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Cue weighting and task processing in melodic classification
Published 2015“…Many studies have considered the role of diverse musical parameters in the perception and cognition of specific musical contexts, yet few attempts have been made to integrate these findings into a general cognitive overview of everyday music listening. …”
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Perception of basic emotions in clinical improvisations : an experimental study
Published 2016“…In music psychology the global interest in felt and perceived emotions in music has been a clear trend for two to three decades. …”
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"I'll make a man out of you" - Mieskuvat ja maskuliinisuus Disneyn animaatioelokuvassa Mulan
Published 2018Get full text Get full textBachelor's thesis -
Lifespan singing : working model for therapeutic singing group for the elderly
Published 2012“…The results show that music is a good working tool to explore issues from the present and the past, to share experiences, to do remembering, to connect people from different backgrounds, to have social interaction and to refresh mind and body and to have therapeutic music experiences. …”
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English songs in support of the linguistic development of elementary students in Finland
Published 2023“…In this thesis, I will discuss how music supports language learning in elementary school students, specifically learning English as a second language in Finland. …”
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Embodied cognition in prevention of musician’s musculoskeletal problems in learning environment : an integrative review
Published 2024“…This thesis is conducted as an integrative review by synthesizing the current research of embodied cognition and the prevention of musician’s musculoskeletal problems and its applied possibilities for learning environment identifying the preventive, wellbeing promoting and embodied role of musical practice. The thesis is conducted as a mixed method integrative literature review with inductive research design analyzed and synthesized with thematic, constant comparative and content analysis as the critical interpretive approach and narrative summary suitable for mixed method research synthesis. …”
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Instrument choice and personality
Published 2022“…The relationship between personality type and the reasons behind instrument choice was explored in this study, to provide insights into how personality potentially influences the instrument a musician chooses to play. The study was conducted through an online questionnaire directed at music students in secondary or tertiary levels of the Finnish education system. …”
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Playing with feeling : the influence of felt and perceived emotions on movement features in piano performances
Published 2019“…This thesis studied the influence of - and combinations of - felt and perceived emotion on performer movement. Pianists played a piece with which they had an emotional connection in the following conditions: Technical (focusing on technical aspects), Expressive (expressing the music) and Emotional (feeling the emotion of the music). …”
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Investigating the role of elements of natural environment recreated in the clinical setting for stress reduction
Published 2018“…It has been shown in environmental psychology research that a natural environment can promote stress reduction which could be used for relaxation purposes in music therapy. …”
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Just breathe : comparing visual and musical breathing cues in resonance frequency breathing
Published 2019“…Thus, RFB has been used with success in a number of therapeutic settings. However, RFB is currently conducted without musical stimuli. …”
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Fysiikan ja musiikin oppiaineintegrointi lukiotasolla
Published 2014“…This thesis is written from the physics point of view and naturally a view from music education could shed additional light to possibilities of subject integration. …”
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Perceived differences between natural and convolution reverberation types in 5.0 surround sound
Published 2011“…Two spaces with distinct reverberation times were used for this study. Initially three musical excerpts from three instruments (Cello, Oboe, and Piano) were recorded in a dry studio environment. …”
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Classroom application of using visual stimuli in teaching and learning dynamics and pitch
Published 2014“…Listening is a common activity in music lessons. It is difficult for teachers to know whether students are learning by listening. …”
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An exploratory study of coach and players' emotion regulation in a female volleyball team
Published 2018“…An exploratory study of coach and players’ emotion regulation in a female volleyball team. Master’s Thesis in Sport and Exercise Psychology. …”
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Tuntemattomasta tähdenlennoksi : laulukilpailujen heijastumia peruskoulun musiikintunteihin
Published 2015“…The biggest reason to participate in singing contests was an urge to compete and desire of fame and to become a professional singer. The results of our research shows, that singing competitions can be seen in music lessons. …”
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