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- Tietojärjestelmätiede 84
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- Master's Degree Programme in Intercultural Communication 64
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- Organizational Communication 19
- Yhteisöviestintä 19
- markkinointi 19
- Intercultural Communication (maisteriohjelma) 18
- johtaminen 18
- intercultural communication 17
- 2043 16
Koiran omistamisen rasitteet : taustatekijät ja yhteydet koiran sosiaaliseen kognitioon
Published 2021“…In addition, a small correlation was found between the perceived costs and a greater number of children in the household. …”
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Merkityksenannon muutokset perheterapiassa : uhmakkuus- ja käytöshäiriödiagnoosin saaneiden lasten oireille annetut merkitykset ja niiden yhteys perheen vuorovaikutussysteemiin
Published 2022“…We also studied the connection between these given meanings and family interaction. …”
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Strategic technology management of Nokia Corporation 2003-2013 : faulty choices and the collapse of the handset business
Published 2015“…This extended case study aims to analyze the strategic technology management of Nokia Corporation – how and why Nokia failed to ensure the position at the forefront of a disrupted mobile communications market between 2003 and 2013. For this research a total of 13 knowledgeable informants have been interviewed, representing industry experts, third-party developers, subcontractors and ex-Nokians with various functional backgrounds, ranging from software experts to business management and research. …”
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The role of internal processes in brand alignment
Published 2024“…The thesis concludes that there is brand alignment between brand identity and brand image to some extent. …”
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Vapaalaskuvälineiden ja -brändien eWOM-viestinnän motivaatiotekijät
Published 2015“…The focus of this research is on the motivation factors of eWOM communications from the sender perspective. This research also studies the dif-ference of influence between closed and open online platform sharing eWOM communication and influence of the eWOM valence. …”
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Acceptance test-driven development
Published 2011“…Unfortunately, utilization of ATDD as a communication tool between software developers and other stakeholders failed completely. …”
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Sosiaalisen median alustojen vaikutukset terveysinformaation leviämisessä
Published 2024“…Effective and ethical use of social media in health communication not only requires a deep understanding of how these platforms operate but also close collaboration between health communication professionals and platform operators. …”
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Uudet teknologiat lentokentillä ja niiden suhde asiakastyytyväisyyteen
Published 2021“…The most important technologies from customer satisfaction point of view are self-service technologies to reduce passenger processing times and information communication technologies for efficient communication between airport and its passengers. …”
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”Nää on niin typeriä tämmöset linkkien lähettämiset” : yli 60-vuotiaiden näkemyksiä pankkien nimissä tehtävästä tietojenkalastelusta
Published 2023“…In terms of banks’ phishing communication, the content, the amount of communication, clarity, visi-bility and used channels were seen as important. …”
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Kaikkikanavastrategia ja saumattoman monikanavaisen asiakaskokemuksen edellytykset
Published 2020“…In addition, based on the interviews, customer communications, more precisely the sufficiency of communication and communication about omnichannel features and possibilities available for customers, was added to the framework. …”
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”Kyberturvallisuus kuuluu kaikille” : viestinnälliset kehykset yksityishenkilöille suunnatussa tietoturvaviestinnässä
Published 2021“…Firstly, the number of the appearances of both frames in the material were almost equal, but they were split unevenly between the two material types used in the analysis. …”
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Työntekijöiden sitoutuminen IT-projekteihin etätyössä
Published 2022“…Based on the results of this research, remote work especially affects communication between employers in IT-projects. The frequency and informality of communication decreased and the threshold to communicate increased. …”
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Jääkiekkovalmentajien vuorovaikutusosaaminen U16-U20 ikävaiheissa ja sen yhteys joukkueen koheesioon
Published 2023“…Further research could explore the impact of coaches’ communication skills on players wellbeing and performance on the ice. …”
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China's rhetoric and soft power towards the Portuguese-speaking countries : the case of Angola
Published 2014“…This phenomenon and the resulting interaction need to be approached from a political perspective in order to understand the dynamics of communication and power. The theoretical framework consists of using rhetorical criticism to analyse the speeches made by the Chinese and Angolan representatives at the Forum for Economic and Trade Cooperation between China and the Portuguese-speaking Countries (Forum Macao) in 2003 and 2006 as well as China’s African Policy official document. …”
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Informal learning in youth volunteer work : perspectives from the European Voluntary Service programme
Published 2013“…The purpose of this study is to examine the link between volunteer work and informal learning among young people. …”
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Onko tässä yhteiskunnassa mitään järkeä? : Jürgen Habermasin elämismaailman ja systeemin käsite-erottelu välineellisen järjen kritiikin päivityksenä
Published 2020“…Does his conceptual diffenrentiation between system and lifeworld, introduced in the theory of communicative action, offer an adequate basis for this? …”
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Constituents of Effective Teamwork in School
Published 2018“…Shared coordinated structures are recognized between teams and the school to achieve efficacy. …”
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Toiminnanohjausjärjestelmän käyttöönotto pienissä ja keskisuurissa yrityksissä
Published 2019“…Communication has important role in implementing organization, in software vendor and between them. …”
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Vuokratyöyritysten tietojärjestelmät vuorovaikutuksen työkaluina
Published 2015“…Constructive part of the study is executed problem-centered emphasizing on interaction meaning the communication between labor hire organizations and its interest groups. …”
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Sosiaalinen media virtuaalitiimien sisäisessä viestinnässä
Published 2015“…However social media can’t replace face to face meetings between team’s members. …”
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