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- Tietojärjestelmätiede 84
- Information Systems Science 80
- 601 78
- 3134 70
- Master's Degree Programme in Intercultural Communication 64
- kulttuurienvälinen viestintä 58
- viestintä 56
- sosiaalinen media 43
- vuorovaikutus 41
- English 35
- Englannin kieli 34
- communication 28
- social media 28
- 301 26
- Marketing 25
- Markkinointi 25
- 20423 24
- identiteetti 22
- 602 21
- Mathematical Information Technology 21
- Tietotekniikka 21
- englannin kieli 20
- 3131 19
- Organizational Communication 19
- Yhteisöviestintä 19
- markkinointi 19
- Intercultural Communication (maisteriohjelma) 18
- johtaminen 18
- intercultural communication 17
- 2043 16
Vuorovaikutuksen merkitys kemian aineenopettajaopiskelijoiden välillä opettajaidentiteettiä muodostettaessa
Published 2017“…The importance of interpersonal communication between chemistry teacher students in the process of their teacher identity development. …”
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Sosiaalinen media yrityksen asiakkuudenhallinnassa
Published 2017“…The results of the study show that a company can take advantage of social media in CRM in many ways, but implementing it for optimal results may re-quire skill and consideration: In social media, a company can develop personal relationships to its customers and their needs, modify its identity, control and take part in conversation regarding it, spread information rapidly, distinguish marketing segments and observe communication between customers. Area that requires further study is the use of groups and relationships in social media customer relationship management. …”
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The effect of sensory-processing sensitivity on social preference for online interaction and associated outcome on psychological wellbeing
Published 2015“…There were no differences between the HSPs and the non-HSPs regarding preferred communication modalities while online, which made it difficult to solve whether it was just the sensory-processing sensitivity that actually explained the social preference for the Internet. …”
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Jaettu hymyily osana terapeuttista vastaamista pettymyksen käsittelyssä : pariterapiatapaus dialogisesta näkökulmasta
Published 2014“…Many recent studies concerning nonverbal communication and its interpersonal synchrony in a therapy setting have claimed there to be a correlation between this synchrony and the therapeutic alliance as well as the outcome of therapy. …”
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Riskienhallinta hajautetussa tietojärjestelmäprojektissa
Published 2019“…Also, part of the research was to study the differ-ence of risk management between traditional co-located projects and distrib-uted projects. …”
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CSR reporting in the Arctic cruise tourism : a content analysis of Arctic cruise operators' CSR disclosures
Published 2020“…Reporting numeric data on material issues would enable comparisons between different cruise lines based on their CSR performance. …”
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Päikky-tietojärjestelmän vaikutus päiväkodin johtamiseen
Published 2017“…Understandably, information systems have also met resistance to change and their necessity has been questioned in the field where intensive interaction between employees of kindergarten, children and custodians is at the centre. …”
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Opettajien välisen vertaistuen hyödyntäminen opetusteknologian käytössä
Published 2016“…The purpose of this master’s thesis is to find information about the utilization of peer support between teachers in the use of educational technology. …”
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Finnair competitive advantage through environmental responsibility
Published 2011“…At the same time competition between airlines is getting continually tougher forcing also established airlines to cut back their costs. …”
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Exploring Finnish university students' perceived level of critical thinking
Published 2015“…The aim of the research is to examine what skills and dispositions students feel competent in, and discover if there is a correlation between students’ self-reported critical thinking ability and such factors as gender, age, years spent in university, and the importance attributed to critical thinking. …”
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Vapaasti sijoiteltavien ohjelmistojen koostaminen IoT-ympäristössä
Published 2024“…The main result of the study is a software artifact to support further research efforts into orchestration and the mobility of software between different devices. In addition the study reaffirms the notion of WebAssembly as a plausible technology in an IoT environment. …”
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DevOps-kehittäjän osaamisprofiili IT-alalla
Published 2015“…By having DevOps, the commucation between employees will improve and everyone will work towards the same goal. …”
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Use intention of SaaS employee advocacy platform : case SmarpShare
Published 2016“…Significant correlations between proposed factors supported the hypothesis. …”
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Kuulon ja sen ulottuvuuksien yhteys elinpiiriin ikääntyvillä naisilla ja miehillä
Published 2023“…The ability to walk explained the association between hearing ability and life-space. Although there is no association between hearing ability and life-space in this study, it can’t be said that hearing would not affect the well-being of older adults. …”
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Ylikunnallinen yhteistyö liikuntaolosuhteiden luomisessa : tapaustutkimus Keinukallion monitoimihallista
Published 2022“…In this research the unique co-operation project between Kerava and Sipoo municipalities was examined as a case study. …”
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Työnohjaajan ja ryhmän vuorovaikutus työnohjaajan työtapojen osalta heikoksi arvioiduissa etätyönohjausistunnoissa
Published 2023“…Our assumption was that there could be found similar communicational phenomena between sessions in which the methods of clinical supervisor were evaluated as weak. …”
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Kuudesluokkalaisten liikuntaharrastaminen ja ruutuaika Seinäjoella
Published 2014“…The connections between variables were analyzed by cross-tables and Chi-square tests and Spearman correlation coefficients using SPSS Statistics 20. …”
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Katsekäyttäytymisen yhteys sykevälivaihteluun ihmisen ja koiran välisessä vuorovaikutuksessa
Published 2024“…Gaze behavior is an important part of the communication between humans and dogs, and different aspects of gaze behavior affect the human-dog relationship in various ways. …”
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Tietojärjestelmiin liittyvät haasteet yrityksen huoltoprosessissa
Published 2021“…It was recommended to improve the data transfer between the information systems which would also improve the quality of data. …”
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Implications of master data management on knowledge management : case study in a large-scale technology enterprise
Published 2021“…The major findings of the case study are that the introduction of master data management enables a formal and impersonal channel for mostly explicit knowledge flows between different knowledge units. Moreover, a master data domain provides a meta-memory for the avail-ability and location of further tacit knowledge. …”
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