Näytetään 161 - 180 yhteensä 253 tuloksesta haulle 'probase~', hakuaika: 4,20s Tarkenna hakua
  1. 161

    Fysikaalinen valaistus ja reaaliaikaiset heijastukset Tekijä Paananen, Henrik

    Julkaistu 2016
    “…Finally two reflection techniques, environment probes and screen space reflections, are evaluated from the physically based lighting point of view. …”
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    Pro gradu
  2. 162

    Moniseinäisten hiilinanoputkien verkostoituminen vesipisaran pinnalla Tekijä Hyyryläinen, Esa

    Julkaistu 2022
    “…Here, the nanotubes form networks, probably due to capillary forces. After the droplet dries, the networked deposit remains on the surface of the silicon. …”
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    Pro gradu
  3. 163

    Melua mittaavan langattoman anturiverkon klusterointi Tekijä Nissi, Jukka

    Julkaistu 2015
    “…Cluster head properties can also vary a lot and the cluster head can be selected probability based, deterministic or preset. In the cluster formation phase for instance, you should consider the number of clusters, the size and density as well as the internal topology of the clusters. …”
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    Pro gradu
  4. 164

    Negotiation strategies and offers : perceptions of mergers and acquisitions advisors Tekijä Paavola, Akseli

    Julkaistu 2014
    “…However, the negotiator should acknowledge the high probability that an integrative first offer is countered with a distributive offer and communication strategy. …”
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    Pro gradu
  5. 165

    Financial literacy and mortgage lender selection : evidence from Finland Tekijä Keinänen, Veikka

    Julkaistu 2022
    “…Using online survey data of Finnish mortgage borrowers, limited dependent variable models are estimated to explain how financial literacy affects the probability of putting the mortgage application out for tender, perceived importance of various loan offer characteristics, and bank selection determinants. …”
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    Pro gradu
  6. 166

    A little bit of help from the mother goes a long way : the effect of maternal antibodies on antibody levels and growth during the first year of the magpie (Pica pica) Tekijä Rauhala, Katja

    Julkaistu 2020
    “…Through their positive effect on offspring phenotype, maternal antibodies were probably also able to positively affect offspring fitness and survival. …”
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    Pro gradu
  7. 167

    Siiwollisuuden tuntoa ja ylewätä kauneuden mieltä : suomenkielinen nuorisokirjallisuus 1851-1899 Tekijä Kuivasmäki, Riitta

    Julkaistu 1990
    “…The most typical genre in original Finnish-language children's literature - as in children's literature elsewhere - was short prose fiction, i.e. stories and fairy tales (folk tales); the rise of the youth novel took place in the 1890s. …”
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  8. 168

    Graphene plasmonics for surface-enhanced infrared spectroscopy Tekijä Plyushch, Alexander

    Julkaistu 2020
    “…The experimental work consisted of the optimization of graphene patterning process, fabrication of the active plasmonic device and its characterization using FTIR microscopy and scanning probe imaging. A novel approach for graphene patterning was utilized. …”
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    Pro gradu
  9. 169

    Luotettava laskennallinen menetelmä sytokromi P450 alatyypin 2A6 katalysoimien pienmolekyylien metaboliakohtien ennustukseen Tekijä Kuusisto, Mira

    Julkaistu 2016
    “…The most reliable one of the developed ligand- and structure-based methods predicts one site of metabolism for a CYP2A6 substrate with 77% probability, which is 5 and 12 percent units higher than with the best ligand- or structure-based methods alone. …”
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    Pro gradu
  10. 170

    Eco-anxiety and it ́s link to the everyday life choices of young Finns in 2020 Tekijä Metsäranta, Venni

    Julkaistu 2021
    “…Eco-anxiety has received more attention in the previous years, and the attention will probably increase even further in the future. …”
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    Pro gradu
  11. 171

    Implementing the 3-omega technique for thermal conductivity measurements Tekijä Hänninen, Tuomas

    Julkaistu 2013
    “…Data analysis revealed that the output of the examined measurement setups can not be used to calculate the thermal properties of the samples. This is most probably due to spurious 3ω-signal in the measurement circuit, originating from the components and voltage sources. …”
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    Pro gradu
  12. 172

    Manufacturing of graphene nanodisks for surface plasmon measurements Tekijä Hakkola, Niko-Ville

    Julkaistu 2017
    “…A fairly reliable method to produce nanodisks was successfully developed with arrangement and amount of nanodisks just as desired but with some impurities still left in the samples, probably due to the final removal and cleaning with acetone. …”
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    Pro gradu
  13. 173

    Tunturirautu (Salvelinus alpinus (L.)) muuttuvassa ympäristössä Tekijä Seppänen, Markku

    Julkaistu 2021
    “…Predation by brown trout and burbot is the probable reason for this. Another possible reason for the reproductive failure may be too high a water temperature. …”
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    Pro gradu
  14. 174

    The invasive potential of Prussian carp in Finland under the light of a novel semi-clonal reproductive mechanism Tekijä Deinhardt, Manuel

    Julkaistu 2013
    “…Based on the results and literature the invasive potential and threat to the European crucian carp was evaluated. It was found probable that gynogenetic Prussian carp will invade Southern Finland and eradicate crucian carp resulting in a high Finnish and Nordic responsibility for the conservation of European crucian carp in uninvaded areas. …”
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    Pro gradu
  15. 175

    Teknologian rooli meditaatioharjoittelussa Tekijä Vuorela, Ville

    Julkaistu 2016
    “…Information spreads very efficiently in digital environments and nowadays getting in touch with information about meditation practices is more probable than ever before. The research on meditation has found many well-being related benefits in varying areas of our living, and the practical adaptation of these practices evolves eve-ry day. …”
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  16. 176

    Muikun (Coregonus albula) munien hautoutumisenaikainen lämpötila Etelä-Konnevedellä : vuosien väliset vaihtelut ja vaikutus kuoriutumisjaksoon Tekijä Taskinen, Salla

    Julkaistu 2020
    “…The daily water temperatures were set to a degree-day model, which predicts to most probable hatching dates. Inter-annual variations in both the length of the period as well as the degree-day sum were greatest during autumns and springs. …”
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    Pro gradu
  17. 177

    Response, resistance, deconstruction : reading and writing in/of three novels by John Updike Tekijä Keskinen, Mikko

    Julkaistu 1998
    “…The study explores the ways in which prose fiction can be seen to respond to or read itself, how writing allegedly explicates or reflects itself, and how resistance is realized both in reading and writing. …”
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  18. 178

    Transient sputtering method for estimating ion confinement times in ECRIS plasma Tekijä Marttinen, Miha

    Julkaistu 2018
    “…Additionally, the ion production times are probed by applying the sputtering method in a fast sputtering experiment. …”
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    Pro gradu
  19. 179

    Analysis of the tunnelling-charging Hamiltonian of a Cooper pair pump Tekijä Aunola, Matias

    Julkaistu 2001
    “…The deviation is rather large for short arrays, and provided the other sources of inaccuracy can be suppressed, the adiabatic pumping can be tested experimentally when the direct supercurrent vanishes at ф = 0. The measurents also probe the coherence of the system, especially the effects due to the dephasing, in other words the fluctuations in value of ф. …”
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  20. 180

    Kvasidegeneroituneiden steriilien neutriinojen havaitseminen Tekijä Oravasaari, Tero

    Julkaistu 2013
    “…Such a small mass squared difference could be probed with AGN and GRB neutrinos detected in cubic kilometer size neutrino observatories. …”
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    Pro gradu
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