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- Tietojärjestelmätiede 84
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- Master's Degree Programme in Intercultural Communication 64
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- Organizational Communication 19
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- markkinointi 19
- Intercultural Communication (maisteriohjelma) 18
- johtaminen 18
- intercultural communication 17
- 2043 16
Liikennejärjestelmän verkko- ja tietojärjestelmien turvallisuuden sääntely
Published 2022“…Even though NIS-obligations are nearly identical in transport system, the study shows that competent authority’s powers and means to assess the compliance of NIS-obligations widely vary between transportation sectors. According to the directive, member states shall lay down the rules on penalties applicable to infringements of national provisions adopted pursuant to NIS-directive. …”
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Sähköinen asiointi terveydenhoidossa organisaatiokulttuurin näkökulmasta
Published 2023“…This thesis explains the concept of e-government and how it is applied to health care. Also the links between the improvement of e-government in health care and organisational culture are clarified. …”
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Customer perceived value in cross-cultural B2B markets : case Beamex Oy Ab
Published 2019“…Moreover, results confirmed the positive relationship between customer perceived value and customer satisfaction. …”
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People-oriented leadership in virtual teams: positive and negative impacts on individual and team performance
Published 2018“…Successful leadership is important in virtual team context. Especially communicational challenges, sustaining trust and follow-up on task progress are common issues in virtual teams. …”
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SDN controllers security issues
Published 2017“…The discussion highlights the existing gap between the actual security level of the current SDN Controller design and the potential security solutions. …”
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Venäjän informaatiopsykologinen sodankäynti : Suomen torjunta- ja varautumistoimenpiteiden määrittely
Published 2022“…Finland responses to it with values based and trust bolstering public communication deliberately considering pros and cons. …”
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Tabletti liikunnanopettajan työvälineenä : viiden liikunnanopettajan kokemuksia taulutietokoneen käytöstä opetustyössä
Published 2015“…The tablet made work flow more fluently, and wellbeing at work had improved. Communication between teachers had improved. Notes on pupils were marked more rapidly using the wireless internet connection of the tablet. …”
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Perceived barriers inhibiting Finnish consumers from engaging in sustainable food purchasing
Published 2023“…In cooperation with the Finnish retailing conglomerate Kesko, this Master’s Thesis aims to investigate consumers’ perceived barriers to more sustainable food purchasing to understand factors creating a gap between attitudes and occurring behaviour. In addition, the thesis examines Finnish consumers’ food consumption-related habit improvements. …”
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Perception of facial expressions in naturalistic settings : impact of depressive symptoms and trait anxiety on motivational states
Published 2024“…Additionally, no significant correlation was found between rLFA and symptoms of trait anxiety or depression. …”
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”Mun mielestä tää ei oo ollu kauheen toimiva systeemi” : Suomalaisten urheiluorganisaatioiden edustajien näkemyksiä Suomen online-rahapelijärjestelmän muutoksesta ja rahapeliyhtiöi...
Published 2024“…The system change was believed to increase funding for Finnish sports through sponsorships, but competition for partnership agreements between sports was also expected to increase. Acceptable forms of partnership included logo visibility, but it was also suggested that impact communication, campaigns, and content could be implemented with partners. …”
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Kuntien liikuntajohtajat muuttuvassa toimintaympäristössä : liikuntajohtajien kokemuksia asiantuntijuudesta ja johtamisesta
Published 2024“…Sports services are an integral part of Finnish municipalities; However, due to the differences between municipalities, these services also vary in terms of personnel resources and organizational structures. …”
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”Me tarvitaan tähän toimihenkilö” : tapaustutkimus ammattimaisuudesta ja vapaaehtoisuudesta Hyvinkään Tahkossa
Published 2020“…In addition, a clear division of labour between volunteers and employees and cooperation between the separate organizations were essential. …”
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Social eWOM in consumers ́ decision-making process and the effect of COVID-19 pandemic on consumers ́ social media behavior
Published 2021“…Social media is today an integral part of consumers´ daily communication and, in addition, it is a valuable source of information. …”
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Sosioekonomisten elintapaerojen vähentäminen terveyden edistämisen hankeohjelmissa : hallituksen kärkihankeohjelmien vastuuhenkilöiden käsityksiä vähentämistoimista
Published 2018“…Nevertheless, inequalities in health status and mortality between different levels of education, occupation and income haven’t decreased. …”
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Ammattilaisten ja vanhempien käsityksiä yhteistoimijuudesta varhaiskasvatuksen toimintaterapian yhteistoiminnassa
Published 2020“…The critical aspects between the categories were: connecting the agent`s knowledge in reciprocal communication, identifying and engaging in the common goals and working and doing things together in ordinary life situations. …”
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Aivojen subkortikaalisten rakenteiden morfometrian yhteys motoriseen suorituskykyyn CP-vammaisilla lapsilla
Published 2022“…The purpose of this observational study was to compare subcortical structural morphometry between children with CP and their typically develop peers (TD). …”
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Fysioterapian kirjaamisen ilmiö sairaalaympäristössä työskentelevien fysioterapeuttien näkökulmasta
Published 2015“…The recognition as an effective and efficient rehabilitation method showed only in a few physical therapy professionals’ perceptions. A clear difference between the previous levels of functioning is the pursuit of wider multi-professional co-operation and through this to continue working for ethical work practices in rehabilitation. …”
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Early-Stage Business Failures of Opportunity-Driven Immigrant Entrepreneurs in Finland: The Role of Liability of Foreignness
Published 2022“…The sources of LOF were identified in (1) immigrant ‘s unfamiliarity with Finland’s environment, (2) constraints imposed by Finland on immigrant founders due to lack of legitimacy, (3) institutional distance between immigrant’s home country and Finland, (4) lack of cultural integration, and (5) insufficient Finnish language skills. …”
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Tiedolla johtaminen liikkumisen yhdenvertaisuuden edistämistyössä : haastattelututkimus Huhtasuon alueen työntekijöille
Published 2023“…The increasing inequality between different regions and socioeconomic classes can also be seen in the physical activity context. …”
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"Jos sen paperin kerran rypistää, niin kyl se vaikee on saada suoraksi" : salibandypelaajien kokemuksia valmentajan vuorovaikutusosaamisesta ja sen merkityksestä pelaajan koetulle...
Published 2023“…Additionally, the study focused on the interaction between the player and the coach, as well as team dynamics. …”
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