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Gender stereotyping of northern Italian female adolescents' physical activity : a male perspective
Published 2018“…Based on the results, it is recommended for competent authorities to pay particular attention to the existing gender gap in the delivery of sports policies. In fact, the current degree of stereotyping in the Italian society urges in a recommendation for a closer attention to this issue, is order to prevent and to ease the practice of sport for youngest adolescent females. …”
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Exploring gender dynamics in ski jumping : women’s perspectives on gender roles and (in)equality
Published 2024“…Theoretical framework of this study comprises theories on gender norms as social structures that reinforce power dynamics and create inequalities in sport organizations, such as gender discrimination, limited opportunities, division of labor, and wage gaps between genders. …”
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An exploration of socio-cultural and organizational factors affecting women's access to educational leadership
Published 2014“…Prominent among these factors include: obnoxious cultural beliefs and practices, low educational attainment, gender role socialization, some inherent characteristics of women, inflexible organizational rules and regulations, and a lack of stronger ethical leadership at the top leadership of Ghana Education Service. …”
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Voluntary carbon offsets in the aviation industry : how environmental knowledge affects travellers willingness to pay : a systematic review
Published 2020“…Although some studies found social-demographic factors as age, gender and education to be a reasonable predictor for the WTP, the majority did not confirm these, indicating effects of the regional and cultural background of the studies. …”
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An enabling environment for female leadership in Finnish comprehensive school
Published 2016“…Global Gender Gap Report 2013 p. 9. Thus this study aimed to explore the factors that have created an enabling environment for female leadership in Finnish comprehensive schools. …”
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Music in mood regulation in adolescence : an initial exploration of the Singapore context
Published 2016“…Findings may fill in the gap in the understanding of the use of music and mood regulation in adolescence beyond a Western cultural context, and at the same time, serve as an initial data and proposal for expanding the use of music in therapeutic ways in Singapore. …”
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From Physical Inactivity to Exercise Maintenance; Barriers and Motivations : phenomenological research on personal training participants
Published 2018“…It is suggested, that including the views of those who have experienced physical inactivity themselves should be taken to consideration in the promotion of physical activity and exercise. Likewise, gender differences in both barriers and motivations to exercise could be further investigated from a larger scope. …”
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Reasons for underrepresentation of female leaders and figureheads in Finland according to male sport executives
Published 2019“…Hence, this study approached the theme mainly from a male standpoint to fill in the gap in the literature. …”
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Exercise Motivation and Affective Experiences of Recreational Runners in Central Finland
Published 2024“…This study showed there is a difference in motives to exercise between gender and this can lead to developing unique interventions for people. …”
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Attributes Influencing The Global Mobility of Self-Initiated Female Expatriates
Published 2022“…Other important attributes found in the study were gender, nationality, and networks. With gender was referred the gender-bias industry and organizational position wise as being discouraging as nationality had implications towards racial prejudice that has significant negative implications towards global mobility. …”
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Lapin yliopiston taiteiden tiedekunta 2020 : poikkeusvuoden vaikutus akateemiseen opintomenestykseen ja opiskelijavalintaan
Published 2021“…The purpose of this master’s thesis is to fill this gap by comparing the distance entrance exam to the traditional entrance exam as a method of getting similar students to university. …”
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Nuorten aikuisten ympäristöasenteiden yhteys terveyttä edistäviin ja ilmastonmuutosta hillitseviin valintoihin
Published 2020“…It is important to try to influence environmental attitudes towards choices rather than general attitudes, as they seem better predictors of choices which both promote health and mitigate climate change. To narrow down the gap between genders in the future, attention must be paid to ways that support men in making these choices. …”
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From streets to slavery? : vulnerability, resilience and the risk of human trafficking among street children in Nairobi, Kenya
Published 2017“…Street girls are even more vulnerable as their gender offers them no protection, they are constantly wanted by street boys and the best and most popular way for them to earn a living is prostitution. …”
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7.- ja 9.-luokkalaisten sosiaalisen yhteenkuuluvuuden tunteen yhteys koettuun itsetuntoon liikuntatunneilla
Published 2022“…The level of self-esteem was measured using a State Self-Esteem Scale. The feeling of social relatedness was measured with the Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction at Work Scale. …”
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Terveysosaamisen ja kehonkuvan välinen yhteys 9.-luokkalaisilla nuorilla : WHO-Koululaistutkimuksen tuloksia
Published 2021“…Adolescents with higher level of health literacy were more likely to have a positive body image. In addition, adolescents who considered themselves about the right size were more likely to have a positive body image compared to those who considered themselves too thin or too fat. …”
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Suomalaisten nuorten fyysinen aktiivisuus ja nukkumistottumukset
Published 2015“…These are only two of health habits but apparently there is a gap between the health habits of college students and upper secondary school students. …”
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