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Part-of-speech tagging in written slang
Published 2014“…Eurooppalaiset kielet voidaan prosessoida monesti luotettavammin tilastollisilla menetelmillä, kun taas esi-merkiksi Etelä-Intian kielet, kuten Hindi, ovat monesti luotettavampia proses-soida sääntöihin perustuvilla menetelmillä. …”
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Fascicle-tendon interaction in v2 skate cross-country skiing : a case study
Published 2015“…In the following measurements is important to select and attach the US probes more carefully to ensure better quality of US measurements. …”
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Fluorescence labeling of the photosensory unit of Deinococcus radiodurans bacteriophytochrome for Förster resonance energy transfer studies
Published 2016“…Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) based measurements were designed in this work to be used as an alternative, non-invasive, and cost-efficient way for probing the PHY domain separation in Pr and Pfr. CBD-PHY engineered with cysteine insertions at the ends of the PHY domains (E373/CC/G374) and one surface cysteine substituted with serine (C93S) was expressed in E. coli strain BL21 (DE3) cells and purified with high-pressure liquid chromatography. …”
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Ääneen lukemalla kohti parempaa tekstiä
Published 2024“…In the second analysis, I grouped the codes into themes and dimensions concerning different aspects of writing prose: storyline, narrative voice, rhythm, and tonality, as well as technical corrections. …”
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Suolistomikrobiston koostumuksen erot HCR- ja LCR -rotilla ja yhteys viskeraalisen rasvakudoksen geenien ilmentymiseen
Published 2016“…Although previous studies have found that LCR rats have some signs of metabolic syndrome, those were not observed in this study, probably due to young age of rats. A number of statistically significantly different groups of microbes observed in this study have been linked to obesity in previous studies. …”
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Minoritestitulosten yhteys kilpailumenestykseen naisten telinevoimistelussa Suomessa
Published 2018“…Those with top 10 results in the test showed the highest probability of being among the best in competitions in the future. …”
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Voimaharjoittelun ja harjoitustauon vaikutukset kortikospinaalisen radan toimintaan sekä maksimi- ja nopeusvoimaan harjoittelemattomilla aikuisilla
Published 2023“…The muscle contraction type and joint angles used in strength training and in the MVC- and RFD-measurements probably also differed too much and thus no changes could be seen in the parameters in question. …”
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Effects of far infrared warm on recovery in power athletes during a 5- day training period
Published 2013“…The changes in the testosterone/cortisol ratio, CK response, and serum testosterone and SHBG levels indicate probability to the improved anabolic state and accelerated recovery due to the FIR warm. …”
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Viruksen infektiomekanismi ja leviäminen enterovirusinfektion aikana
Published 2017“…This surprising spike was not seen in the replication positive cells, which means that these were probably viruses transferred from the cells that show replication. …”
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Branched-chain amino acid metabolism and estrogen modification during adipogenesis
Published 2017“…However, estrogen can to inhibit adipogenesis, adipose tissue growth, and probability of metabolic diseases. Previously, BCAA metabolism and effects of estrogen have been studied mainly using human primary adipocytes, and in vitro and in vivo animal models. …”
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Palautuminen maksimikestävyyden, maksimivoiman ja hypertrofisen voiman harjoitusblokeista ja erilaisten harjoitusblokkien vaikutus unen laatuun
Published 2019“…Additionally, the results of present study suggest that quality of the sleep or relative portion of sleep phases during any training blocks. Probably greater training loads and/or longer training period are required in order to induce physiological changes in autonomic nervous system, cortisol concentration, physical performance or sleep phases. …”
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Yhdistetyn kestävyys- ja voimaharjoittelun vaikutukset fyysiseen kuntoon, antropometriaan ja kardiometaboliseen terveyteen työikäisillä naisilla
Published 2019“…CEST -intervention seems to improve physical fitness and body composition, but 12 weeks was probably too short period to make improvements in individual parameters describing cardiometabolic health. …”
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Terapeuttisen harjoittelun vaikuttavuus MS-tautia sairastavan tasapainoon ICF-luokituksen suoritusten ja osallistumisen tasoilla : järjestelmällinen kirjallisuuskatsaus ja meta-ana...
Published 2018“…Authors’ conclusions: Therapeutic exercise, compared to no-exercise or usual care, probably improves balance capacity and performance in pwMS with moderate disease severity (EDSS<5.0) (level B evidence). …”
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