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Organisaation IT-strategian suunnittelu : tapaustutkimus Rikosseuraamuslaitos
Published 2019“…In this thesis, it was investigated how design methods can support the IT strategy process. …”
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Retrokuvausta : virtuaalikamera 90-luvun kaksiulotteisissa toimintavideopeleissä
Published 2017“…In this MSc thesis, the design principles of 2D virtual camera control are formally analyzed in three action video games that have been originally published for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System videogame console. …”
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Business intelligencen hyödyntäminen nykypäivän strategisessa johtamisessa
Published 2022“…This bachelor’s thesis is designed to preview the concept of business intelligence and its subgenres regarding data utilization and to further envision how it could be possible to optimize usage of business intelligence tools as a part of strategic management. …”
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Tuotepohjaisen ohjelmistokehityksen hallinta ja kehittäminen organisaatiossa
Published 2023“…The study was carried out as a design science research. The study created an operating model using the organizational environment and knowledge base. …”
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Lumeen lihallistuminen : virtuaalitodellisuuden kokeminen, kehollisuus ja virtuaalikeho
Published 2024“…How the virtual body is designed and how it is perceived can differ considerably, which is why the virtual body is an interesting subject of empirical research as well as a tool for recognizing nuanced user–environment relations. …”
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Palvelumuotoilun mahdollisuudet Biotalouden koulutuspalvelutuotteiden kehittämisessä
Published 2020“…Erikoistumiskoulutuksen muotoilun ohella työn tuloksena toteutettiin koulutuspalvelutuotteen kehittämisopas työkaluineen. Purpose of the Design Research was to build a process model and a toolbox for development of educational services, to be used in UAS environment. …”
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Performance of green funds
Published 2021“…Global warming is becoming an issue and there is a wide consensus that everyone should care for environment. Investment in financial asset markets can also contribute to the actions to reduce global warming. …”
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Flow'n vaikutus impulssiostamiseen verkkokaupoissa
Published 2017“…Online stores are a great environment to get consumers to make additional impulse purchases. …”
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What makes people trust new technologies? : the influence of trust in intention to use digital services
Published 2023“…Creating trust in a digital environment encompasses more elements than in the physical social world. …”
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The Implementation Challenges of the NIS 2 Directive
Published 2025“…The research method used is a Design Science Research Method, and the study also proposes a checklist as an artefact to facilitate the identification of problem areas in organisations. …”
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Obesity as a predictor of falls among older women
Published 2012“…Information on falls was recorded for 12 months of follow-up using a fall calendar. The study design was prospective. 129 women had BMI ≥ 30 kg/m² at baseline and were categorised as obese. …”
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Improving backdoor remote communication detection with covert channel feature analysis
Published 2024“…The framework is developed using the design science research methodology and has been validated by gen- erating and detecting a simple covert timing channel. …”
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Integrating Docker to a Continuous Delivery pipeline : a pragmatic approach
Published 2016“…The research was conducted as a Design Science Research Model type of study, including all its phases. …”
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Tunnistautumismenetelmät tietojärjestelmissä
Published 2019“…Therefore, it is important that attention is paid to both security and usability when designing the information system and selecting its authentication method. …”
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Vuokratyöyritysten tietojärjestelmät vuorovaikutuksen työkaluina
Published 2015“…The literature review focuses on human resource management, labor hire, the working environment for this target area and information system fea-tures and design. …”
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Examining enterprise architecture : definitions and theoretical perspectives
Published 2018“…The results of this study indicate that while there is still no shared definition of EA, its scope and purpose are increasingly extending from IT-business alignment towards holistic organizational design and development in the system-in-environment setting. …”
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Continuous Delivery adoption challenges for small and medium sized ERP system vendors
Published 2020“…However, there are certain application domains that do not facilitate the adoption of Continuous Delivery, such as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, as they are mission-critical, large, and complex software systems designed to manage all central business functions of an organization, yet the ERP system vendors are facing the same demands as other software vendors and are therefore seeking to adopt the Continuous Delivery practice in their development activities. …”
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"Tätä osa-aluetta ja sen merkitystä usein vähätellään" : luokanopettajaopiskelijoiden ja luokanopettajien käsityksiä TVT:n opettamisesta alakoulussa
Published 2023“…The challenges category emerged when the intermediate-level categories of devices, learning environments, attitudes, teachers, and students were combined. …”
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Perceptions of community-dwelling older people on ProPA -home-based rehabilitation and physical activity
Published 2020“…The results also underline the importance of individual tailoring in different levels of planning of rehabilitation designs. Further research on the effects of integrating psychological behavior change techniques, and functional assessment methods, to physical activity related home-based rehabilitation, are recommended. …”
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A comparison of non-linear and linear approaches in developing goal scoring skills in elite youth football
Published 2024“…Suggested by prior research, more interventions should be conducted using representative test designs that are more closely aligned with the context of a football game environment (Bergmann et al., 2021; Roberts et al., 2020). …”
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