be a promising method for enhancing athlete’s physical performance or either individual’s well-being. …”
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    Pro gradu
  12. 232

    SARS-CoV-2-virus Jyväskylässä jätevesiseurannan perusteella Tekijä Autio, Virpi, Parviainen, Siiri, Sundström, Max

    Julkaistu 2022
    “…Wastewater has proven to be one of the most promising monitoring methods. Studies have shown that people infected with SARS-CoV-2 excrete viral RNA into sewage water. …”
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  13. 233

    Deep learning in gait analysis : the effect of marker presence in neural network training to kinematic outcomes Tekijä Uitto, Roope

    Julkaistu 2021
    “…The between-trial reliability was most of the time reasonable for clinical measurements (ICC > 0.9), but pointwise analysis showed clear differences in reliability at different points of the gait cycle. There is promise for deep learning -based methods to be used in clinical gait analysis, if the conditions are appropriate. …”
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    Pro gradu
  14. 234

    Motoristen yksiköiden erottelu matemaattisilla luokittelumenetelmillä differentiaalisesta elektromyografiasta Tekijä Koskinen, Timo

    Julkaistu 2019
    “…Based on the results, the most promising method studied was k-medoids clustering function that uses Squared Euclidean similarity measure. …”
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    Pro gradu
  15. 235

    Kasvien kasvun ja laadun vertailu hydroponic- ja aquaponic-systeemeissä Tekijä Lehmonen, Roope, Sireeni, Jenni

    Julkaistu 2017
    “…Combined aquaculture and cultivation of plants in water, referred to as aquaponics, seems promising in relieving the global problems in food production, because the amount of nutrients needed for hydroculture is lower as in aquaponics the nutrients from fish wastes are used to produce plant crops. …”
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  16. 236

    Katsekäyttäytymisen yhteys sykevälivaihteluun ihmisen ja koiran välisessä vuorovaikutuksessa Tekijä Takko, Mira, Vasankari, Ann-Sofia

    Julkaistu 2024
    “…The study was performed in the premises of University of Jyväskylä, and the final sample consisted of 26 human-dog dyads. …”
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    Pro gradu
  17. 237

    Tervetuloa mun päivään - ja elämään! : yksityisen ja julkisen rajanteko suomalaisten nais- ja miestubettajien my day -videoilla Tekijä Roiha, Paula

    Julkaistu 2017
    “…With Näre’s concepts the boundary work between the private and public spheres is also connected to gender. The premise of this study is that private and public can no longer be separated from each other the same way as before. …”
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    Pro gradu
  18. 238

    Fyysisen ja kognitiivisen harjoittelun vaikutus ikääntyneiden vähän liikkuvien henkilöiden kaatumisiin ja kaatumisen pelkoon Tekijä Vettenterä, Elina

    Julkaistu 2018
    “…In addition to physical exercise, cognitive training has yielded promising results in preventing falls. The purpose of this study was to determine whether six months of physical and cognitive training have an impact on the number of falls, fallers, injurious falls, injured fallers and the amount of fear of falling of the elderly people as compared to pure physical training. …”
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    Pro gradu
  19. 239

    Koulukiusaamisen yhteys fyysisen aktiivisuuden määrään sekä vapaa-ajan liikuntamotiiveihin 8.- ja 9.luokkalaisilla Tekijä Perälä, Samu, Pispala, Jukka

    Julkaistu 2015
    “…Oppilaiden liikuntamo-tiiveja analysoimme Promax-rotatoidun pääakselifaktorianalyysin avulla muodostettujen summamuuttujien kautta. …”
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    Pro gradu
  20. 240

    Mäkihypyn ponnistusvaiheen biomekaniikka hahmon asennon tunnistamiseen perustuvalla liikeanalyysillä Tekijä Virtanen, Lauri

    Julkaistu 2021
    “…Machine learning based software is promising as a motion analysis method and also operatively cost effective. …”
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    Pro gradu
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