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VR-pahoinvoinnin syyt ja pahoinvoinnin välttäminen
Published 2021“…VR-sickness can be prevented with design. Examples of effective design patterns include avoiding situations where the user cannot control the camera and creating fixed points in the environment for the user's eye to rest at. …”
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The role of electronic word-of-mouth in consumers' online purchase decision making : an eye-tracking study
Published 2016“…This study answers to the need for more research on consumers’ cognitive processes when making purchase decisions, the influence of website design factors towards consumer decision making as well as the social presence of others in online environments. …”
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Automaattinen E2E-testaus hajautetussa tapahtumaohjatussa FaaS-sovelluksessa
Published 2024“…End-to-end testing (E2E Testing) of distributed and event-driven FaaS-applications is challenging because real cloud environments cannot be replicated locally and thus the tests need to be executed in the cloud. …”
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Replikaatiotutkimus ohjelmointikielten syntaksin intuitiivisuudesta
Published 2021“…In this thesis we studied the intuitiveness of words and symbols used in programming languages by replicating the study design of Stefik and Gellenbeck (2011). The purpose of the study was to provide more empirical evidence on the subject and find out whether the results of the original study can be replicated in a different environment. …”
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Pelillistämisen hyödyntäminen Ilmavoimien lentokoulutusvaiheen 4 taktisessa koulutuksessa
Published 2021“…The most used methods of game-based learning are gamification and serious games. Game design-oriented design perspective supports the learning culture of present generations and the intrinsic utilization of information systems from hedonistic and utilitarian perspectives. …”
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The impact of store atmospherics and store layout on customer behavior in a hardware store retail setting : case: do-it-yourself store
Published 2015“…Shopping environment studies rely largely on environmental psychology theories in their attempts of deciphering the effects of environment on individuals. …”
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Service platform implementation for simulation systems
Published 2016“…The new integrated system solution was designed to offer enhanced capabilities to monitor and analyze data flow in the operational environment at large. …”
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Käyttöliittymäsuunnittelu turvallisuuskriittisissä järjestelmissä
Published 2020“…This paper focuses on researching what are the things designers need to take into account when designing safety-critical systems. …”
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Jäsenneltyjen tiedusteluanalyysimenetelmien käyttö jatkuvuuden hallinnan suunnittelussa
Published 2023“…The research is implemented by a systematic literature review and Design Science Research (DSR) research methods. According to the research findings, structured intelligence analysis methods can be employed in operating environment analysis, impact analysis, and risk assessment when an organization's information system environment is a complex entity of intertwined social and technological aspects. …”
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Seamless integration of MetaEdit+ and eclipse to combine modeling and coding
Published 2012“…Another aspect will be integrating design models and code. A case of tool integration will be presented. …”
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Is privatization of education beneficial for Morocco? : evaluation of Morocco's privatization policy on the basis of a cross-sectional study of quality of education in public and p...
Published 2016“…There were some significant differences in items related to school environment, policy environment and effectiveness of teaching with one item favoring private schools and two items favoring public schools. …”
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Classifit! : A toolbox for secondary school teachers to support implementation of physical activity in the classroom
Published 2018“…Many physical activity interventions so far have been conducted in primary school environments, creating the need for an intervention designed for secondary schools. …”
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Oliosuuntautuneisuus pelikehityksessä
Published 2022“…One of the most common ways of designing and developing a game is utilizing object-orientation. …”
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Visuaalisen brändikokemuksen suunnitteluohjeet digitaalisissa alustoissa
Published 2024“…There is a huge variety of design guidelines to support design, which can be found in different kind of non-scientific sources. …”
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Sustainability calling : an analysis of the sustainability initiatives of Globe Telecom, Inc. from 2011 to 2016
Published 2019“…All of the initiatives which tackled these issues were understood as Strategic since these were integrated into the daily operations of the company and/or reduce the company’s environmental footprint, among others. The results of this study allow the focal company’s top management to further analyse their past performance in CSR, identify their current standing, set benchmarks, and design a better CSR and business strategies. …”
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Shaping Pre-purchase Customer Experience in the Metaverse with Immersiveness
Published 2024“…To address this research gap, we conducted a qualitative study with semi-structured interviews that included an experiential testing session in a virtual showroom designed for interior design exploration via a VR-headset. …”
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Proxmox-virtuaalipalvelinympäristö Jyväskylän yliopiston kyberturvallisuuden kursseja varten
Published 2021“…These requirements are then implemented into the design science artefact, a prototype of a full- scale cyber exercise virtualization platform. …”
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Vaatimukset testiautomaatiokehitykselle toiminnallisessa testauksessa
Published 2015“…The importance of test automation is elaborated especially in Agile environments. The typical adoption issues of test automation are covered and the solutions that test automation framework design can offer to solve those issues. …”
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Gamification and motivation in education: A systematic literature review
Published 2024“…Creating a game by throwing together points, leaderboards, and feedback still does not guarantee motivated learner engagement. Designing an educational game or setting up a gamified environment that motivates students is a highly demanding task that can be facilitated by educational game design principles that are grounded in experience and research. …”
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Virtuaalitodellisuuden käyttö koulutuksessa ja sen vaikutukset oppimiseen
Published 2019“…It is important for the developers and teachers to understand the challenges, limitations, and opportunities VR can provide while designing or developing virtual reality learning environments. …”
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