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- Tietojärjestelmätiede 84
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- Master's Degree Programme in Intercultural Communication 64
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- Organizational Communication 19
- Yhteisöviestintä 19
- markkinointi 19
- Intercultural Communication (maisteriohjelma) 18
- johtaminen 18
- intercultural communication 17
- 2043 16
Pilvipalveluiden tietoturvallisuus
Published 2015“…Another key result was the importance of trust between service provider and customer. Many issues in information security are based on that. …”
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”Kylhän se luo sen perustan kaikelle mitä vaikka fysioterapiassakin tehdään” : fysioterapeuttiopiskelijoiden käsityksiä terapeuttisesta vuorovaikutuksesta fysioterapian asiakas- ja...
Published 2022“…Altogether nine physiotherapy students between the ages of 21-42 years participated in the study. …”
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Liikunnanopettajaksi opiskelevien koettu tunne- ja vuorovaikutusosaaminen
Published 2020“…The main part of the development was seen in communication skills, of which listening and problem-solving skills were developed the most. …”
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Lähijohtamisella laadukasta asiakaspalvelua budjettiraamien sisällä : Kelan lähiesimiesten kokemuksia
Published 2021“…To further deepen this understanding, it was also important to find out also how they experience the relationship between quality and budget. Since the study focuses on bringing forth new viewpoints and charting experiences, qualitative research methods were used. …”
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Teknostressin vaikutukset yksilön psyykkiselle hyvinvoinnille
Published 2023“…This bachelor’s thesis focuses on the connection between technostress, stress caused by technology use, and psychological well-being. …”
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Informaatioteknologiasta saavutetut hyödyt ja niiden jakatuminen
Published 2017“…This phenomenon has the chance to increase the gap between developed and least developed countries. Also, the differences between the people in the skills of efficient use of information technology create an unbalanced situation in the society. …”
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Opintotietojärjestelmän tavoitteellinen kehittäminen kehittämiskartan avulla
Published 2021“…After this, it is possible to communicate about identified needs with the system developer. …”
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Sosiaalinen media oppimisympäristönä
Published 2014“…The research result indicates that social media services enable easier sharing of knowledge, documents and tasks between the students and allows working together better than the closed virtual learning environments. …”
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Käytettävyyden ja käyttäjäkokemuksen suhde matkapuhelimia vertailevassa käyttäjätutkimuksessa
Published 2015“…As a conclusion, the study shows that low usability can be fixed, at least partially, with other fields of user experience, as with attractiveness and communicating users identity. Previous studies have used the term “wowfactor”. …”
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Lääkkeitä määräävien sairaanhoitajien ja lääkäreiden yhteistyö perusterveydenhuollon vastaanottotoiminnassa
Published 2016“…Treatment plans were made through collaboration between professional groups in many different ways. …”
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Work-based use of Smart Personal Assistants and their impact on technostress
Published 2021“…Thus, this study aims to examine the connection between technostress and smart personal assistants. …”
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ISO 27001 information security management standard’s implementation in software development environment : a case study
Published 2020“…, “What kind of conflicts might appear between ISO 27001 standard requirements and day-to-day work?” …”
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An exploration into psychological attributes and mental techniques utilized in professional esports
Published 2024“…Team dynamics, including cohesion and communication, were also identified as crucial for success. …”
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Fingerspelling English words in Finnish sign language context : a multimodal view on interaction
Published 2012“…The third recording is of a ‘coffee table’ FinSL conversation between two participants. The analysis of the first two situations focuses on the general multimodality of the situations and how the participants select from different communicative modes in order to achieve their goals, as well as the modification of fingerspelling. …”
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Language practices in primary schools [in Nairobi] : the teachers' perspectives
Published 2010“…In Kenya English is used as the official language of communication and Kiswahili is considered to be the National language. …”
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Yläkoulun liikuntatuntien merkitys aikuisiän liikunta-aktiivisuuteen
Published 2018“…Total of eight persons ages between 20–28 were interviewed for the study. Four women and four men. …”
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What makes people trust new technologies? : the influence of trust in intention to use digital services
Published 2023“…Electronic systems involve communication not only between individual people but also among digital components. …”
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Monitoring Practices in Supply Chain Sustainability Management : A Case Study
Published 2022“…A monitoring process for supply chain sustainability can help companies to navigate between these challenges. This study was conducted as a qualitative case study in an industrial company. …”
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Effects of PSD2 on security architecture of mobile banking : a review of literature
Published 2017“…This thesis found that academic literature about the security architecture of mobile banking does not provide a model where a separate authentication mechanism should communicate separately from the mobile banking application. …”
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"Tätä osa-aluetta ja sen merkitystä usein vähätellään" : luokanopettajaopiskelijoiden ja luokanopettajien käsityksiä TVT:n opettamisesta alakoulussa
Published 2023“…Additionally, the aim was to examine the differences in perceptions between these two groups. The perceptions were also compared to the National Core Curriculum for Basic Education 2014. …”
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