Näytetään 81 - 100 yhteensä 253 tuloksesta haulle 'probase~', hakuaika: 4,36s Tarkenna hakua
  1. 81
  2. 82

    Pitkään jatkuneen, säännöllisen meditaation harjoittamisen ja meditaatiotilan vaikutus säikähdysreaktioon Tekijä Jolma, Anna, Pelttari, Outi

    Julkaistu 2014
    “…In addition, both groups had smaller startle responses in the meditation like condition compared to the baseline condition, which probably reflects subjects’ habituation to the startle stimulus and the startle probe. …”
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    Pro gradu
  3. 83

    Biogas production from ensiled maize with and without hydrothermal pretreatment Tekijä Koponen, Hanna

    Julkaistu 2010
    “…In the future their use will probably increase, and among other things optimum storage and pretreatment technologies should be developed. …”
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    Pro gradu
  4. 84

    Lintujen ikkunatörmäyskuolemat rengastusaineistoon perustuen Tekijä Ikäheimo, Emmi

    Julkaistu 2017
    “…There was no connection between weight and probability of leathal window collisions. I found out that according to conservation status probability of lethal bird-window collision of endangered bird species was 1,9 times higher than probability of unendagered bird species. …”
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    Pro gradu
  5. 85

    Analysis of the charge state distribution produced in a 78Kr + 98Mo fusion evaporation reaction utilizing the MARA separator Tekijä Lightfoot, Alexandra

    Julkaistu 2016
    “…Results show an expected gaussian distribution around the most probable charge, ̄q. A most probable charge state of ̄q = (27.99 ± 0.20) was obtained after fitting the data. …”
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    Pro gradu
  6. 86

    Kohdistettu huijaussähköposti organisaatioiden tietoturvauhkana Tekijä Häkkinen, Niko

    Julkaistu 2017
    “…In addition, knowledge of IT security risks for organization seems prevent probability to be fraud. However, email's features, high reliability seems to be associated with the probability to fall for spear phishing email. …”
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    Pro gradu
  7. 87

    Ulkoisten kyberturvallisuuden riskien arviointi finanssialan organisaatiossa Tekijä Takala, Niko

    Julkaistu 2019
    “…The results of the study show that it is possible to build a model to support the estimation of the risk probabilities. In time, by using the model the organization is able to build a strong database considering its risks and to use the database as a justification for assigned probabilities. …”
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    Pro gradu
  8. 88

    Peer effects in classroom : do classmates matter for your future? Tekijä Salo, Jussipekka

    Julkaistu 2019
    “…I find that adding one disruptive peer in a class of 20 people increases the other students’ probability to commit a crime by 2 per cent, decreases the probability to get a matriculation examination by 2 per cent and increases the probability of not getting any degree after secondary school by 1,1 per cent. …”
    Hae kokoteksti Hae kokoteksti
    Pro gradu
  9. 89

    Tiedonlouhintateknologian hyödyntäminen urheiluvedonlyönnissä Tekijä Saarelainen, Patrik

    Julkaistu 2020
    “…The aim of this paper is to find out is it possible to estimate probabilities in sports more precisely than sports betting markets do and utilize these estimations to earn extra profit by investing in sports betting. …”
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    Pro gradu
  10. 90

    Herding behaviour in Bangladesh stock market : a case of Dhaka stock exchange Tekijä Saha, Sangit

    Julkaistu 2019
    “…Moreover, in this study, a probable reason for detecting herding for the crash period is considering longer time frame for the crash period comparing to the previous study. …”
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    Pro gradu
  11. 91

    Jokien pohjaeläimistön vertailuolojen määritys ekstrapoloivalla mallinnuksella Tekijä Teittinen, Assi

    Julkaistu 2021
    “…Based on the results it is possible to estimate the probabilities of capture of benthic invertebrates, and probably other community descriptors used in assessment, even without data from reference conditions. …”
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    Pro gradu
  12. 92

    Klusterointialgoritmien vertailu Tekijä Nättilä, Severi

    Julkaistu 2021
    “…The point of this study is to focus on the basics of clustering, probability model-based approaches and non-parametric approaches. …”
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  13. 93

    Optical feedback cooling of a mechanical silicon oscillator with a single laser Tekijä Nätkinniemi, Joonas

    Julkaistu 2020
    “…Because of mistakes made in the experiment setup, significant unwanted parasitic feedback effect was encountered during the feedback experiments, which resulted in no detectable cooling effect. The probable significant causes of the parasitic feedback were identified and ways to correct them proposed for possible follow up experiments. …”
    Hae kokoteksti Hae kokoteksti
    Pro gradu
  14. 94

    Saostumat kartonkikoneen märkäpäässä sekä kemikaalikierrossa Tekijä Uotinen, Helmi

    Julkaistu 2016
    “…Fluctuations in the two probes’ signals were studied in order to find the causes for deposit formation. …”
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    Pro gradu
  15. 95

    Discrimination of serial auditory patterns in rats : roles of configural and elemental associations Tekijä Nurmi, Tiina

    Julkaistu 2011
    “…Thus, according to this study, in a discrimination learning paradigm with serial auditory compounds rats probably form an association between the first tone and the US (or lack of it) but not with the serial pattern and the US. …”
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    Pro gradu
  16. 96

    Minuus itseyden kiertoradalla : Hermann Hessen proosatekstit ja jungilainen psykoenergetiikka Tekijä Kulmala, Teppo

    Julkaistu 2001
    “…The study The Ego on the Orbit of the Self - Hermann Hesse 's Prose and the Jungian View of Psychoenergetics (Minuus itseyden kiertoradalla -Hermann Hessen proosa tekstit ja jungilainen psykoenergetiikka) focuses on that which occurs as psychic energy in Hesse's prose, as understood in terms of Carl Gustav Jung's analytical psychology. …”
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  17. 97

    Ylipainon yhteys palkkaan työmarkkinoilla Tekijä Kinnunen, Jarno

    Julkaistu 2021
    “…For men, the research results have not been as consistent, as overweight has been found to have a positive relationship e.g. with the probability of employment. The empirical part of the study utilizes the British Household Panel Survey (BHPS) and its 2006 data (n = 15392). …”
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    Pro gradu
  18. 98

    The impact of transient visual deprivation and proprioception in motor skill learning and acute cortical excitability Tekijä Nätkynmäki, Anna

    Julkaistu 2020
    “…The excitability of the corticospinal tract seemed to increase when the motor skill training was performed with transient visual deprivation protocol, and imaginary training had a significant effect. The probable reason behind non-visual processing might arise from the change between cortical level performance or learned focused attention. …”
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    Pro gradu
  19. 99

    Polkuintegraaliperustilamenetelmä Tekijä Kiiskinen, Sampsa

    Julkaistu 2017
    “…Based on the presentation, a simple sample implementation is constructed and showcased by calculating the energy and probability density function of a quantum harmonic oscillator and a rough estimate for the pair correlation function of liquid helium-4. …”
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  20. 100

    Selittävätkö koettu stressi ja itsearvioitu stressinhallintakyky sosioekonomisen aseman ja masennusoireiden välistä yhteyttä iäkkäillä henkilöillä? Tekijä Kyttälä, Sini

    Julkaistu 2024
    “…The association was explained by lower self-rated stress-coping ability but not by the higher probability of experienced stress of the participants who perceived their economic situation as poor or satisfactory. …”
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    Pro gradu
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