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Debating the causes of the 2007–09 financial crisis : monopoly capital versus the tendency of the rate of profit to fall
Published 2021“…My argument is that the falling-profit-rate theory provides a more viable explanation for the 2007–09 financial crisis and a stronger framework for studying capitalist crises than monopoly capital theory because the former moves methodologically from relations of production towards market relations, whereas the latter does the opposite. …”
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Pari muuttujaa matkalla: Valvottu koevapaus vankilasta vapautuvan vangin elämänhallinnan tukena
Published 2018“…The best procedure in supporting a convict released through supervised probationary freedom is to prepare the probationary freedom individually, to establish the circumstances under which the probationary freedom is carried out, to build the every-day life on regular routines and to support and control the convict in a concrete manner. …”
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Perheterapiassa tapahtunut muutos ja sen moniulotteisuus : perheterapian vaikutukset uhmakkuushäiriö- ja Aspergerin oireyhtymän diagnoosin saaneen lapsen ja hänen perheensä hyvinvo...
Published 2019“…The outcomes of this study demonstrated the multidimensional nature of the change processes occurred within the framework of psychotherapy and the factors that may affect to it. …”
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Digitaaliset pankkipalvelut ja niiden omaksumista estävät tekijät Suomessa
Published 2018“…The thesis also defines the concept of digital banking services and examines their current state in society. The thesis includes a literature review and an empirical study. Based on the literature review, a theoretical framework is created which helps to compare the results of the empirical research with previous literature. …”
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Valmentajan ja pelaajan vuorovaikutuksen yhteys pelaajan koettuun itseluottamukseen U20 SM-sarjan jääkiekkoilijoilla
Published 2024“…In the Finnish context, ice hockey has been relatively under-researched, which is why we chose this topic, as its position as a major sport is significant. The theoretical framework of the study is phenomenological-hermeneutic. …”
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HR-asiantuntijoiden kokemuksia kehosta ja kehollisuudesta hybridityön lähi- ja etävuorovaikutustilanteissa
Published 2024“…The interviewees worked in a hybrid mode for a human resources department of a large Finnish city. …”
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Formation of relationship commitment in B2B software industry
Published 2018“…Morgan & Hunt 1994; Friman et al. 2002; Mandják et al. 2015; Hänninen & Karjaluoto 2017) is used as a foundation for the study and the research framework. …”
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Kuluttajien kriittiset kokemukset osana ruoan verkkokaupan omaksumista
Published 2023“…The results are presented in the framework of previous literature and theory, and conclusions are presented from the findings. …”
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Sustainability key performance indicators in supply chain : developing the calculation of CO2 emissions in transportation
Published 2021“…Long-term development proposals offer a good view to the future and alternative ways to proceed with the calculation. …”
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Nais- ja mieskuvat parisuhdeväkivallan hoitoon tarkoitetussa ryhmämuotoisessa pariterapiassa
Published 2023“…Gender representations were considered through the framework of social constructionism and the data was analyzed using discourse analysis. …”
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After essentially contested concepts
Published 2012“…These concepts are seen central to the normative frameworks of persons resolved to keep the integrity of their identities as unified and stable as possible. …”
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Success of stream channel restoration in the Iijoki catchment area
Published 2018“…The inventory method proved to be a suitable tool in monitoring the effects of restoration. …”
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Jääkiekkoilijoiden kaksoisura
Published 2021“…Coaches and teachers have a major role in dual career in ice hockey since personally customized practises are often needed. …”
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Vastavalmistuneiden liikunnanopettajien tunne- ja vuorovaikutusvalmiudet liikunnanopetuksessa
Published 2023“…A qualitative approach was chosen for this study and its philosophical basis was phenomenological-hermeneutic. …”
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”Kyberturvallisuus kuuluu kaikille” : viestinnälliset kehykset yksityishenkilöille suunnatussa tietoturvaviestinnässä
Published 2021“…Instead, the idea of exchange that is a part of Social Marketing could have been utilized even more in the materials. …”
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Verkostotyöhön sitoutuminen teknologiavälitteisessä vuorovaikutuksessa
Published 2021“…The empirical phase of this study was done by performing a semi-structured thematic interview. These interviews were made by interviewing members of the AuroraAI network. …”
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Isovanhemmat lastensa perheiden tukena
Published 2016“…Many parents have nowadays also an intermittend career, on the other hand a career is often very important for a parent. …”
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Kestävä kehitys osana liikunnanopetusta
Published 2019“…PE teachers had a common conception of sustainability not been practiced enough today. …”
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Kuka on äänessä? : erityisopiskelijoiden osallistuminen keskusteluun ja musiikilliseen yhteistoimintaan
Published 2017“…The pedagogic premise is co-operative learning as a participatory method. Through this framework, the study aims to investigate if the musicality of co-operation increases the participation of the students with special needs. …”
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Onnellisuus ja flow naisyrittäjien kokemana
Published 2011“…Additionally hope was seen as a factor increasing happiness; on the contrary anxiety and insecure conditions of life were seen as factors decreasing happiness. …”
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