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- Tietojärjestelmätiede 84
- Information Systems Science 80
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- Master's Degree Programme in Intercultural Communication 64
- kulttuurienvälinen viestintä 58
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- sosiaalinen media 43
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- communication 28
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- 3131 19
- Organizational Communication 19
- Yhteisöviestintä 19
- markkinointi 19
- Intercultural Communication (maisteriohjelma) 18
- johtaminen 18
- intercultural communication 17
- 2043 16
Anomalioiden havaitseminen langattomissa sensoriverkoissa syväoppimisen avulla
Published 2019“…Acting as an interface between the physical and the digital world in IoT applications, wireless sensor networks are exposed to a wide range of information security threats due to their open nature of communications, the technological immaturity of IoT solutions and the accelerating growth of cybercrime. …”
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Suunnittelun merkitys tietojärjestelmäprojektin onnistumiseen
Published 2020“…Based on the results of the study, eight areas in planning were identified which contribute to project success: 1) building a common understanding, 2) goal formation, 3) defining requirements, 4) stakeholder participation, 5) communication, 6) knowledge management, 7) project assumptions, and 8 ) optimism. …”
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NFC-maksaminen : mahdollisuudet ja haasteet käyttäjän näkökulmasta
Published 2013“…Tässä tutkielmassa paneuduttiin kirjallisuuskatsauksen avulla Near Field Communication -teknologian eli NFC:n ominaisuuksiin sekä NFC-maksamiseen liittyvien mahdollisuuksien ja haasteiden erityispiirteisiin käyttäjän näkökulmasta. …”
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Pilvipalveluiden käyttö pienissä ja keskisuurissa yrityksissä
Published 2016“…Biggest risk for SMB’ are security, downtime and the low level of interoperability between different systems. Big information technology and communication enterprises are biggest group which are using the cloud services currently. …”
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Sumulaskennan hyödyntäminen esineiden internetissä
Published 2021“…Fog computing attempts to settle between the Internet of Things devices and the cloud, taking advantage of the main benefits of both. …”
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Chatbotit sähköisessä kaupankäynnissä : kuluttajien suhtautuminen ja vaikuttavat tekijät
Published 2024“…The most significant factor affecting consumers’ attitude is anthropomorphism and its elements that allow chatbots to communicate and appear in a very human-like way. Human-like elements in chatbot can build up trust between the consumer and chatbots which leads to positive attitudes towards the chatbot. …”
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Fanisuhteiden luominen ja ylläpitäminen sosiaalisessa mediassa : jääkiekon Liigan seurojen näkemyksiä
Published 2023“…The most common form of communications content was updating about the day-to-day activities. …”
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Yksinäisyyden kokeminen nuoruusiässä : WHO-Koululaistutkimus
Published 2015“…Good emotional and communication skills helps the adolescent to form friendships. …”
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Riitelyn ja eri mieltä olemisen hetket pariterapiaistunnoissa sekä niiden aikana ilmenevät muutokset sympaattisen hermoston aktivaatiossa
Published 2020“…The second purpose of this study was to investigate whether there is sympathetic nervous systems’ synchrony between the couples and between therapists and clients. …”
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The essential knowledge, skills and personal attributes of the 2020s marketing professional
Published 2022“…However, according to previous studies, this has not been easy as there is a gap between education and practice. This study aims to describe what kind of knowledge, skills and personal attributes are required for Finnish marketing professionals. …”
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SAFe-viitekehyksen käyttöönotto : mahdollisuudet ja hyödyt
Published 2021“…In this literature review the main findings were that, when implementing the SAFe framework, communication between teams and internally in the company was improved, and cooperation between teams was also improved. …”
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Building a Conceptual Model for Enterprise Architecture Modeling, a Case Study
Published 2022“…The case research gave valuable insight on the development process of an organization specific conceptual model and the modeling as a practice was seen as a valuable tool by the experts to enable communication between different stakeholders. …”
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User Experience of HTTP Cookie Banners
Published 2022“…In addition, the results provided implications for a wider discussion around privacy communication between businesses and users. …”
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Financial literacy and mortgage lender selection : evidence from Finland
Published 2022“…It all comes down to reliable, clear communication. …”
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Vuorovaikutukseen sitoutuminen, vireys ja allianssi videovälitteisissä työnohjausistunnoissa
Published 2022“…In addition, quality of engagement was examined in sections of synchronized full engagement between participants. Vigilance was analysed through participants' heart rate and heart rate variability. …”
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Datatieteilijän kompetenssien määritteleminen
Published 2015“…The results of this study show that there were little differences between data scientist compe- tencies from scientific literature and job advertisements. …”
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Muutosvastarinta ERP-järjestelmien käyttöönotoissa
Published 2016“…Suggested ways to prevent change resistance were developing trust between managers and employees, communication, and other efficient management strategies. …”
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Kokonaisarkkitehtuuri julkishallinnon tiedonhallinnassa: mahdollisuudet ja riskit
Published 2024“…The application of enterprise architecture has been associated with numerous benefits, including improved decision-making, enhanced communication, reduced IT costs, and better alignment between IT and business operations. …”
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Käyttäjädatan koonti ja hyödyntäminen ohjelmisto- ja pelinkehityksessä
Published 2018“…Collecting and utilizing user data during both software and game development requires communication between developers and users through contact via social media and various tests, for example. …”
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Palkattu työntekijä urheiluseurassa : kansalaistoiminnan voitto vai tappio?
Published 2016“…The challenges consists of scheduling issues affecting communication between the employee and the superior, differences in development plans and matters related to responsibilities and decision making. …”
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