Showing 881 - 900 results of 983 for search 'a framework', query time: 0.08s Refine Results
  1. 881

    Tietoarkkitehtuurin kehittäminen : case Jyväskylän kaupunki by Kelahaara, Lauri

    Published 2013
    “…The thesis consists of two parts: a literature review and a case-study. The literature review deals with Enterprise Architecture and presents general enterprise architecture frameworks which includes their recommendations and Data- Architecture descriptions. …”
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    Master's thesis
  2. 882

    Ekologinen kompensaatio vapaaehtoisuuspohjalta : hyvitysten tuottaminen jo suojelluilla alueilla by Mustajärvi, Linda

    Published 2017
    “…Declining of biodiversity is a major concern not only globally but also in Finland. …”
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    Master's thesis
  3. 883

    "Hävettää jos kokee olevansa huonompi kuin muut" : freelancemuusikoiden kokemuksia häpeästä ammatissaan by Turunen, Hanna

    Published 2024
    “…Shame was framed within this context as a self-conscious and socially structured emotion, addressed in relation to social interaction, societal and cultural structures, and music. …”
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    Master's thesis
  4. 884

    ”Se oli kivaa koska sai tehdä kaikkea vapaasti.” : kolmasluokkalaisten itsemääräämisen kokemuksia koululiikunnassa by Blomberg, Jari

    Published 2019
    “…The teaching methods and the pupils’ expressions in this survey give an example of the mean-ing of autonomy to a person in physical education. The results are not to be generalised as such, but they give a reason to primary school physical education teachers to reflect how to support the experience of autonomy in their own pedagogy. …”
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    Master's thesis
  5. 885

    The effects of leadership on IT-projects by Keränen, Joni

    Published 2018
    “…Project management is a tool operated by project managers for the benefit of the organization conducting the projects. …”
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    Bachelor's thesis
  6. 886

    The type and the frequency of output-based activities in Finnish upper secondary school EFL textbooks : an overview of modern textbooks by Renvall, Lauri

    Published 2014
    “…The study analyzes Finnish upper secondary school engslish as a foreign language (EFL) textbooks. It aims to create an overview of the type and the frequency of output-based activities in two different textbook series. …”
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    Bachelor's thesis
  7. 887

    The two stories of economic sanctions : how Russia sanctions are legitimized in business news media by Saarinen, Sini

    Published 2017
    “…Legitimation is considered being the process by which speakers recognize a type of positive, beneficial social behavior in a specific situation. …”
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    Master's thesis
  8. 888

    Visuaalisen brändikokemuksen suunnitteluohjeet digitaalisissa alustoissa by Kotilainen, Helene

    Published 2024
    “…Creating the experience of trust plays a major role when building consumer commitment, as well as positive user experience and successful brand management. …”
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    Master's thesis
  9. 889

    Venäjän informaatiopsykologinen sodankäynti : Suomen torjunta- ja varautumistoimenpiteiden määrittely by Mässeli, Eemeli

    Published 2022
    “…In addition, material includes nine interviews with officials and national experts of information warfare. As a result of grounded theory emerged a theory which was based around core category found from the research material. …”
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    Master's thesis
  10. 890

    Habitual smartphone use explaining excessive and problematic use of smartphones and negative consequences by Kekkonen, Kimmo

    Published 2021
    “…Drawing from habit formation theories, dual-process theories, and technostress literature this study proposed a theoretical framework and built a research model to investigate the underlying causes of problematic behaviors and negative consequences in the context of smartphone use. …”
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    Master's thesis
  11. 891
  12. 892

    "Politiikka on politiikkaa, me keskitymme urheiluun" : diskurssianalyyttinen tutkielma poliittisiin ulottuvuuksiin liittyvästä uutisoinnista Helsingin Sanomissa Barcelonan 1992 ja... by Häkli, Tuomas

    Published 2022
    “…The theoretical-methodological framework of the thesis is based on the concept of politics and the theory of discourse analysis. …”
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    Master's thesis
  13. 893

    DevSecOps : building security into the core of DevOps by Koskinen, Anna

    Published 2019
    “…The Building Security In Maturity Model (BSIMM) was used as a framework to chart the activities described in the academic research. …”
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    Master's thesis
  14. 894

    Väkivallan tekijöiden mieskuvat sekä terapeuttien vastaustavat niihin Vaihtoehto väkivallalle -ryhmäinterventiossa by Fågel, Lotta, Rasinkangas, Sanni

    Published 2024
    “…We approach the topic from the grounding theory of social constructionism as well as from a feminist framework. We emphasize the connection between language and the surrounding society, and we understand intimate partner violence as an instrument of control that stems from gender inequality. …”
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    Master's thesis
  15. 895

    The impact of team size on communication in globally distributed teams by Vallin, Olga

    Published 2020
    “…This thesis indicates that the size of a virtual team does matter when the team aims to maintain effective communication practices. …”
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    Master's thesis
  16. 896

    9. -luokkalaisten oppilaiden ajatuksia ja kokemuksia jännittämisestä liikuntatunneilla by Koponen, Anne

    Published 2021
    “…This research was carried out by using qualitative methods with a hermeneutic phenomenological framework. The data was collected using a paper questionnaire. 31 students answered the questionnaire from a school in Eastern Finland. …”
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    Master's thesis
  17. 897

    Talouskasvun este ja varhaisen puuttumisen kohde : syrjäytyminen ylirajaisena käsitteenä eduskunnan välikysymyskeskusteluissa 1990- ja 2000-luvuilla by Ylimaunu, Veera

    Published 2018
    “…The focus of the present study is on the concept of syrjäytyminen (social exclusion in English) and the use of the concept as a social phenomenon. The point of view of the study is constructivism, which means that social exclusion is examined as a concept that is discursively made up of its usage in conversations in certain places and times. …”
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    Master's thesis
  18. 898

    Continuous development of AI : adoption challenges by Vänskä, Sini

    Published 2021
    “…The development of artificial intelligence is a step-by-step process in which the concept of an artificial intelligence system created is taught to make predictions about test data, which is implemented in the existing system. …”
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    Master's thesis
  19. 899

    Tietämyksen tehokas jakaminen: Datan ja Analytiikan wikisivun kehittäminen organisaatiossa by Mattsson, Erik

    Published 2024
    “…This research was carried out as a development-style design study for the target organization and resulted in the creation of an artefact. …”
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    Master's thesis
  20. 900

    Saavutettavuus on meidän jokaisen vastuulla : kehittämistutkimus julkisen organisaation henkilöstön saavutettavuusosaamisen kehittämisestä by Häkkinen, Sanna

    Published 2023
    “…The aim of this thesis was to find out how the accessibility competence of the personnel of a public organization can be structured in a way that meets different tasks and needs. …”
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    Master's thesis
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