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Parent perception on active music experience : family-centered music therapy & children with autism spectrum disorder
Published 2018“…I completed data collection and Music Therapy Intervention with a total of four families in Japan. …”
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Film, music and induced mixed-emotion
Published 2011“…Participants were asked to rate how they felt in response to a variety of 30 second film excerpts (expressing either happiness or sadness) presented simultaneously with a film music excerpt chosen to express either happiness or sadness in two conditions: congruent (eg., happy visuals with happy music) and non-congruent (eg. happy visuals with sad music). …”
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An investigation on the value of intervals in Persian music
Published 2020“…Theory of intervals in Persian music has a history of over 1000 years. Two influential theories regarding interval sizes have been proposed during the 20th century, first one by Ali Naqi Vaziri at the beginning of 20th century (1913) and the second one by Daryoush Talai at the end of 20th century (1995), but still the exact size of intervals is a matter of discussion between Persian musicians and theoreticians. …”
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An early interaction music therapy model
Published 2014“…This case study presents a threefold Early Interaction Music Therapy Model which is created in the child protection context. …”
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The sense of self of experienced and non-experienced music therapists in musical improvisation : an interpretative phenomenological analysis
Published 2014“…This research had as its aim to investigate music therapists. The actual investigation involved the sense of self of a music therapist in musical improvisation through semi-structured interviews analysed with Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. …”
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Testing a spectral-based feature set for audio genre classification
Published 2011Get full text
Master's thesis -
Primary Prevention of Physical Diseases through Music-Based Health Communication : Towards Wider Utilization of Music – An Integrative Review
Published 2024“…In conclusion, findings support that music is a valuable resource in the primary prevention of physical diseases. …”
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Swing to bob - hep to hip : a study in jazz parlance
Published 1998Get full text Get full textLicentiate thesis -
A psychotherapeutically oriented approach to vibroacoustic therapy : therapy process with a client diagnosed with functional neurological disorder experiencing dissociative symptom...
Published 2018“…The client in this case was diagnosed with FND by a neurologist and referred to the music therapist. …”
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Regulating pre-performance psychobiosocial states with music
Published 2016“…Furthermore, swimmers’ qualitative reports indicated that music use was made more purposeful due to the introduction of a music intervention. …”
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Effects and justification of loudness war in commercial music
Published 2016“…Thus using a limiter does give the mastering process and in that sense, the loudness war, a significant advantage when trying to achieve loudness until you reach the audible point of distortion. …”
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Frontal alpha asymmetry and music induced pleasure
Published 2022“…Based on previous studies this can be tested by playing subjects familiar and unfamiliar music while measuring EEG. Results of the current study suggest that familiarity of music has a significant effect on FAA and the results are more evident when the subject is listening to high valence music. …”
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Searching for the universal subconscius : study on music and emotion
Published 2010“…Are there any differences in how we feel about music? This research reaches to clarify differences and their reasons in our perception of music-related emotions. …”
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Automatic subgenre classification of heavy metal music
Published 2011“…Automatic genre classification of music has been of interest for researchers over a decade. …”
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Comparison of Music Education Curricula of Finland and Wales
Published 2020“…Differences can be seen in the emphasis and absence of elements. Both music curricula have elements of the curriculum theory, are learner-centred and have a spiral structure. …”
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State of play : the role of music therapy in Northern Ireland
Published 2019“…This research paper investigates the current role of music therapy in addressing some of these types of health problems in Northern Ireland, a place where civil conflict officially ended in 1998. …”
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Comparing Novel and Established Technology in an Elementary Music Classroom
Published 2020“…This study aimed to investigate student learning as compared between two pieces of music technology: the iPad and the KAiKU Glove. The iPad is an established piece of music technology, whereas the KAiKU Glove is a newly-developed, touch-based electronic glove designed for music education. …”
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