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- Tietojärjestelmätiede 84
- Information Systems Science 80
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- Master's Degree Programme in Intercultural Communication 64
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- 3131 19
- Organizational Communication 19
- Yhteisöviestintä 19
- markkinointi 19
- Intercultural Communication (maisteriohjelma) 18
- johtaminen 18
- intercultural communication 17
- 2043 16
Murrosikäisten tyttöjen ajatuksia ja kokemuksia sosiaalisen median yhteydestä kehonkuvaan
Published 2020“…Durations of the interviews varied between 34 and 59 minutes, lasting 307 minutes altogether. …”
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User acceptance & use of Sisu system in the University of Jyväskylä
Published 2020“…The most major problems encountered revolved around the poor perceived system- and information quality and the negative impact it therefore had on the individual’s work as well as the perceived lacking quality of communication between the university and the user. Additionally, the study provided theoretical implications for IT’s user acceptance process-based view as presented in the refined, nascent research framework. …”
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Chatbottien synnyttämien sosiaalisten reaktioiden yksilöllisyys
Published 2021“…The values obtained for these dimensions were com-pared between the different chatbots, based on which differences in users' social reactions were identified. …”
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Kognitiivisen prosessoinnin sujuvuuden vaikutus uupumukseen ja ylikuormitukseen Facebookissa
Published 2021“…However, in the results a negative correlation was found between processing fluency as measured with a subjective metric and system feature overload as well as general overload. …”
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Terveyden lukutaidon yhteys monilääkitykseen iäkkäillä henkilöillä
Published 2022“…The purpose of this master’s thesis was to investigate the association between health literacy and polypharmacy in older adults. …”
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Suomalaisten urheiluseurojen terveyden edistäminen : urheiluseurojen suhtautuminen terveyden edistämiseen sekä aktiivisuus ohjeistaa valmentajia terveyden edistämiseen
Published 2018“…The clubs should also encourage their coaches to promote health in a broader manner. The differences between club officials’ and coaches’ assessments on their clubs’ guidance activity suggests that clubs could benefit from improving their internal communication. …”
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Fibion Muutos -ohjelman vaikutus istumis- ja aktiivisuustottumuksiin : kolmen kuukauden työhyvinvointi-interventio
Published 2021“…Regarding these same outcome variables, between-group differences also favored those who participated in the program compared to those who did not, but the differences were not statistically significant. …”
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Erityistä tukea tarvitsevien oppilaiden HOJKS-tavoitteet ICF-viitekehyksessä
Published 2016“…In addition, 60 percent of the goals were not student-centered. Differences between categories were statistically significant (p < 0.05). …”
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The extended therapy room coming from an authentic place... : a phenomenological-hermeneutic study of my experiences as a psychotherapist in the Extended Therapy Room
Published 2014“…By moving as a researcher between the naїve reading and the structural analysis within the framework of the hermeneutic circle seven main themes have emerged and together they constitute the results of the research: Being present, participating, being part of an ordinary context, meeting, taking personal responsibility, communicating and enabling. …”
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Periodic, aperiodic, and phase-locked brain activity in the perception of continuous speech with different levels of difficulty and intelligibility
Published 2023“…Continuous speech is an important component of everyday communication between people. Previous research has suggested that both periodic and aperiodic brain activity occur during speech perception. …”
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Ammatillisen koulutuksen digitalisaatio työnantajanäkökulmasta : kirjallisuuskartoitus
Published 2023“…As a result of the review, can be seen a difference between employers when addressing the question of the current state of the vocational education and training and the question about the suggestion for the improvements to the vocational education and training. …”
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Tuntematon yhteys: ”Air-gap”-eristetyn kohteen komentaminen ultraäänellä
Published 2024“…In this way, the thesis adds insight into the use of alternative communication methods to overcome air-gap isolation and highlights potential new threats that should be considered for high-profile targets. …”
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Pedagoginen tuki tietotekniikan hyödyntämisessä kemian opetuksessa
Published 2013“…The teachers did not see any relation between pedagogical support and development of their ICT skills or their skills to implement ICT in their teaching. …”
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Social license to operate reinforcing continuity of business: will stones turn into bread for years to come? : a case study of Yara Suomi Oy, Siilinjärvi site
Published 2019“…Hence, this research aims to evaluate the level of the current SLO and examine the potential differentiation in attitudes between socio-demographic factors along with the residents’ relation to Yara. …”
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Tietojärjestelmien integraatioprojektien kriittiset menestystekijät
Published 2018“…This has caused that the data of organization is now distributed between the systems and data management and utilizing it has become harder. …”
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Mobiilimaksamisen omaksuminen maksun vastaanottajan näkökulmasta
Published 2019“…The objective of this study was to familiarize with the adoption of Near Field Communication based mobile payment from the point of view of vendors. …”
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Teknostressi etätyössä
Published 2022“…The enabling role of technology for telework is crucial because it is almost the only tool used for communication and co operation within an organization. …”
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Sosiaalisen median negatiiviset vaikutukset käyttäjälle
Published 2018“…The social effects included the negative effects to human relationships and the communication between humans. These effects were such as social overload, social comparison and phubbing. …”
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Inertiamittalaitteen käyttö uintimittarina : menetelmän kehitys ja uinnin päivittäisvalmennukseen soveltuvuuden testaaminen
Published 2019“…Analysis of signal shapes showed individual variations and a correlation (female r = 0,96 and male r = 0,94) between angle speed sensor signals with breaststroke swimming speed was noticed. …”
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Etähoivasta saadut vuorovaikutuskokemukset ikääntyneillä kotihoidon asiakkailla
Published 2022“…Of the study participants, four (n=4) were women and two (n=2) were men aged between 72 - 89 years. The analysis method used in this study was Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. …”
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