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Pk-yritysten prosessit ja informaatio liiketoimintatiedon hallinnassa
Published 2018“…All these three themes lead to high quality and reliable information, which, in the light of studies, gives a competitive edge to the competitors and the ability to think beyond the customer. …”
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Täsmä Työterveys Oy:ssä työskentelevien Työterveyshoitajien kokemuksia osaamisen hyödyntämisestä
Published 2022“…If competence of utilization is not paid attention even if the individual has brought it up, then it can cause cynicism, a decline in organizational growth, and non-commitment. …”
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Väkivallan kokijan toimijuus Nollalinjan työntekijöiden kuvaamana
Published 2022“…Active agency is expected from domestic violence victims while they’re seeking and receiving help despite being in a vulnerable situation. Our study provides information on helpline work in a domestic violence context as well as more information about Nollalinja in our society. …”
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Liikunta terveyden edistäjänä lukion terveystiedon oppikirjoissa
Published 2015“…The research results indicate that a person who was living physically actively as a child and young is likely to live physically actively as an adult too. …”
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Oppilaiden psyykkinen oireilu yläkoulun liikunnanopetuksessa opettajien kokemana
Published 2021“…The thesis was carried out using qualitative methods and the research approach was a phenomenological-hermeneutic framework. In this thesis, it means finding out the individual experiences of teachers as well as interpreting them. …”
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Koululiikunnan ja liikunnanopettajan merkitys oppilaan liikuntamotivaation ja taidon oppimisen kehittymisessä
Published 2019“…As regards to the motivational climate task orientation and a safe and permissive learning environment were crucial. …”
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Yhdysvaltojen naistaitoluistelijoiden matka lapsuuden unelmasta olympiamitaliin
Published 2015“…Each of these skater’s Olympic dreams were born in early childhood and they have turned every stone to make it happen and even a bit more. As a conclusion these skaters have lived their lives so that figure skating comes first in everything. …”
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Ilmastonmuutoksen riskit maastohiihdon olosuhteille : kyselytutkimus Suomen Hiihtoliiton jäsenseuroille
Published 2022“…For statistical analysis, the research utilized IBM SPSS statistics- analytics software to derive the central results from cross-tabulation, chi-square test, one-way ANOVA and a Kruskal-Wallis test. The results show that climate change risks are more commonplace in southern and western Finland. …”
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The role of big data and capabilities in marketing communication : managerial perspectives on data-driven decision-making
Published 2022“…There is an increasing need to view business problems from a data perspective and companies are investing in data and analytics. …”
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Tiedonhallintamalli, kokonaisarkkitehtuuri ja tiedon turvaaminen osana hyvinvointialueiden arkkitehtuurityötä ja -kuvauksia
Published 2024“…Based on theoretical part, a framework for semi-structured interviews was developed, which was used to interview experts from 13 wellbeing service county. …”
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The effects of transcranial direct current stimulation on the reward related brain responses
Published 2023“…Hence we used this model as a framework for our setup and targeted anodal tDCS on the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC) with an expectation that the stimulation would affect reward positivity. …”
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”Tervetuloa, nyt aukaistaan energiajuomat” : laadullinen tutkimus poikien energiajuomien käyttöä koskevista videoista Youtubessa
Published 2018“…Based on the results of this analysis, a smaller data set was formed and turned into three stories (n=15). …”
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50-vuotiaiden suomalaisten mielenterveys : kokonaisvaltainen näkökulma: hyvinvointi ja mielenterveyden häiriöt
Published 2016“…The two-continua model, a theoretical framework proposed by the American researcher Keyes, was used. …”
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Viittomakielen lautakunnan tehtävät ja rooli kuurojen viittomakielityön ammattilaisten näkökulmasta
Published 2013“…The board has operated for over 16 years and it has taken a great deal of time for it to find its own modus operandi. …”
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Vuosikymmenet suomalaisen hiihtohistorian kulisseissa : tapaustutkimus vapaaehtoistoiminnan merkityksistä ja muutoksista Lahden MM-hiihdoissa
Published 2017“…Neither of these events could have been organized without a group of committed and experienced volunteers. …”
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Tunteiden säätely liikuntatunneilla : oppilaiden kokemuksia kiusaamistilanteista ala- ja yläkoulun siirtymävaiheessa
Published 2014“…All 45 students answered questions that were extracted from the Liikuva - Koulu projects questionnaire, and from the answers a soci- ogram was formed, measuring relationships of these students. …”
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Työn intensifikaation yhteys kognitiiviseen stressiin media-alalla : resilienssi suojaavana tekijänä
Published 2020“…The differential exposure-reactivity model was used as a theoretical framework to describe the connections between personality, working conditions and occupational well-being. …”
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Merkityksenannon muutokset perheterapiassa : uhmakkuus- ja käytöshäiriödiagnoosin saaneiden lasten oireille annetut merkitykset ja niiden yhteys perheen vuorovaikutussysteemiin
Published 2022“…The results of this study indicate that a change in the process of giving meanings was taking place during the therapy. …”
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Elinsiirtoliikunnan viikon vapaaehtoisten profiili, motiivit ja aikeet vapaaehtoistyöhön jatkossa
Published 2017“…Volunteers were relatively old, as the average age was 50 years. A third (33 %) of the volunteers were retired and 46 % were still working. …”
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Paperinen vastaan elektroninen : tutkimus e-kirjojen omaksumiseen vaikuttavista tekijöistä
Published 2017“…Fourth, senses are having big roles what it comes to the immersive consumption as reading. E-book can be seen as a rough, senseless and cold copy of the physical book. …”
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