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Kaksimodaalisesti kaksikielisten lasten varhaisen leksikon määrällinen ja laadullinen kehitys
Published 2020“…In addition to the work done in the VIKKE project, this is the first MCDI application designed for bilinguals. Data collection has begun in January 2018 and ended in February 2020, and data have been collected from both children at several age points. …”
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Developing a globalization competence assessment framework and its application to Finnish and Japanese higher education
Published 2013“…Moreover, a focus is put to comparing the current methods for assessing globalization competence in Finland and Japan in the IS field in order to gain insights on future collaboration prospects. A design science approach was chosen as the research method. …”
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Chatbottien synnyttämien sosiaalisten reaktioiden yksilöllisyys
Published 2021“…In order to achieve better design and implementation of chatbots, an understanding of the specificities of human-chatbot interaction is essential. …”
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Militarizing red teaming : agile and scalable process for cyber red teaming using adaptive planning and execution framework
Published 2019“…The research problem was to create a comprehensive agile red teaming framework by combining adaptive planning and execution framework in information security context. Design science research methodology was used to solve this challenge. …”
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Critical evaluation of online reading and comprehension and its relations to gender, Internet use, Internet self-efficacy and attitudes among Finnish 6th graders
Published 2023“…The CoPSOI-questionnaire was administered to 243 6th grade students in five elementary schools in the region of Jyväskylä. 194 students were further selected to participate in the second part of the study designed to measure their critical evaluation in a simulated Web environment called NEURONE. …”
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Kaupunkimaisen asuinympäristön maankäytön yhteys iäkkäiden henkilöiden kognitiiviseen toimintakykyyn
Published 2021“…More research is needed on this topic, especially with the longitudinal design. …”
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"Kai siitä on jonkinnäköne ammattiylpeys." : kaivinkoneenkuljettajien työ ja työkuormitus
Published 2021“…The purpose of LUTergo project is to create an environment for developing the design of machineries and ergonomics. …”
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Interpretations of sustainability and its importance in the context of technology
Published 2021“…Previous studies investigating how people understand the concept have found out that sustainability is mainly made sense through the environmental dimension. However, sustainability can be considered a multidimensional entity with an ultimate aim of achieving a comprehensive and continuous state of wellbeing for both people and the environment globally enclosing at least the dimensions relating to environmental, economic, and social wellbeing. …”
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Kybersuojajoukkojen puolustukselliset kyberoperaatiot
Published 2024“…To solve the problem, Design Science Research methodology was used to identify the actors at the levels described, the phases of the operation and the required actions. …”
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Pilvipalveluiden tietoturva : standardit ja viitekehykset sekä erityyppisen tiedon suojaaminen
Published 2021“…Thesis was carried out as an assign-ment for a technology design company Huld Oy, which utilizes research data in its expert tasks as customer demand grows for the utilization of cloud service infrastructure. …”
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Psykologisen hyvinvoinnin yhteys elämänlaatuun ikääntyneillä henkilöillä
Published 2020“…Further research with longitudinal study design is needed to investigate whether the relation between the variables change along with ageing. …”
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Early-Stage Business Failures of Opportunity-Driven Immigrant Entrepreneurs in Finland: The Role of Liability of Foreignness
Published 2022“…The results showed that in terms of immigrant’s background, LOF was present in the process of opportunity recognition and business model design, accessing local business information and knowledge, lack of expertise and local expensive professional services, and accessing social capital. …”
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Vantaan aikuissosiaalityön tilastoinnin kehittäminen 2011-2015
Published 2018“…The study describes the changes that have taken place in the organization during this time as well as the changes in Vantaa's social work for adult´s environment and the development of accompanying measures. …”
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Vastavalmistuneiden yläkoulun liikunnanopettajien kokemuksia työn kuormitus- ja voimavaratekijöistä
Published 2022“…The identification of factors related to well-being at work and open discussion open up opportunities for the development of the work environments. Well-being factors related to the physical education teacher’s job description and schools should be taken into account in the design of new schools, the location of sports facilities and stocks, and the renewal of workplace practices. …”
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Kuka on äänessä? : erityisopiskelijoiden osallistuminen keskusteluun ja musiikilliseen yhteistoimintaan
Published 2017“…The significance of a teacher to the success of co-operation and to the symmetry of participation is high as the designer of the learning situation and environment, author of the division of labour and as the instructor of interaction. …”
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Suomen Liigasta idän pikajunaan : jääkiekon KHL-joukkue Jokereiden kotiyleisön sosiodemografia sekä näkemykset kotiottelutapahtumista ja seuran KHL:ään siirtymisestä
Published 2019“…Data (N=1657) was collected during 2017–2018 season with an electronic questionnaire that was designed using previous sports audience surveys. …”
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Vanhempien minäpystyvyyden muutos mentalisaatioperusteisen perheintervention aikana
Published 2023“…Therefore it would be important to take these differences into account in the design and implementation of interventions. The timing of the intervention influenced the participants` engagement in the intervention. …”
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Vuonna 2001 syntyneiden juniorijääkiekkoilijoiden 2 x 2 tavoiteorientaatio ja syntymäkuukauden vaihtelu
Published 2018“…The data was collected with a questionnaire designed in KIHU - Research institute of Olympic Sports in 2016. …”
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Keski- ja korkeatehoisen kestävyystyyppisen intervalliliikunnan vaikutus nuorten inhibitioon pitkäkestoisen istumisen aikana – VERNA-tutkimus
Published 2024“…That information could help design the school procedures and define the guidelines on physical activity and sedentary behaviour for adolescents. …”
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