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Kompleksisen turvallisuuden hallinta ja ennakointi systeemiteoreettisen lähestymistavan avulla
Published 2023“…This research has been carried out as a systematically conducted integrative literature review. …”
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The nature of teacher discourse during practical work in lower secondary physics education
Published 2014“…The key findings were that a gross majority of teacher discourse during practical work was in the domain of objects and observables O. …”
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Säännöstelyn ja rehevöitymisen vaikutus järvien rantavyöhykkeen pohjaeläimistön tilaan
Published 2017“…The EQR also correlated negatively with nitrogen concentration, chlorophyll-a concentration and turbidity and positively with Secchi depth. …”
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Kestävyysosaaminen lukion opetussuunnitelman oppiaine- ja moduulikohtaisissa tavoitteissa
Published 2024“…Life must be developed in a more sustainable direction, worldwide. The role of education is significant here. …”
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Viihtyminen yläkoulun koululiikunnassa : kokemuksia oppilailta, jotka eivät viihdy liikuntatunneilla
Published 2024“…This study was conducted as a qualitative research and the data was gathered using semi-structured thematic interviews during spring 2024. …”
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Vapaalaskuvälineiden ja -brändien eWOM-viestinnän motivaatiotekijät
Published 2015“…Communication in different online platforms has become a common way for people to interact with their own common connections but it has also become a place for interacting with new previously unknown people. …”
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Mobiilit hyvinvointipalvelut ennaltaehkäisevässä terveydenhoidossa : käyttäjien vaatimukset ja käytön motivointi
Published 2014“…The research methods include a literary review which forms the theoretic framework. …”
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Oppimisanalytiikan tutkimus korkeakouluissa : systemaattinen kartoitus
Published 2021“…The researcher suggests that combining the pedagogical models and design methods presented in the theoretical part with the implementation of learning analytics would be a good way to carry out implementation in a pedagogically meaningful way. …”
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Ammatillisen koulutuksen digitalisaatio työnantajanäkökulmasta : kirjallisuuskartoitus
Published 2023“…The most used method as a part of the study is the interview of the employers. …”
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Tuotannollisten IT-ympäristöjen haasteet kyberuhkien hallittavuuden näkökulmasta
Published 2022“…Therefore, the organization's production environment, IT solutions, processes and personnel form a critical entity that must be managed. Organizations can use different frameworks, standards, or theories in management, but ultimately the production environment is an exceptional entity that is difficult to generalize due to its unique structure. …”
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Bridewealth : an ethnographic study on the narratives and descriptions of the practice of bridewealth establishing its purposes, effects and consequences among the Luo, Kikuyu, Kal...
Published 2015“…The topic of bridewealth emerged after a deep analysis of the transcripts of all the data gathered during my fieldwork. …”
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Esitysvideon tuottamisen tukeminen ohjeistuksella
Published 2024“…The broad topic was narrowed down by defining the object of the instructions, an instructional video, into a presentation video using a detailed taxonomy. …”
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Palkattu työntekijä urheiluseurassa : kansalaistoiminnan voitto vai tappio?
Published 2016“…The interviews highlighted the general lack of volunteers with a specific difficulty to find a volunteer in the board. …”
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Monimenetelmäinen vakautumisryhmä miesvankien kohderyhmässä – ”SÄRÖ Vol 2”
Published 2024“…The topic combines clinical experience and multidisciplinary theoretical knowledge into a comprehensive framework supporting therapy and rehabilitation work. …”
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Elämänkatsomusidentiteetin yhteys elämän tarkoituksellisuuden kokemukseen ja elämän tarkoituksellisuudelle annetut merkitykset 60-vuotiailla suomalaisilla
Published 2023“…Furthermore, the association between a life view identity and meaningful life have not yet been studied among Finnish research subjects. …”
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Ukraine’s memory war : the order of discourse in Ukrainian memory politics about the WW2
Published 2022“…The starting point is a constructive perspective to the identity building, where history and memory are seen as a significant part in the building process of national consciousness. …”
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Nuorten kondomin käytön edistäminen : Kesäkumikampanjan ja festivaalien Seksikiskojen tulosarviointi
Published 2018“…In the Sex Kiosk it is possible to accomplish a practical Condom Driver's License and a Sex Master's Degree measuring sexual health knowledge. …”
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Nuoret aikuiset maksullisten suoratoistopalvelujen kuluttajina
Published 2017“…The results of the empirical research framework showed that the low cost and proven utility of the streaming service has a strong and very significant effect on the intention to use the streaming service. …”
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Lahjakkuuden tunnistaminen jalkapallossa
Published 2023“…The study has been carried out in cooperation with the Finnish Football Association. The theoretical framework of the study is a model by Williams, Ford, and Drust’s model of possible adult high-performance predictors in football. …”
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Luontoliikunta ja työikäisten miesten liikuntamotivaatio
Published 2016“…Self-determination theory acted as a theoretical framework and analysis was conducted using inductive content analysis. …”
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