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Considering privacy : an analysis of players’ experiences of a serious privacy game for software engineers
Published 2023“…Software engineers often consider privacy a secondary concern and they do not have the necessary knowledge to properly build software with privacy in mind. …”
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User perceptions on the privacy of health information
Published 2016“…Privacy concerns did not have a significant impact on the majority of the users as they accepted these risks. …”
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Users' perceptions of privacy in cookie consent requests with deceptive design
Published 2024“…The findings revealed that deceptive design diminishes users’ perceived control over their privacy and their trust in the cookie data collector, while its influence on users’ privacy concerns and perceived privacy risks is more subtle and varied. …”
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Data Privacy in the age of LLM-based services in Education: Current Challenges, Improvement Guidelines and Future Directions
Published 2024“…Since generative AI will keep developing, its impacts on data privacy and protection will also be significant in the future. …”
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Yksityisyys ja luottamus hakukoneiden käytössä
Published 2016“…Due this, there has been increasing concern about privacy of users and therefore trust to those services is at risk. …”
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DNS-protokollan turvallisuus ja yksityisyys
Published 2017“…What concerns are there, and how do we mitigate them? …”
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Willingness to share information via mobile application : the risk-benefit perspective
Published 2022“…Increased time spent online, and the increased use of mobile devices and applications have raised consumer privacy concerns. With advanced technology enables efficient data collection through mobile devices, thus consumers are demanding more control for information sharing. …”
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Käyttäjän evästevalinnat ja niiden vaikutus yksityisyydensuojaan
Published 2024“…During this review, questionable policies related to legislation that concern privacy policy, such as the GDPR and ePrivacy Directive, were revealed. …”
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How location-based social network applications are being used
Published 2015“…This study also aimed at answering a number of sub-questions on user behavior such as activity patterns, motivations for sharing location, privacy concerns, and current and future trends in the field. …”
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Novel browser extension tool for image annotation : (Applications and use-cases in a novel CCTV-aware system)
Published 2022“…People are not aware of how much they are entering the surveillance zone and for some people the patronizing surveillance may raise concerns about individual freedom and privacy. This paper introduces a browser extension that allows users to annotate cameras to build a security / privacy type of navigation that avoids or follows cameras. …”
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Kuluttajan yksityisyyshuolien vaikutus mobiilisovellusten käytön muutoksiin
Published 2022“…For example, a more detailed study of what factors affect perceived privacy concerns and how different levels of privacy concerns affect the use of mobile applications. …”
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Kontaktien jäljityssovelluksiin liittyvät yksityisyyshuolet
Published 2023“…Contact tracing applications popularized during the COVID-19 pandemic have naturally led to privacy concerns among users. This study reviews problems and concerns related to privacy in these applications. …”
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Kolmannet osapuolet mukana henkilökohtaisen datan käytössä ja vaikutukset yksityisyyteen : case Facebook
Published 2023“…The social media service Facebook has raised a lot of questions, discussions, and concerns about the protection of users' privacy. Facebook stores and collects a huge amount of personal data, which, especially with the rapid development of technology and the increase of third-party applications and services integrated into the platform, has raised concerns about the security and privacy of user’s personal data. …”
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Mobiilisovellusten aiheuttamat uhat käyttäjän yksityisyydelle
Published 2018“…As the amount of data processed by mobile applications has risen, privacy has become a major concern for users. The purpose of this thesis was to examine the privacy threats to the user caused by the features and practices of mobile applications. …”
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Teknologian vaikutus yksityisyyteen Kiinassa
Published 2024“…The rapid development of technology poses significant privacy concerns, particularly regarding information collection and data privacy. …”
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Yksityisyysparadoksi : systemaattinen kirjallisuuskartoitus
Published 2021“…The discrepancy between individuals’ privacy concerns or attitudes and privacy behavior is known as the privacy paradox. …”
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Loppukäyttäjän yksityisyys IoT-perustaisessa älykodissa
Published 2022“…Beneficial procedures for end users which would help to protect their privacy are also presented. …”
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Yksityisyys ja yksityisyyden suojaaminen big datan aikakaudella : teknologinen näkökulma
Published 2015“…The problem is that new capabilities to gather, analyze, process, and preserve vast quantities of data raise new concerns about the nature of privacy and the means by which individual privacy might be compromised. …”
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Yksityisyys ja siihen kohdistuvat uhat sekä haasteet IoT-perusteisissa älykodeissa
Published 2019“…However, the number of multiple heterogeneous devices poses security threats which in your own home are especially important concerning privacy. This thesis aims to identify these threats and challenges and to explore possible solutions to them. …”
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Yksityisyysongelmat sosiaalisissa verkkopalveluissa
Published 2016“…Some differences between Eu-rope and United States concerning privacy are also presented. This thesis exam-ines the online social networks’ privacy issues through user- and service pro-vider perspectives. …”
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