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The relationship between brand love and positive word of mouth
Published 2014“…The results of this study indicate that self-expressiveness, trust and hedonic product type all have significant positive effects on brand love. …”
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Brand-related negative engagement and spillover effect on social media
Published 2022“…Nowadays customers have a significant influencing role on online social networks. Customers utilise user-generated content as a prime source of information about products and services. …”
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"Phonebloks, or a phone developed by its future users" : user experiences of a forum for a modular phone concept
Published 2016“…This thesis gave a glimpse as to what a part of users express online what they want to see in the upcoming phones developed in a modular way, and also how they express these wishes. …”
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Racism in advertising in the beauty industry : emotional responses in social media during racism related crises
Published 2019“…This study discusses social media’s impact on crisis communication by analyzing the online communication around two different social media crisis situations. …”
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Polarized and political : evaluating language per candidate hashtags of the 2016 American election
Published 2019“…By examining Twitter reactions to the 2016 election that both celebrate and condemn the results, this thesis aims to understand the online language patterns associated with a politically polarized culture, and to understand for what purpose social media users employ these language patterns. …”
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Käyttöliittymä osana asiakasuskollisuutta verkkokaupassa
Published 2022“…The main principles in creating an aesthetic and easy-to-use user interface are consistency, hierarchy, and classical and expressive aesthetics. Consistency with other websites and within the different sec-tions of the online store helps in using the online store due to the utilization of existing information. …”
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Sosiaalisen vuorovaikutuksen vaikutus verkkopelikokemukseen
Published 2020“…Wide spectrum of factors was found for the formation of player experience ranging from different kinds of fun to challenges and expressing oneself. In the end it was studied how social interaction affects online game experience. …”
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Choosing to listen : how personality is connected to the listening and use of self-chosen music in everyday life
Published 2013“…Tutkimusmateriaali koostui aiemmin toteutetusta, struksturoidulla online-kyselyllä kerätystä materiaalista, jossa itse data-analyysiin kelpuutettuja vastaajia oli 340. …”
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Maternal perspectives on preschoolers’ negative emotions and their emotional social competence
Published 2021“…The data are collected from an online survey using adapted Coping with Negative Emotions Scale (CCNES) (focusing on anger, sadness, fear and anxiety) and Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ). …”
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Navigating the competing narratives in social media : a study of Chinese transnationals’ cultural identity work in Finland
Published 2023“…I adopted qualitative approaches for the study, combing qualitative interviews and online observations. The inter-view topics were mainly from my online observations. …”
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Pelaajien kokemuksia salaisella sopimuksella huijaamisesta verkkopeleissä
Published 2020“…Less than half of online players cheat by collusion and the proportion of women is lower than that of men. …”
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University students' perceptions of campus sustainability in Finland
Published 2023“…This is done through conducting a two-week online survey of all attending university students at a Finnish university during the Spring semester of 2023. …”
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Poliittiseen polarisaatioon vaikuttavat tekijät verkkoyhteisöpalveluissa
Published 2022“…Social media and its online social networking sites have become popular tools for networking, content creation, and information sharing. …”
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Arvon yhteisluonti ja – tuhoutuminen chatbot-asiakaspalvelun toimijaverkostossa
Published 2022“…Especially the customer’s ability to reduce their expression, and the chatbot’s ability to open up their knowledge base are requirements for successful value co-creation. …”
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Employee's experience with Corporate Volunteering : motives and impacts
Published 2020“…In the course of the data collection, 144 OMV employee volunteers participating at the recent tree planting activities in Austria and Romania were asked about their CV experience through an online questionnaire. The results of the study indicated that the primary motivation of employees for participating in CV was to express their altruistic values, acquire new knowledge and skills as well as enhance their self-esteem. …”
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Exploring employee perspectives into technology-mediated communication in multinational organizations
Published 2023“…Generally, the participants expressed both positive and negative perceptions on the influence of TMC on communication and interpersonal relationships. …”
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The portrayals of women in advertisements and their brand-related impacts: A study in Vietnam
Published 2020“…The study includes the quantitative content analysis of 228 Vietnamese TV and online advertisements and the qualitative content analysis of six in-depth interviews with market research professionals. …”
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An exploration of transnational post-study abroad nostalgia and revisit intention among transnational graduates
Published 2024“…A syn-chronous, semi-structured online focus group session was arranged, and the dataset was analysed with reflexive the-matic analysis resulting in three distinct themes. …”
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“Not with these trains” : Finnish public discussion on replacing short domestic flights with land-based travel modes
Published 2021“…The data consisted of eight online news articles and readers’ feedback - comments and poll responses - to them. …”
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Kestävää kehitystä edistävä kasvatus liikunnan ja terveystiedon aineenopetuksessa
Published 2022“…The data were collected online through a Webropol-survey in autumn 2021 and it included five Likert- scale questions and one open-ended question. …”
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