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- musiikki 172
- musiikkiterapia 71
- music 56
- Musicology 49
- Musiikkitiede 49
- 3054 48
- Master's Degree Programme in Music, Mind and Technology 48
- Music, Mind and Technology (maisteriohjelma) 48
- 3053 46
- Master's Degree Programme in Music Therapy 44
- Musiikkiterapia (maisteriohjelma) 44
- 3051 42
- tunteet 41
- musiikkikasvatus 27
- music therapy 24
- Music Education 23
- Musiikkikasvatus 22
- opetus 22
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- 304 19
- Kirjallisuus 19
- Literature 19
- lapset (ikäryhmät) 17
- nuoret 16
- Englannin kieli 15
- English 15
- emotions 15
- 301 14
- identiteetti 14
"Ei se ole vaan laulua" : kuorolaisten kokemuksia Jyväskylän musiikkiluokkien A-kuoron ja Vox Aurean vaikutuksista
Published 2017Subjects: “…Jyväskylän musiikkiluokkien A-kuoro…”
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The influence of rhythmic and spectro-timbral musical features on gait-related movement
Published 2017“…These results suggest that musical features can have a significant effect on gait-related movements in young healthy adults. …”
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Musical learning for the development of well-being, well-being approaches to deepen learning : an action research project integrating coaching, positive psychology, mindfulness, an...
Published 2020“…Music-making can be a powerful source of well-being but does not occur in a vacuum. …”
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Gendered Emotional Expression in Star Wars : Episode IV Soundtrack
Published 2020“…How do those musical expressions of emotion construct gender when music is linked to a certain character? …”
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“This girl's killer thought she was a pig” : ihmis- ja eläinkuvat sekä kannibalismi Hannibal-televisiosarjassa
Published 2018Get full text Get full textBachelor's thesis -
A keleti hantik vokális népzenéje = Itäisten hantien laulettu kansanmusiikki
Published 1996Get full text Get full textLicentiate thesis -
EEG-based study on musical groove and motor cortical beta power in the brain
Published 2023“…The current study employed a music listening experiment in which participants were presented with music samples that varied in groove. …”
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The communicative processes of musicians engaged in synchronous play
Published 2014“…Music is a sophisticated cognitive behaviour that employs extensive bilateral neural networks. …”
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Taidetta kömpelyydestä : musiikillinen komiikka W. A. Mozartin teoksessa Ein musikalischer Spass
Published 1993Get full text Get full textLicentiate thesis -
Brain and body percussion : the relationship between motor and cognitive functions
Published 2015“…Decades’ long successful application of this method within general classrooms and in music education led to the hypothesis that body percussion could have a positive impact on core cognitive functions also referred to as executive functions. …”
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Naiseuden etsintää Tori Amosin lauluissa Professional widow, Caught a lite sneexe ja Talula
Published 2000Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
"You're not a man when you're hungry" : nykymainosten kiinnostavia miesrepresentaatioita
Published 2017Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
The Impact of Transposition Skills on Inhibitory Control Performance
Published 2018“…A transposition task, a music Stroop task and a classic Stroop task were designed. …”
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Väkivalta, valtasuhteet ja miehen representaatio Hanya Yanagiharan romaanissa A Little Life
Published 2023Get full text Get full textBachelor's thesis -
24 strings bass solo : following the footsteps of successful YouTube-musicians in creating and building personal brands of YouTube
Published 2023“…Branding oneself especially on social media has been a trend growing in a fast pace not just in the scene of music but overall. …”
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Social bonding happens in time : interpersonal synchronisation in the silent disco
Published 2017“…Dance is a fundamentally social activity. Studies have begun to examine the role of movement in music for conveying emotional states, potentially revealing a useful mechanism for the communication of emotions, while other studies have found that joint synchrony increases interpersonal affiliation. …”
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