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Optimizing Spotify’s business through big data analytics
Published 2024“…The emergence of digital platforms and streaming services has significantly transformed the music industry. Spotify has established itself as a market leader through its freemium business model, which combines a free, adsupported service with a paid premium subscription. …”
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Aktiivisuusrannekkeita päiväkodeissa, seisomapulpetteja kouluissa : terveyden edistämisen hallintakeinot Lihavuus laskuun -ohjelmassa Seinäjoella
Published 2019“…However, the importance of preventing obesity played a significant role in the programme’s webpage and journal articles: obesity was seen to be a risk factor for diseases, health care costs and weaker future. …”
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Persoonallisuuden piirteiden yhteys fyysiseen aktiivisuuteen ja koulumenestykseen 8-luokkalaisilla nuorilla
Published 2018“…The data was collected from a medium sized city in Central Finland. The study included 118 pupils, of whom 61 were girls and 56 boys. …”
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Paperinen vastaan elektroninen : tutkimus e-kirjojen omaksumiseen vaikuttavista tekijöistä
Published 2017“…Still the way how we read is almost the same than it was hundreds of years ago. Even though music and movies are basically consumed only through digital streaming services, electronic fiction and nonfiction books have not gained a proper market share in Finland. …”
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On kallista olla köyhä : yhteiskunnalliset epäkohdat ja yhteiskuntakritiikki punkrocklyriikoissa
Published 2016“…Punk lyricists have written current lyrics which take a stand on the social grievance and social inequality. …”
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Liikunnanopettajien näkemyksiä ja kokemuksia tanssinopetuksesta yläkoulussa
Published 2021“…Their definitions of dance in the context of physical education in secondary school varied and some of them used terms as bodily expression and musical physical education of their dance teaching. …”
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Kodin fyysisen ympäristön yhteys 5–7-vuotiaiden lasten motorisiin taitoihin
Published 2019“…Fundamental motor skills form a foundation for the physical activity of children. …”
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