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- intercultural communication 17
- 2043 16
Patch Management in OT Environment
Published 2024“…The findings of this thesis suggest that the OT patch management is de-pendent on technology, people, and processes. Communication and collaboration between the IT & OT professionals and the relevant stakeholders has the most remarkable impact on patch management and minimization of cyber risks and production disruptions. …”
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Ketterän menetelmän käyttöönotto
Published 2013“…With good preplanning, communication, piloting and commitment it is possible to reduce upcoming challenges and change resistance. …”
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Effect of ovarian hormones on microRNA signaling in response to acute bout of exercise in female rats : focus on extracellular vesicles as signal carrier
Published 2024“…These two elements are key factors in mediating communication between tissues and are essential for the adaptation process during exercise. …”
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Esteettömyystiedon tuottaminen lähiliikuntapaikoista pääkaupunkiseudun liikuntatoimissa : case: Espoon kaupunki
Published 2018“…The study suggests to hire a new employee in cooperation between the bureaus or finding out an outsourcing service to manage these databases. …”
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Grooming internetissä ja lapsen seksuaalinen hyväksikäyttö
Published 2011“…The fundamental difference, however, is the disparity between adult authority of the child molester and vulnerability of the child victim.…”
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Responsible investing in Europe and the U.S. : comparison on asset managers’ exclusionary criteria and engagement activities
Published 2020“…When comparing the exclusion policies between European and U.S. asset managers, it seems clear that U.S. asset managers have not been so eager to set up corporate level policies to exclude certain sectors, or at least to disclose those publicly. …”
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Television äänen muutos teknologisessa kehityskulussa : paikallaan pysyviä ja liikkuvia television äänen käyttömuotoja
Published 2018“…Sound applications allow interaction between digital television and a connected PC, connected to digital television. …”
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Omnichannel marketing in the retailing landscape
Published 2024“…Omnichannel marketing has met these expectations as it has been defined as integrated customer experience via communication and distribution channels. Still, even though the positive effects of omnichannel marketing are acknowledged and managers perceive it important, only 3% of retailers have all channels connected. …”
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Kuntoutuslaitosten moniammatillisten työryhmien käsityksiä ICF-luokituksesta : fenomenografinen tutkimus
Published 2014“…Standardisation of the concepts related to the rehabilitation process using ICF would aid the transmittal of the knowledge facilitating both the communication between different professionals and the clients’ awareness of their situation. …”
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Value creation through digital value-based selling activities
Published 2023“…The results show that digitalization is likely to positively impact on customer’s value creation, when its role is supportive, optional or a channel to the interaction between humans. The usage of digital technologies supported customer’s value creation especially in gaining an initial customer understanding and in value communication. …”
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Ohjelmistokehittäjien näkemykset Scrum Masterin ihmistaidoista
Published 2022“…In agile methods, the focus is on effortless interaction, especially between the actors of a close-knit Scrum team, which consists of software developers, Product Owner, and the Scrum Master. …”
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Tietojenkalastelu ja siitä ilmoittaminen suomalaisessa it-alan organisaatiossa
Published 2023“…Regarding the relationship between using a mobile device to open phishing emails and the success of phishing, no direct conclusions could be drawn from this study because phishing emails were rarely opened on mobile devices, and therefore, there was not enough data. …”
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Automaatioratkaisujen käyttöönottoon kriittisesti vaikuttavat tekijät : tapaustutkimus konesali- ja alustapalvelujen yksikössä
Published 2019“…Organizational factors include change management, communication, resources and Key Performance Indicators. …”
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Lethal Love of the Informal Pleasure Industry in the Caribbean: How Sociocultural Factors and Perceived Risk of AIDS in Transactional Sex Contribute to HIV-related Risky Sexual Beh...
Published 2018“…Traditional masculinity ideology does not promote sexual communication and safer sex negotiation. Infidelity is not uncommon, yet trust is often demanded. …”
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"Jaksaa paremmin, kun nukkuu paremmin" : ammatillisen oppilaitoksen opiskelijoiden kokemuksia eBoss-hyvinvointivalmennuksesta
Published 2019“…The differences in well being between the students in high school and in vocational school are systematic for instance in the area of health behavior. …”
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Älypuhelinten haitat : ongelmallinen käyttö ja älypuhelinriippuvuus
Published 2018“…This bachelor’s thesis, that was carried out as a literature review, looks into the problematic use of smartphones and smartphone addiction, and examines the possible causes and consequences of these phenomena on the individual level. The link between the causes and consequences of smartphone dependency is also discussed. …”
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Kuntoutusalan ammattikorkeakouluopettajien yhteistyö-, verkosto-, tutkimus- ja kehittämisosaaminen
Published 2021“…Also, the collaboration and networking skills seem uniform between the social care, health care and rehabilitation teachers. …”
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Ahdistaako koululiikunta? : yhdeksäsluokkalaisten ahdistuneisuuskokemukset koulun liikuntatunneilla
Published 2014“…Purpose was also to examine differ-ences between the genders and figure out reasons for suffered anxiety. …”
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Fysioterapeuttiopiskelijoiden asiakaslähtöinen suunnittelu- ja ohjausosaaminen sekä kliinisen päättelykyvyn osaaminen : kyselytutkimus fysioterapeuttiopiskelijoille
Published 2022“…Statistically significant differences were found between different groups of studying phase in competence in patient-centred encounter and planning of physiotherapy. …”
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E-commerce analytics as B2B sales and marketing performance enabler : a case study in spare parts business
Published 2019“…The major dis- crepancy between the existing literature and this research was that the perceived benefit of e-commerce analytics compared to other data sources, such as installed base, was consid- ered lower. …”
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