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- Tietojärjestelmätiede 84
- Information Systems Science 80
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- Master's Degree Programme in Intercultural Communication 64
- kulttuurienvälinen viestintä 58
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- sosiaalinen media 43
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- Englannin kieli 34
- communication 28
- social media 28
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- Mathematical Information Technology 21
- Tietotekniikka 21
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- 3131 19
- Organizational Communication 19
- Yhteisöviestintä 19
- markkinointi 19
- Intercultural Communication (maisteriohjelma) 18
- johtaminen 18
- intercultural communication 17
- 2043 16
“Kun valmentaja luottaa, niin sit luottaa itekkin" : nuorten joukkuepalloilijoiden kokemuksia valmentajan valmennuskäyttäytymisen yhteydestä koettuun itseluottamukseen
Published 2022“…The study material included six interviews from goal-directed athletes between the ages of 15 to 18 and the average duration was 42 minutes (27–52 min). …”
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Arkkitehtuurin dokumentointi kehittäjän ja ylläpidon näkökulmasta : case: Kanta-palvelut
Published 2022“…The importance of documentation was also emphasized in the communication between stakeholders and in the absence of common models. …”
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Liikematkojen itsevarausjärjestelmän käyttöönoton vaikutus organisaation matkahallinnon prosesseihin : case Gemalto Oy
Published 2013“…The pre-trip approval process was found to be a problem in the self-booking tool, and it requires close communication between the traveler and his or her manager. …”
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Kokonaisarkkitehtuurin haasteet julkishallinnossa ja yksityisissä organisaatioissa
Published 2023“…The thesis emphasizes the role of the organization's management as a supporter of the implementation of the overall architecture and the focus on promoting communication and cooperation between different parts of the organization. …”
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Opettajien ja huoltajien kokemuksia Wilmasta palautteenannon välineenä
Published 2020“…Communication, in this case electronic communication, is a form of home-school collaboration. …”
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Children's conversation management : native speaker - non-native speaker talk
Published 1996“…The present study aims to explore individual variation between children talking with non-native speaking peers: context-dependent (register) variation and speaker-dependent (individual style) variation in addition to variation according to the learner's proficiency level. …”
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Techno-human : expedition of altered human by technology from science-fiction cinema to the post-industrial world
Published 2011“…Science-fiction cinema has always significant role as an art form to define and discuss the future of interaction between human and technology. In 1993, Scott Bukatman has studied this reformed human figure in SF cinema with the notion of terminal body and identity, after ten years, Giuseppe O. …”
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Antecedents of and their effect on trust in online word-of-mouth : case Finnish discussion forums
Published 2011“…Research was explanatory and causal, trying to find relationships between variables derived from previous studies and theory. …”
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Facilitators and impediments in the adoption and implementation of the HubSpot marketing automation system
Published 2017“…Furthermore, the perceived benefits of the implementation are recognised and differences between marketing automation system and other ICT systems are deliberated. …”
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Työsuojelulla työhyvinvointia - miten toiminta toteutuu käytännössä?
Published 2013“…Adding co-operation and communication channels are important when one considers the communication and coherence between units and explicitness of the organizational structures. …”
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Social bonding happens in time : interpersonal synchronisation in the silent disco
Published 2017“…Further analysis found a positive relationship between Trait Agreeableness and self-reported affiliation in the synchronous condition. …”
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Suitability of the computer-assisted reading intervention Ekapeli Maahanmuutaja for preschool students with autism spectrum disorders : single-subject experimental piloting study
Published 2021“…Additionally, this study highlighted the individual variability in students with ASD and the connection between the severity of their symptoms and learning outcomes. …”
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Linguistic and cultural identity : Finns who have been through English immersion education
Published 2007“…The aim of the study was to investigate the influence of English immersion education on the linguistic and cultural identities of Finns, with a view to understanding the interaction between English second language acquisition and identity. …”
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Voluntary agreements for the achievement of sustainable development goals : Dutch Green Deals and WRAP agreements
Published 2016“…Fostering collaboration between public and private parties is considered an effective means for achieving sustainable development goals. …”
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Situational activity on children’s leadership behaviours
Published 2019“…A total of nine children between the ages of three to six years old were involved in the study. …”
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Planning, implementing and evaluating social and emotional skills course for coaches
Published 2015“…KEY WORDS: social- and emotional skills, communication, coaching, coach, emotional intelligence …”
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Transition to working life and benefits of education as experienced by the graduates of an international master's programme in sport management
Published 2017“…As the most important skills received from the programme they listed communication skills, organisational skills and leadership skills. …”
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Metaforien rooli suunnittelijoiden ajattelussa: Narratiivinen analyysi
Published 2024“…This study supports the previous claims that metaphors act as a bridge between abstract concepts and the concrete world. …”
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Ripeyttä, luottamusta ja yhteistä tahtotilaa : asiakasosallisuus ja moniammatillinen yhteistyö ankkuritoiminnan ytimessä
Published 2020“…It is beneficial that the employees are familiar with each other and communicate regularly. Especially the communication between the employees of child welfare and the Anchor team seems to be quite intense, which highlights the supportive role of the Anchor-model from the viewpoint of child welfare. …”
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Osaamisperustaisen kilpailukyvyn ja yrittäjyyden edistäminen : tutkimustapauksena Raahen tietotekniikan muuntokoulutusohjelma insinööreille
Published 2004“…The results were used to calculate the correlation between variables and groups of variables and to examine the causality between variables with regression analysis. …”
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