Suggested Topics within your search.
- musiikki 172
- musiikkiterapia 71
- music 56
- Musicology 49
- Musiikkitiede 49
- 3054 48
- Master's Degree Programme in Music, Mind and Technology 48
- Music, Mind and Technology (maisteriohjelma) 48
- 3053 46
- Master's Degree Programme in Music Therapy 44
- Musiikkiterapia (maisteriohjelma) 44
- 3051 42
- tunteet 41
- musiikkikasvatus 27
- music therapy 24
- Music Education 23
- Musiikkikasvatus 22
- opetus 22
- 3052 20
- oppiminen 20
- 304 19
- Kirjallisuus 19
- Literature 19
- lapset (ikäryhmät) 17
- nuoret 16
- Englannin kieli 15
- English 15
- emotions 15
- 301 14
- identiteetti 14
"Onneks musiikki on keksitty" : a case study on the role of music in the special needs English language classroom
Published 2011Get full text
Master's thesis -
Where fatherlessness meets music therapy : "the importance of therapist & the uniqueness of music"
Published 2014“…With music the therapeutic alliance is taking place faster and in a more pleasant way (making/listening to music). …”
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Identity development meets emotional stability : transcending borders through music therapy with an intercultural group of women : a case study
Published 2016“…Transcending borders through music therapy with an intercultural group of women : a case study…”
JYX-julkaisuarkisto / JYX Digital Archive
Master's thesis -
Modern music industry perspectives on music marketing using social media platforms
Published 2023“…The music industry and the importance of marketing music through online media platforms and distribution services has been on public discussion for a while now. …”
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Frederico [po. Federico] Garcia Lorca and George Crumb : a fusion of styles
Published 2005Master's thesis -
Testing a spectral-based feature set for audio genre classification
Published 2011“…Moreover, the most common algorithms that are used for this task are not designed for modelling music perception. This study suggests a framework for testing different musical features for use in music genre classification and evaluates the performance of this task based on two musical descriptors. …”
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Exploring reverie : an exploratory inquiry into the instances of reverie and their occurrences within a particular music therapy case study and its improvisational work
Published 2016“…Exploratory inquiry into the instances of reverie and their occurrences within a particular music therapy case study and its improvisational work…”
JYX-julkaisuarkisto / JYX Digital Archive
Master's thesis -
My emotions expressed by music
Published 2014“…Furthermore, the research team of the university of Jyväskylä has developed a computational analysis software, called Music Therapy Toolbox (MTTB). …”
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Measuring music artist success
Published 2012“…This thesis examines success from a number of different angles, in particular how to define and measure it in the music business. …”
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Music piracy culture in the Internet
Published 2011“…The purpose of the research was to identify the motivations and opinions on copyright and online music piracy on the Internet through Peer-to-peer (P2P) Networks. …”
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Introductory music of the Skywalker Saga characters : gender and character type in Music Information Retrieval analysis
Published 2023“…Music is shown to influence an audience member’s perception of the events of a multimedia piece, but the audience member is not always conscious of this effect, attributing their view to other aspects of the film. …”
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Developing and testing sub-band spectral features in music genre and music mood machine learning
Published 2018“…In the field of artificial intelligence, supervised machine learning enables us to try to develop automatic recognition systems. In music information retrieval, training and testing such systems is possible with a variety of music datasets. …”
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Motion in musical sound : the role of music performer bodily gesture in creating expressive sounding music
Published 2018“…H1 was supported for six of the eight melodies, showing that those six melodies are suitable for future use in music and emotion research. H2 was supported for the two sad melodies and one happy melody, but was not supported for the other melodies, indicating that use of body movement can affect a performer’s expressivity through sound, but the effect may be influenced by various factors. …”
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Musically induced ASMR : an amalgamated experience
Published 2015“…The current study employed grounded theory, a meticulous and established qualitative research method for developing theory that serves to explain salient characteristics of a particular phenomenon; to theorize the nature and significance of musically induced ASMR and ASMR in general. …”
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The optimal musical pause : the effects of expectancies, musical training, and personality
Published 2016“…Musical excerpts were chosen from a variety of genres to include two phrases (separable by a silence), from which participants were asked to create and to rate the pauses. …”
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