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Multitasking oppimistilanteessa : empiirinen tutkimus digitaalisten laitteiden käytön vaikutuksista opiskeluun yliopistoluennoilla
Published 2017“…The goal was to examine how multitasking impacts on learning through a query and an experimental design implemented in lecture situation. What purposes are the digital devices used for in lessons, are there any advantage or disadvantage factors on learning when using these devices – could there also be influence on focusing and recalling lesson contents? …”
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Microfluidic cancer cell sorting using dielectrophoresis
Published 2020“…However, the fabrication recipe and design improvement ideas presented here grant a good foundation for future continuations on this project. …”
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Digital signing process automation and optimization
Published 2020“…The objective of this master’s thesis is to design and provide solutions to implement digital signing process infrastructure and business logic which can be used to automate the signing process by integrating it to the existing continuous integration process in a way that the information security stays at least on the same level as in the current solution. …”
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Tietoturvallisuuden itsearviointimallin kehittäminen turvallisuuskriittisessä organisaatiossa
Published 2023“…The objective of this research was to identify best practices in self-assessment for information security and develop a self-assessment model using design science research methodology for the target organization. …”
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Immateriaalioikeuksien esiintyminen SIGCSE-konferenssien julkaisuissa
Published 2017“…The development of education is increasingly headed for using environments designed to enforce student innovation, but using them often requires better information of intellectual property. …”
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IT-palvelunhallinnan prosessien kyvykkyystason mittaaminen
Published 2014“…This study concentrates on creating an IT ser-vices management process measuring tool for a target organization. In this study the design science research methodology is used as the research method. …”
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Feasibility of a novel MEG-compatible proprioceptive stimulator of the knee joint
Published 2024“…In addition, the MEG environment requires special attention from the stimulation devices used, since stimulators must be designed to avoid generating interference with magnetic signals. …”
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Oppimispelit ja oppijan motivointi pelillistämisen avulla
Published 2015“…Gamification is using the game design elements in a non-game environ-ment. This study focuses on three motivating theories. …”
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Käyttöliittymälaitteet autismikirjonkuntoutukseen suunnitelluissa laajennetun todellisuuden järjestelmissä
Published 2022“…This thesis provides a view of user interface devices used in both VR and AR systems designed for rehabilitation of autism. It also displays how immersiveness fluctuates among the VR systems under examination. …”
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Sähköisten oppimateriaalien käytön mahdollisuuksia ja haasteita korkeakoulutuksessa
Published 2016“…In higher education electronic learning materials can be materials which are not originally intended or designed for teaching purposes. In addition, electronic learning materials comprise: learning objects and learning object repositories, course units, study modules and virtual learning environments. …”
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Luokkahuoneen ulkopuolella tapahtuvan opiskelun vaikutus oppimismotivaatioon opiskelu-uupumuksen ja opiskeluinnon näkökulmasta
Published 2023“…The research method used is case study and the study design has been a ’before–after’ study. The level of motivation has been measured by burnout symptoms using the SBI-9 measure and engagement using the Schoolwork Engagement Scale. …”
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Teollisuusautomaatiojärjestelmien ja teollisen internetin kyberturvallisuus
Published 2019“…One of the aims of the study was to design and implement a cybersecure IIoT architecture for the subscriber company that can be used to transfer data from ICS to the cloud safely and reliably. …”
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GraphQL esineiden internetissä
Published 2022“…The specification tries to achieve a more flexible communication than in REST by approaching the design from the needs of the clients. GraphQL is a considerable alternative to the Internet of Things because its features possess implications to reduce energy consumption and to achieve a better integration among systems. …”
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Työyhteisöjen digitaaliset kuilut
Published 2013“…Also software companies can utilize the findings of this thesis in designing new innovations that respond to the needs of information sharing outside the traditional office environment. …”
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Viitasammakon (Rana arvalis) liikkuminen ja elinpiiri muuttuneessa elinympäristössä
Published 2017“…Based on the study, it would appear that the living environment requirements of the moor frog may be more modest than was previously assumed. …”
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Wind original equipment manufacturers' sustainability strategy development : has sustainability been achieved?
Published 2022“…However, aspects exist for wind power that are not environmentally friendly. Wind turbines are designed and produced by original equipment manufacturers who have immense influence over wind energy’s negative environmental impacts like end-of-life management and rare earth element use. …”
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Tietovaraston tietosisällön määrittely
Published 2016“…The case study is carried out in accordance with design science approach. The case is data warehouse development project in the City of Helsinki Construction Services (Stara). …”
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Kokonaisarkkitehtuurin haasteet julkishallinnossa ja yksityisissä organisaatioissa
Published 2023“…Through this research, organizations can gain valuable information about the benefits and challenges of end-to-end architecture, helping them design and implement more efficient and sustainable end-to-end architectures. …”
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Välitunneille liikunnan riemua : kahdeksasluokkalaisten tyttöjen fyysisen aktiivisuuden mahdollistavat ja estävät tekijät välitunneilla
Published 2016“…The hypothesis was that when given the opportunity to design physical activity themselves, the girls would be more physically active. …”
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Koulupihojen tarjoumat fyysiselle aktiivisuudelle välitunneilla
Published 2024“…'Affordance' refers to any feature that the environment provides or offers to its observer. It provides particular action possibilities or invitations for the observer based on the observer's abilities and environmental characteristics. …”
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