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Effects of the early life environment on the morphology, behaviour and reproductive success of male bank voles (Myodes glareolus)
Published 2019“…This situation was simulated by conducting a two by two factorial design which exposed pregnant and nursing mothers to one or two ecologically relevant treatments, protein restriction and social confrontation, thereby changing the offspring’s early life environment. …”
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Web API development and integration for microservice functionality in web applications
Published 2016“…The study follows the design-science paradigm of information systems research. …”
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Report please! : a survey on players' perceptions towards the tools for fighting toxic behavior in competitive online multiplayer video games
Published 2018Subjects: Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
Designing Features for Fido: What Makes Animal-Computer Interaction So Different From Human-Computer Interaction?
Published 2013“…Lehtonen, Jaana Designing Features for Fido: What Makes Animal-Computer Interaction So Dif-ferent From Human-Computer Interaction? …”
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The association between perceived environmental barriers and walking activity among older adults
Published 2011“…With increasing age, people become less physically active, partly due to increased vulnerability to environmental demands. The aim of this study was to investigate the association between perceived barriers in the outdoor environment and walking activity among older adults. …”
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A framework for agility in technology roadmapping in EA and IT portfolio management
Published 2021Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
Tekoälyn soveltaminen sisälogistiikan automaatiojärjestelmien ohjauksessa
Published 2019“…Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytetään Design Science Research Methodology -prosessia. Tutkimuksen tuloksena syntyvällä artefaktilla arvioidaan tekoälyn piiriin kuuluvien geneettisten algoritmien sopivuutta ratkaisemaan tuotesijoitteluongelma yksinkertaistetussa portaalirobottivarastossa. …”
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Gamification Gamification User Types and Preferred Game Characteristics Amongst Student Teachers
Published 2021Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
The effect of digitalization on service production in Finnish municipalities
Published 2022“…The emphasis on customer experience has brought Service Design methods into service development. Service Design is user-centered and participatory development and design of services using traditional design methods. …”
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Immersive virtual reality for language education : examining teacher perspectives and implementation ideas for university foreign language learning environments
Published 2024“…A workshop on iVR for LE was used as a first step in a design-based research (DBR) approach to investigate 8 university FL teachers’ perspectives before and during the workshop. …”
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Evaluation tool for assessing an organization’s OT security policy
Published 2024“…The research methodology of this thesis is design science research. The outcome of the iterative process is an artifact that can be used for assessing an organization’s OT security policy. …”
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Making the biggest impact via focused product stewardship strategy for pharmaceutical device and packaging development
Published 2023Subjects: Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
Localizing the Finnish model for China : developing an engaging student-centred pedagogy training project for Chinese teachers in basic education
Published 2020“…According to existing researches, design-based research methodology is a tool for creating systemic design for understanding how theoretical knowledge could be transformed in a contextually-suitable way in a new educational environment. …”
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Internet of Smart Clothing : Recognizing and Exploiting the Opportunities Introduced by Fashion 4.0
Published 2022“…This study benefits fashion entrepreneurs in discovering the unidentified potentials of smart clothing and technologies related to intelligent garments as well as offer actionable advice for mangers, designers and technology developers and finally several recommendations have been provided for future research. …”
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Kehittämistutkimus : käyttäjäkokemus digitaalisen oppimisympäristön suunnittelussa
Published 2019“…The main objective of this thesis is to produce developmental suggestions for the user-centered design of an interactive digital learning environment. …”
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Tuotekatalogin tiedonhallinta pilviympäristössä : AWS Aurora ja DynamoDB tietokantapalveluiden suorituskykyvertailu
Published 2019“…Traditional database management systems scale poorly in cloud environment. To answer this challenge numerous new database management systems designed for cloud environment emerged that belonged to new NoSQL-database concept. …”
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Suhde käyttöliittymäsuunnittelun periaatteiden ja käytettävyystutkimuksen välillä web-pohjaisissa sovelluksissa
Published 2024“…Elements of user interface design with particular significance in the web environment were also identified. …”
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Systemaattinen kirjallisuuskatsaus oppimiskokemuksen muotoiluprosesseissa käytetyistä prosesseista, suunnitteluperiaatteista ja -menetelmistä
Published 2024“…The chosen studies included both a digital learning environment and a connection to either Learning Experience Design or User Experience Design. …”
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Mukamas Learning Designin fasilitointikoulutusten vaikuttavuuden ja siirtovaikutukseen liittyvien tekijöiden arviointi
Published 2022“…Factors that enable or prevent the transfer of training were identified in work environments and training. Based on the findings, development proposals were formulated both to support the development of Mukamas Learning Design's facilitation training and to improve the training processes of the participating organizations. …”
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Virtual goods sales : new requirements for business modelling?
Published 2009“…The sold products are in interaction with the virtual environment, both of which are designed by the developers. …”
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