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Markovin ketjut ja Markovin piilomallit algoritmisessa säveltämisessä
Published 2020“…Markov chains and hidden Markov models are primarily used in imitation of musical styles. Pieces generated with the said methods lack musical structure, especially in the long-term. …”
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Interaction at the orchestra rehearsal : an ethnomethodological inquiry in rehearsing practices
Published 2021“…The analysis suggests that coordination and the use of scaffolding strategies serve as the base for developing a CoP of musicians. As the findings suggest making music together might produce an equally mean ingful context. …”
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Multisensory integration in quarter note beat precision
Published 2024“…This thesis investigates multisensory integration in a musical context, more specifically, in musical beat-based timekeeping. …”
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Performing authenticities : cultural forms and their functions in the Reclaim the Streets -protest
Published 2007“…I conceptualize culture as both the concrete cultural praxis (e.g. music, art, dancing) and as a semiotic and cognitive system behind all action. …”
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Discrimination of serial auditory patterns in rats : roles of configural and elemental associations
Published 2011“…In Experiment 2, the CSs were similar to those in Experiment 1 except that they started with a random note. As a result, rats could discriminate between the stimuli when the CS started systematically with the same note. …”
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Liikeanalyysi masentuneiden ja ei-masentuneiden musiikista havaitsemien perustunteiden ilmaisusta liikkeessä
Published 2013“…Here, I investigate how depression affects expression of emotions perceived in music through spontaneous movement. Twenty-one clinically depressed individuals and 21 non-depressed controls aged 18-60 were presented with 15 short (1 min) music excerpts. …”
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Nuoret aikuiset maksullisten suoratoistopalvelujen kuluttajina
Published 2017“…A high willingness to pay does not correlate with the actual payments, and a significant proportion (61,9%) of music stream users did not pay for streaming services. …”
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Leading everyday complexity
Published 2020“…This qualitative case study tries to understand the complexity and complexity leadership in Savonlinnan Taidelukio, a senior secondary school with a special emphasis on music or visual arts. …”
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Play in Finnish kindergartens : an exploratory study on the pedagogical practices and opinions of teachers and nurses
Published 2021“…Finally, educators report considering play as a vehicle for learning, which encompasses all the areas of development, and arranging elaborate and fun playful learning activities, making the most of music and P.E. time. …”
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Perceptions concerning successful development of Finnish players involved in the National Football League (NFL)
Published 2017“…Multiple large-scale studies (Bloom, 1985; Csikszentmihalyi, Rathunde, Whalen, & Wong, 1993) on talent development in a vast number of areas (art, music, sport, science), show that helping individuals enhance competence is not just hand picking talented people and introducing financial contributions. …”
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Discovering the embodiment of the group fitness instructor : case study of group fitness instructors of Fysioline Fressi
Published 2017“…Instructing a class requires a combination of coordination, anticipation and moving in-line with the music. …”
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Creativity and semantic processing in the brain : an MEG study of N400
Published 2020“…Creativity is an ability that has a fundamental status in defining human nature. …”
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Nuorten kondomin käytön edistäminen : Kesäkumikampanjan ja festivaalien Seksikiskojen tulosarviointi
Published 2018“…The study was executed as a survey among the youth visiting Sex Kiosks at four Finnish music festivals. …”
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Cognitive and behavioral techniques used by olympic and paralympic swimmers to manage sport related thoughts and emotions
Published 2018“…Although some of the athletes were already familiar with some of the techniques, they reported improvement in how and why to use them after started a psychological preparation with a sport psychologist. …”
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Käyttöoikeuksien hallinnan ja piratismin suhde videopeleissä
Published 2021“…The study has been conducted as a literature review. …”
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Näkökulmia laskennallisen luovuuden arviointiin
Published 2020“…Computational creativity is a relatively new field of transdisciplinary research that has produced significant results in recent years, yet it lacks validated formal evaluation metrics. …”
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Harjaantumisoppilas peruskoulun liikuntakasvatuksessa
Published 1991“…Factor analysis enabled physical education to be divided into the following areas - motor skills, movement to music and games of movement, outdoor activities, physical fitness, and self-concept in relation to physical exercise. …”
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Nuorten musiikillinen tunneilmaisu ja yhteydet empatiaan
Published 2014“…Tunneilmaisuaineisto kerättiin musiikin muokkaamiseen kehitetyn musiikkimuuntimen (Music Box) avulla, ja empaattisuuden mittaamiseen käytettiin Empatiamittari IRI:a (Interpersonal Reactivity Index). …”
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Kognition produktiivisten kykyjen yhteinen neuraalinen perusta
Published 2014“…This same productivity is common to many human abilities, e.g. music, mathematics, art and use of tools. No other animal show such capabilities. …”
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Adult immigrants’ experiences of different ways to learn languages and using other languages in the process
Published 2022“…This also makes it possible to move to other countries. As a consequence of this, different languages come into contact with each other and people move to other countries, which might raise the question of how they learn languages, especially as an adult. …”
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