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Artificial intelligence governance, management and risk management - A look into EU AIA, standards and other frameworks from practical level
Published 2024“…The study underscores the importance of selecting and calibrating governance frameworks appropriately, as inadequate frameworks render digital security efforts ineffective. Closer examination is also done in order to clarify structures of frameworks for effective governance and management of AI systems, risks and digital security aspects. …”
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Value co-creation and co-destruction in identity and access management service platform : case study
Published 2021“…These goals were contributing to the practical case by providing insights on the potential benefits and risks. Based on the main theoretical foundations on digital platforms and service-dominant logic, distinct frameworks for both value co-creation and co-destruction were used as a lens to study the phenomena. …”
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Best practices in controlling trade-based money laundering
Published 2020Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
Bringing AI into complex industrial Supply Chain Management: A Strategic and systematic approach
Published 2024“…Cyber Security, Master’s Thesis Supervisor(s): Tiihonen, Timo Keywords: supply chain management, industrial supply chain, digital transformation, business processes, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, resilience, capability, design science research, data management Globalization and digitalization challenge supply chains with complex demands, such as a fragmented supplier base and increased economic profitability demands. …”
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The concept of growth hacking : case study on Finnish companies
Published 2023Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
NIS-direktiivin kahdet kasvot : riskit ja riskienhallinta
Published 2017“…The impacts are examined from the businesses point of view considering the two sides of the Directive: risks and risk management. Even though the directive aims to bring companies more effective risk management practices, it also brings risks to the company’s operations. …”
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Digitaalisten yrityslompakoiden potentiaalisimmat ansaintamallit asiakasorganisaatioiden näkökulmasta
Published 2024“…Self-sovereign identity is a new approach to digital identity management where individual's digital identity is stored in a digital wallet, allowing identity-related information to be managed and shared securely without a centralized third party. …”
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Oikeushallinnon tietotekniikkaympäristön uhkamallinnus
Published 2024“…Threat modeling is a key part of the target organization's risk management because some of the identified risks were transferred for further processing in the risk management process. …”
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Kyberturvallisuuden strateginen johtaminen yrityksissä
Published 2020“…This bachelor’s thesis explores cyber security and how it can be managed strategically. Strategic management of cyber security enable to manage challenging and complex entities so that many of the risks posed by cyber threats can be minimized. …”
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Digitaalisen jalanjäljen vaikutus yksityisyyteen : poliisien käsitykset, kokemukset ja hallinnan keinot
Published 2021“…Police officers were aware of the issues surrounding the formation of the digital footprint. The potential impact of the digital footprint on privacy as well as the risks were recognized on both a general and personal level. …”
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Tuotannollisten IT-ympäristöjen haasteet kyberuhkien hallittavuuden näkökulmasta
Published 2022“…To secure the organization's critical infrastructure and IT environment and to prevent cyber threats, it is essential to identify potential risks and implement the necessary controls to reduce the risks. …”
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Jatkuvuuden hallinnan kehittäminen : pienten yritysten näkökulma ja pilvipalveluiden erityispiirteet
Published 2024“…Business continuity management in small businesses is focused on protecting physical assets and preparing for personnel risks. …”
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IEC 62443-4-2 standardin hyödyt ja haasteet yritykselle : systemaattinen kirjallisuuskatsaus
Published 2023“…Industry is becoming more digital as well as the rest of the world, but this digitalization also brings risks. …”
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Massadatan hyödyntäminen tietoturvallisuuden näkökulmasta
Published 2021“…This is followed by a review of the information security risks involved. After that we will have a look at how organizations can manage some of these risks. …”
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Digitalisaation vaikutukset taloushallintopalveluita tuottaviin yrityksiin
Published 2019“…As much as 94 to 98 percent of these jobs are at risk. The purpose of this study was to find out how digitalization, automation of routines, robotics, and artificial intelligence are expected to affect the business structure, organizations, tasks, and employees in Finland in the following years. …”
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Data-analytiikka rahoitusmarkkinoilla
Published 2021“…Examples include financial information management and reference data management, implementation and preparation, regulation, risk analysis, trading analysis, credit rating or proactive analysis, and monitoring and reporting. …”
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Kybersietoisuuden tarkastustulosten hyödyntämismahdollisuudet : tapaustutkimus
Published 2021“…Cyber resilience and related methods should be used together with more traditional risk management processes. This thesis is a qualitative case study and was commissioned by the case organization to analyze the processes and activities related to cyber resilience. …”
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Tietoturvatietoisuusohjelman vaatimukset Kelan tietoturvayksikössä
Published 2024“…We live in a world where romance scammers exploit innocent people for financial gain, sensitive health information is sold on the dark web, and cyberattacks can disrupt access to bank accounts. Today, the digital dimension is an integral part of our lives. …”
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Lohkoketjuteknologian hyödyntäminen sähköisten potilaskertomusten datan hallinnassa
Published 2021“…In addition, many of these systems are centralized in a single location, which may pose risks, for example in the case of data breaches or natural disasters. …”
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Vulnerabilities in the wild : detecting vulnerable web applications at scale
Published 2018“…Construction process of this information gathering method followed the six steps of the Design Science Research Methodology. Web content management system (WCMS) security literature has been reviewed within this study, to gain knowledge of vulnerabilities and risks that WCMS applications face. …”
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