- 601 301
- Tietojärjestelmätiede 268
- Information Systems Science 264
- 5032 54
- Liikunnan yhteiskuntatieteet 54
- Social Sciences of Sport 54
- Corporate Environmental Management 51
- Yritysten ympäristöjohtaminen 51
- Tietotekniikka 49
- 20425 48
- Mathematical Information Technology 48
- 602 44
- kestävä kehitys 40
- urheilu 39
- liikunta 37
- 502 34
- Liikuntapedagogiikka 34
- Markkinointi 34
- Physical Education Teacher Education 34
- Marketing 33
- markkinointi 33
- ohjelmistokehitys 32
- kyberturvallisuus 31
- 20423 30
- johtaminen 29
- 20422 28
- Entrepreneurship 28
- Yrittäjyys 28
- tietoturva 28
- sosiaalinen media 27
Code Contracts ja ComTest-yksikkötestausgenerointi .NET-kielissä
Julkaistu 2015Hae kokoteksti Hae kokotekstiKandityö -
Integrating a smart city data warehouse efficiently with a cloud infrastructure
Julkaistu 2015“…To this end, a generalizable, theoretical framework was created that can be used to answer e.g., to this question. …”
Hae kokoteksti Hae kokotekstiPro gradu -
A multifaceted perspective on decentralisation : analysis of the Chinese National Curriculum Reform at the general upper-secondary education (2017)
Julkaistu 2021“…Considering China's complicated situation, the theoretical framework of the Multifaceted Decentralisation is proposed by the author and applied to analyse and compare the 2017 Curriculum documents (the Scheme, the Standards, and a training quiz) with the school teachers' perceptions of the curriculum reform (based on 50 responses to a schoolteacher questionnaire). …”
Hae kokoteksti Hae kokotekstiPro gradu -
Missing a lot of this world : formal education and political competition in Iraq through a Yezidi lens
Julkaistu 2017“…This thesis also seeks to understand prominent Yezidi discourses around this issue and the implications for Yezidi children and youth from Sinjar, and for the Yezidi community as a whole. This research is conducted according to a qualitative approach. …”
Hae kokoteksti Hae kokotekstiPro gradu -
Software Projects and Software Project Risks
Julkaistu 2007“…The relevant concepts are introduced: project, project management, risk, risk exposure, risk management, and risk management framework. The goal of this study is to investigate special characteristics of software projects and introduce a risk categorisation framework for identifying risks that threaten the success of projects. …”
Hae kokoteksti Hae kokotekstiKandityö -
Opasvideoiden generointi testiautomaation avulla
Julkaistu 2023“…This study presents a tool developed using design science method, which automatically generates ready-to-use screencast video tutorials from Robot Framework tests. …”
Hae kokoteksti Hae kokotekstiPro gradu -
The prospective reserve of a life insurance contract with modifications in a Non-Markovian setting
Julkaistu 2022“…In this thesis we inspect the prospective reserve of a life insurance contract. The objective is to generalize the concepts from the Markovian framework into the non-Markovian setting. …”
Hae kokoteksti Hae kokotekstiPro gradu -
Managing sustainability in a complex urban development project : a stakeholder engagement approach to a wicked problem
Julkaistu 2021“…This approach is determined particularly suitable for the intersection between the linear problem-solving models traditionally – and successfully – applied in construction projects for general management purposes and the complexity and uncertainties that come with sustainability-incorporation. A conceptual framework structured around six identified categories of uncertainty is utilized in this study to explore the dichotomy between fragmentation and coherence and to discover how the wicked problem of sustainability-incorporation should be dealt with in the context of complex urban development projects. …”
Hae kokoteksti Hae kokotekstiPro gradu -
Kuluttajan vaihtokäyttäytymistä estävät tekijät teknologiatuotteiden ja –palveluiden kontekstissa
Julkaistu 2017“…Therefore, technology adoption research cannot be applied per se to explain switching behavior, because switching occurs from an incumbent technology to a substitute. Push- Pull-Mooring framework was found to be a good fit for explaining major factors that affect consumers’ switching behavior. …”
Hae kokoteksti Hae kokotekstiKandityö -
Error monitoring in a distributed system
Julkaistu 2024“…This problem is addressed in this thesis by creating and applying an error monitoring framework for a single service of a distributed system. …”
Hae kokoteksti Hae kokotekstiPro gradu -
Making a difference in women's lives? : case study of women's empowerment programme in Rajasthan
Julkaistu 2015“…The analysis is completed with the help of a simple logic model (resources, activities, immediate results). …”
Hae kokoteksti Hae kokotekstiPro gradu -
Information technology integrations in M&A : synergy creation challenges
Julkaistu 2023“…The IT integration challenges directly affect the realization of synergies, and the themes can be identified using the framework. Further, additional research directions in are recommended for scholars in the field of IT M&A and IT synergies. …”
Hae kokoteksti Hae kokotekstiPro gradu -
Creating a musically expressive performance : a study of vocalists' use of emotions in performance preparation
Julkaistu 2015“…Despite the acceptance of expressivity as a crucial element in musical performance, educators have reported addressing it only cursorily or not addressing it at all when preparing for a performance. …”
Hae kokoteksti Hae kokotekstiPro gradu -
Mathematical tools in a digital world
Julkaistu 2012“…First I looked backward in time to survey the history of copyright and intellectual property rights – then I considered how these frameworks operate in the software world. In order to compare and contrast free and open source mathematical software with proprietary software I composed a set of questionnaires and used the methodology of digital ethnography. …”
Hae kokoteksti Hae kokotekstiPro gradu -
Design through a communicational lens : matters of concern and agency
Julkaistu 2021“…A framework was developed for defining design practice as a series of communicative events. …”
Hae kokoteksti Hae kokotekstiPro gradu -
Nonhumans as Stakeholders: a Literature Review
Julkaistu 2024“…The study identifies key themes and arguments for and against the inclusion of nonhumans as stakeholders, ultimately revealing a lack of consensus and a variety of perspectives within the literature. …”
Hae kokoteksti Hae kokotekstiPro gradu -
Open source software as a service : provision of open sourcesoftware components to web application developers
Julkaistu 2010“…This study proposes a generic business model framework for the provision of web application development platform which leverages the strengths of open source software while mitigating some of its drawbacks and targeting a more sophisticated user segment. …”
Hae kokoteksti Hae kokotekstiPro gradu -
The role of music in event ambience and design : a case study during a film festival
Julkaistu 2021“…Compared to these matters the music design was complementary but essential. A unique aspect in this case study is the time when it was conducted; during a restricted time in the COVID-19 pandemic, thus providing some information that will probably not be available in the future. …”
Hae kokoteksti Hae kokotekstiPro gradu -
Understandings of creativity, innovation, and technology in a distributed team of journalists : a practitioner-centered approach
Julkaistu 2019“…In this research, creativity and innovation are seen as strategic resources through which an organization can acquire competitive advantage. The theoretical framework of this study draws from socio-constructive approaches to creativity, i.e. creativity as a phenomenon manifests in social interaction. …”
Hae kokoteksti Hae kokotekstiPro gradu