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Definition of Self in the World of Mobility : Multicultural Identity of Finnish Youth
Published 2024Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
Spatial practices in the mobile network and the rise of individual power : a case study of the Sunflower Student Movement in Taiwan
Published 2020“…With the widespread of mobile devices (such as smartphones), the Sunflower Student Movement has marked a new form of resistance in the era of mobile communications. …”
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MobileMonday culture : the lure of participatory space
Published 2010“…It employs the case study method to examine participatory culture’s patterns of interaction through the experiences of participants in Mobile Monday, a global community sharing common professional interests in mobile communications. …”
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Impact of social features on player retention in free-to-play mobile games
Published 2019“…Social features that enable interaction and communication between players inside the game have been claimed to improve the retention of players. …”
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Effects of PSD2 on security architecture of mobile banking : a review of literature
Published 2017“…This thesis found that academic literature about the security architecture of mobile banking does not provide a model where a separate authentication mechanism should communicate separately from the mobile banking application. …”
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NFC-maksaminen : mahdollisuudet ja haasteet käyttäjän näkökulmasta
Published 2013“…The amount and usage of mobile devices has grown significantly over the recent years. …”
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Colleagues’ Support in Multilingual Interaction in a Work Environment
Published 2022“…The number of multilingual individuals will grow every year because of globalisation, increased transnational mobility, and further development of communication technology. …”
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Vuorovaikutuksen merkitys paikkaan sitoutumisessa : identiteetit ja sosiaalinen pääoma
Published 2018“…This research focuses on communication between employees and residents of the municipality. …”
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Factors affecting brick and mortar channel choice in an omnichannel environment
Published 2018Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
Trust and team identification at multicultural workplaces : perceptions of Finnish HR professionals
Published 2017Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
Strategic technology management of Nokia Corporation 2003-2013 : faulty choices and the collapse of the handset business
Published 2015“…This extended case study aims to analyze the strategic technology management of Nokia Corporation – how and why Nokia failed to ensure the position at the forefront of a disrupted mobile communications market between 2003 and 2013. …”
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Evolution of operator business models in the future Internet of Things
Published 2017“…Several key elements of the business model evolve, as technology is adopted more and the surrounding ecosystem grows creating more actors and relationships between them. A guideline for mobile network operators was proposed to support the business in the future Internet of Things In the end, research and results were reviewed and future research objectives were found, especially regarding middleware platforms and information security. …”
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Mobiilimaksamisen omaksuminen maksun vastaanottajan näkökulmasta
Published 2019“…The objective of this study was to familiarize with the adoption of Near Field Communication based mobile payment from the point of view of vendors. …”
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The factors affecting the use of contactless payments
Published 2016“…The technology develops rapidly and in the past few years numerous of companies have made payments possible trough mobile equipments. The most used technology for conducting such a payments is called near field communication (NFC), which enables fast and convenient payments using countless of different instruments for paying. …”
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Vapaasti sijoiteltavien ohjelmistojen koostaminen IoT-ympäristössä
Published 2024“…The main result of the study is a software artifact to support further research efforts into orchestration and the mobility of software between different devices. In addition the study reaffirms the notion of WebAssembly as a plausible technology in an IoT environment. …”
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Agents driven smart sensors
Published 2017“…One way of reducing the heterogeneity between the sensors is to introduce the semantic interface as sensors default interface. …”
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Television äänen muutos teknologisessa kehityskulussa : paikallaan pysyviä ja liikkuvia television äänen käyttömuotoja
Published 2018“…All mobile systems can be connected to cellular phones and laptops. …”
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Tietojenkalastelu ja siitä ilmoittaminen suomalaisessa it-alan organisaatiossa
Published 2023“…Regarding the relationship between using a mobile device to open phishing emails and the success of phishing, no direct conclusions could be drawn from this study because phishing emails were rarely opened on mobile devices, and therefore, there was not enough data. …”
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Erityistä tukea tarvitsevien oppilaiden HOJKS-tavoitteet ICF-viitekehyksessä
Published 2016“…The largest ICF chapters of the goals were learning and applying knowledge (d1) with 34 %, communication (d3) with 20 % and mobility (d4) with 19 % of all of the notes. …”
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Anomalioiden havaitseminen langattomissa sensoriverkoissa syväoppimisen avulla
Published 2019“…Acting as an interface between the physical and the digital world in IoT applications, wireless sensor networks are exposed to a wide range of information security threats due to their open nature of communications, the technological immaturity of IoT solutions and the accelerating growth of cybercrime. …”
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