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Uimataitomittarin luotettavuus lasten vesitaitojen arvioimisessa
Published 2019“…The reliabilty of the method was evaluated by comparing the commonality of reviews by teacher and child parents. After swimming school, children's own perception was compared to the teacher's perception. …”
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Parisuhde pikkulapsiperheissä : kyselytutkimus äideille lapsiperheiden psykososiaalisesta hyvinvoinnista pienessä maaseutukunnassa
Published 2013“…Troubles in parenthood and upbringing, emotional problems of parents and/or children, and the depression of a mother were associated to the perception of the spousal relationship. …”
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Miksi yläkoululaiset harrastavat liikuntaa ja musiikkia?
Published 2019“…Parents’ sports activity is related to adolescents’ sports activities, but to adolescents’ musical activities as well. …”
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"Onko lasten kömpelyys ylisuojelevien vanhempien vika?"
Published 2015“…Keywords: children under school age, physical activity, basic motor skills, forum, parental perceptions …”
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Merkityksenannon muutokset perheterapiassa : uhmakkuus- ja käytöshäiriödiagnoosin saaneiden lasten oireille annetut merkitykset ja niiden yhteys perheen vuorovaikutussysteemiin
Published 2022“…The most important factor behind the change was the parents’ ability to see good in their children. This enabled the former coercive and punishment-based communication to change into the parents beginning to reward their children. …”
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Millainen on hyvä interventio? : tapaustutkimus ylipainoisten lasten perhelähtöisestä elintapainterventiosta
Published 2019“…Some important characteristics of behavior change interventions have already been identified e.g., long duration and parental participation. However, more information is needed in order to plan effective interventions. …”
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Varhaiskasvattajien näkemyksiä lasten ja heidän perheidensä liikunnalliseen elämäntapaan vaikuttavista tekijöistä
Published 2020“…Furthermore the purpose was to investigate their perceptions to physical activity counselling process. …”
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"Mitä me oikeastaan ollaan?" : identifikaation, organisaatioidentiteetin ja brändin kolmiyhteys helsinkiläisen urheiluseuran kontekstissa.
Published 2018“…The second goal is to describe M-Team’s organizational identity, based on the inner perception of that community. Furthermore, the examinees’ wishes about M-Team’s future will be addressed. …”
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Sosiaalityöntekijöiden näkemyksiä olosuhdeselvitysten tekemisestä
Published 2018“…Custody disputes and its effects have been studied mostly from the point of view of children and parents. Some custody disputes have also been investigate d in the light of the decisions of the District Court and related to the study of the circumstances of the social work literary material. …”
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