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Yksityisyysongelmat geososiaalisissa verkostopalveluissa
Published 2017“…With the rising popularity of location based services, the amount of collected data is also on the rise and therefore the probability of new kinds of privacy issues is increasing. …”
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Hakukonemarkkinoinnin hyödyt suuryrityksille
Published 2021“…With search engine marketing large companies can find customers, that are already part of the purchasing process, which again in-creases the probability buying behavior. In addition, other found benefits are increased brand visibility and cost efficiency. …”
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Käytettävyyden tärkeys uudessa mobiililaitteessa ja järjestelmässä
Published 2020“…We have begun to move from stationary heavy devices such as a desktop computer to ever lighter and portable devices. We all probably have at least a cell phone. We use these devices daily, and it is important for us that the device we use is comfortable to use. …”
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Relational tensions in subgroup relationships : a case study of synchronous communication in a global virtual team
Published 2015“…Few empirical studies in current literature explore the positive potentials of subgroups. This study probes subgroup relationships from a relational dialectic angle by employing the concept of face as relational connectedness and separatedness proposed in Face Constituting Theory (FCT). …”
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Yhteistoiminnallinen kokeilu viidennen luokan kuvataidetunneilla : "en mä ees ois osannu tehä tota yksin!"
Published 2014“…Parhaimmillaan oppilaat jakoivat innostuneesti ideoita ryhmänsä kesken, arvostivat toisten- sa erilaisia taitoja ja pitivät yhteistoiminnallisuutta mukavana tapana työskennellä. Proses- sin tuloksena tutkimuksen loppuun on koottu teorian ja aineiston pohjalta muistilista opetta- jalle, joka haluaa soveltaa yhteistoiminnallista oppimista erityisesti kuvataiteeseen. …”
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Construction of Baloch Ethnic Identity In Music on Social Media Platform YouTube
Published 2024“…Fadel, 2022; Clough, 2018), however, there is no research available on the use of the social media platform YouTube to represent Baloch ethnic groups. The present study probes the question of how Baloch musicians use music to construct their ethnic identity and ethnic conflict through the social media platform YouTube. …”
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Meanings attached to disability, attitudes towards disabled people, and attitudes towards integration
Published 1995“…In accordance with earlier assumptions the meanings attached to disability groups were positive due, probably, to religious influences and shared values within the community. …”
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The role of music in event ambience and design : a case study during a film festival
Published 2021“…A unique aspect in this case study is the time when it was conducted; during a restricted time in the COVID-19 pandemic, thus providing some information that will probably not be available in the future. Further research on the effects of the event restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic is warranted. …”
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Effect of thermal pretreatment on chemical composition and biogas production from kitchen waste
Published 2014“…The low or no increase in methane yield was probably due to loss of VFA during thermal pretreatment and the possibility of inhibitory products formation. …”
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Performance-related affective experiences in elite shooters during the preparation season
Published 2012“…Furthermore, logistic regression was used to estimate probability of performance based on pre-performance affective data. …”
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Recipes of success : the case of pulp and paper industry 1989-2015
Published 2017“…Such causality is also difficult to model and hence has been has largely ignored previously, probably due to the limitations in the correlation-related and variance decomposition approach. …”
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Using Goal-Setting and Feedback Notifications to Increase Physical Activity Outcomes : A Sequential N-of-1 Study Using the Precious App
Published 2024“…Results indicate that goal-setting notifications increased the probability of goal-setting for some participants, while behavioral feedback notifications also demonstrated potential in this regard, though further validation with larger samples is warranted. …”
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Piikarbidipohjaisten tehokomponenttien säteilyvastemittauksissa käytetyn suodatinpiirin mallintaminen
Published 2022“…Comparing the time stamps of the measured voltage pulses to the time stamps of the increasing leakage current, it was found that the step-wise rises in the leakage current were probably caused by current pulses for which there is a greater total charge flowing through the device …”
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Correlated uncertainties in Bayesian inference
Published 2025“…With Bayesian inference, we can determine multidimensional posterior probability distributions for the non-perturbative parameters describing the proton high-energy structure. …”
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Haavankäävän (Phellinus tremulae) esiintyminen ja vaikutus tikkojen pesäpuunvalintaan talous- ja luonnonmetsissä
Published 2023“…Phellinus tremulae is probably not adapted to the managed forest conditions. …”
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Käyttäjäkokemuksen vaikutukset asiakkaiden ostopäätökseen ja sitouttamiseen verkkokaupassa
Published 2016“…Based on the sources used in this thesis the main user experience factors that can affect positively customers’ buying decision online are strengthening consumers’ trust, providing positive UI (User Interface) experience, providing comprehensive information and offering versatile interaction possibilities on the webpage. The probability of customers returning to the website is mostly influenced favorably by their previous positive experience, high level of social presence and quality customer service provided by the online store. …”
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Julkisen hallinnon digitaaliset palvelut : kansalaisten palveluiden käyttöön vaikuttavat tekijät
Published 2024“…They also influence citizens’ willingness, understanding and probability to use the offered digital services. By considering the influencing factors in the design and development stage of digital services, the impact of these factors can be minimized. …”
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Selkäydinvammaisten henkilöiden kokemuksia sosiaali- ja terveyspalveluista (FinSCI-tutkimus)
Published 2022“…There was a higher probability for negative experience if person was living alone, was a woman or spinal cord injury was caused by non-trauma. …”
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Kehonkoostumuksen yhteys pitkäikäisyyteen
Published 2018“…Among females, the highest third of fat-free mass (fat-free mass ≥46 kg) had approximately a 2-fold probability of living at least 90 years of age than dying under 85 years of age (p=0.068). …”
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Epigeneettisen ikääntymisnopeuden yhteys kuolleisuuteen
Published 2021“…The probability of an epigenetically older twin dying first was assessed by McNemar test. …”
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