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Graphene-based devices for biological sensing
Published 2020“…The theoretical section is set up with a short overview of the basic physical properties of graphene. …”
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A Quantitative Analysis of Vulnerabilities and Exploits in Home IoT Devices
Published 2023“…It was discovered that currently the most common security hindering thing was the missing or disabled automatic updates and not checking for current firmware version for new updates when setting up the device. This may leave devices with known critical vulnerabilities in the home network for long periods of time before newest update is installed. …”
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Comparison of heavy ion and pulsed laser single-event effect test data for analogue and digital devices
Published 2024“…The heavy ion testing was done in Heavy Ion Facility at UCLouvain, Belgium. For the LM124, SET cross sections were calculated and presented as a function of LET. …”
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Tietotekniikan valtakunnallisten oppisisältöjen toteutuminen Keski-Suomen peruskoulujen opetuskäytänteissä
Published 2017“…The national curriculum from 2014 was set to answer the perceived deficiencies and problems especially in ICT primary school education. …”
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Authorized authentication evaluation framework for constrained environments
Published 2016“…The communication security is based on settings provided in the time of provisioning the devices. …”
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Dean effect in particle sorting
Published 2021“…The results could be improved by additional components for the device or the set-up, and by modifying the image analysis script. …”
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Investigate the radiation response of Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors : impact of X-ray irradiation on DC and Low Frequency Noise characteristics
Published 2023“…But in recent years, the fast scaling of transistor dimensions has increased the 1/f noise and sets a minimum signal level of electronic devices. …”
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Exploring the antibacterial property of silver nanotriangles synthesized using biocompatible polymers
Published 2018“…At lower dilution ratios (3/5) of PEG and PSSS nanotriangles, a clear antibacterial effect was observed, whereas, higher dilution ratios (1/10) only revealed a reduction in growth of the E. coli cells. With these set of results, silver nanotriangles made using biocompatible polymers provides innovative prospects in being used as a future antibacterial coating for medical devices. …”
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Mobiiliteknologian hyödyt ja haasteet koulumaailmassa
Published 2024“…Although mobile devices have brought many new possibilities, their use is also associated with uncertainties and drawbacks that impact people's actions. …”
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LoRaWAN-verkkojen downlink-viestintä B-luokan päätelaitteissa
Published 2023“…Limitations such as duty-cycle and other constraints set by LoRaWAN downlink communication service providers present challenges in utilizing the potential of B-class devices. …”
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Thread kotiautomaatiossa
Published 2024“…When utilizing home automation, a major technological challenge arises since devices and applications from different manufacturers are rarely compatible with each other. …”
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Okkluusiopohjaisen tarkkaamattomuuden mittausmenetelmän validiteetin arviointi
Published 2017“…The method brings results that appear similar in different set-ups and devices and that are in line with earlier research. …”
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Mobile marketing adoption by Finnish telecommunications companies in 2008-2018
Published 2018“…Mobile devices, mobile infrastructure and mobile services have developed in an increasing pace during 2000s and continue to do so in 2010s. …”
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Brain and body percussion : the relationship between motor and cognitive functions
Published 2015“…Two pilot experiments were conducted to test proper settings for investigating the above-mentioned relationship. …”
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RF fingerprinting for user locationing in LTE/WLAN networks
Published 2016“…Regardless environmental conditions, received signal strength indicator pattern for difference reference points, set a fingerprint of radio conditions for the specific location. …”
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Teknostressin ilmeneminen yksityisyyden näkökulmasta sosiaalisen median sovelluksia käytettäessä
Published 2021“…If this is not accepted, the only option is not to use the application. To some degree with device settings, one can have a small effect on what data the application uses, but one cannot completely prevent data collection. …”
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Recommending next store visit for new customers in large shopping malls
Published 2021“…Results of this model will provide recommendations to new-coming customers for their next store visit. Finally, using a set of real life trajectory data, predictions from the model will be presented and interpreted. …”
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Käyttäjien keinot teknostressin vähentämiselle
Published 2020“…Additionally, the study recognized methods used to reduce or completely prevent technostress, like for example changing the notification and sound settings of devices, or by leaving the devices at work. …”
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Tietoturvan toteutus SD-WAN -operaattoripalveluissa
Published 2017“…Created set of firewall policies can be used for implementing firewall functionality at OSI model 2-4 layers. …”
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Kehon koostumuksen, vatsanseudun rasvakudoksen ja fyysisen aktiivisuuden välinen yhteys eri mittareilla mitattuna
Published 2014“…The degree of correlations between devices (inter-device correlation) and the correlation between physical activity and devices was calculated using Pearson correlation coefficient. …”
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